Helping PPOA Members Prepare for Retirement
April 13: PPOA was proud to bring together a panel of experts last weekend for a retirement workshop in our union conference center. PPOA members interested in setting themselves up for a well-earned retirement received relevant advice on a wide range of topics. We are grateful to LACERA, the Fraternal Order of Police, Empower, Captain Shawn Kehoe, the firm of Straussner, Sherman, Lonné, Treger & Helquist as well as PPOA Board Member Jim Schallert for ensuring that all members in attendance gained invaluable insight about properly preparing for life after a career of public service.
The next PPOA Retirement Workshop is tentatively scheduled for this summer. Details on that event will be shared with members soon. 
LA County Employee Relations Commission Hearing
April 15: PPOA and ALADS argued in front of an arbitrator, assigned by the LA County Employees Relations Commission (ERCOM), that the Office of Inspector General's (OIG) attempt to have PPOA and ALADS members appear in front of the OIG for an interview surrounding the OIG’s investigation of Law Enforcement Gangs in the Sheriff's Department must be precluded by meet and confer BEFORE the interviews take place to ensure that the rights of our members are protected. The Inspector General for the County testified that he is investigating what he believes to be a “secret society” in the LASD. PPOA strongly objected to that characterization and continues to litigate, on many fronts, the OIG's attempt to violate the rights of our members. A decision in this matter is expected to be issued in late summer of this year.
Executive Director Wayne Quint Jr. and Legal Counsel Jim Cunningham represented PPOA at this hearing.
LA County Federation 'House of Labor' Meeting
April 15: Los Angeles County Federation of Labor members, including PPOA President Steve Johnson, gathered on Monday evening for the monthly "House of Labor" meeting. These sessions provide County union leaders with an opportunity to compare notes and analyze ongoing issues impacting public employees throughout the County.
The County Federation of Labor includes more than 300 unions, representing more than 800,000 members.
PPOA Board of Directors Meeting
April 16: The monthly PPOA Board of Directors meeting was hosted in San Dimas. Directors in attendance included President Steve Johnson, 1st Vice President Jay Chapman, 2nd Vice President Tony Coleman, Treasurer Joyce Kato, and Board Members Kevin Ahsmuhs, Walter Arcos, Roel Garcia, Luis Orozco, Jim Schallert, and Joe Walker.
California Peace Officer Memorial Ceremony Travel Expense Reimbursement for PPOA Members
April 16: PPOA sent an email to all active members on Tuesday to inform them this Association will issue a reimbursement up to $200 for full members who attend the upcoming 2024 California Peace Officer Memorial Ceremony in Sacramento.

All members are strongly encouraged to attend the candlelight vigil on May 5th and the memorial ceremony on May 6th to help honor the service and sacrifice of our fallen brothers and sisters. Click here for a list of the honorees.

Reimbursement eligibility is limited to the first 10 full dues-paying, active PPOA members who call the union office to register. Following the event, each eligible member must submit receipts for hotel and travel expenses to PPOA for reimbursement. If you plan to attend the memorial ceremony and would like to be eligible for reimbursement, please call PPOA at (323) 261-3010.
Star & Shield Foundation Board of Directors Meeting
April 17: The monthly Board of Directors meeting for the Star & Shield Foundation was hosted on Wednesday. The Foundation was established by PPOA members in 2001 and has proudly raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for worthy organizations and charitable causes — including its most important mission to provide ongoing support for families of fallen officers.

Meeting participants included Foundation Directors Steve Johnson, Jay Chapman, Tony Coleman, Joyce Kato, and Member-at-Large Kevin Thompson.
Professional Peace Officers Insurance Agency Meeting
April 17: The Professional Peace Officers Insurance Agency (PPOIA) Board of Directors meeting took place on Wednesday. Board participants included PPOIA President/Sr. Criminalist Christopher Lee, Vice President/Sergeant Jose Rios, Secretary/Custody Assistant Cynthia Murphy, Treasurer/Senior Criminalist Ryan Forte, and Lieutenant Steve Johnson. PPOIA Directors are responsible for overseeing insurance products for members and establishing best business practices for the insurance agency.
Coalition of County Unions Meeting
April 17: PPOA Executive Director Wayne Quint Jr. joined fellow Los Angeles County labor leaders for the monthly Coalition of County Unions (CCU) meeting to discuss the ongoing challenges and issues impacting County employees.

The CCU represents 15 labor organizations with more than 30,000 union members employed by the County of Los Angeles and is their unified voice on health insurance, vacation pay, retirement and more.

California Contract Cities Association Meeting
April 17: PPOA President Steve Johnson and Executive Board Member Joyce Kato joined fellow representatives of the California Contract Cities Association (CCCA) for a meeting on Wednesday. This event afforded PPOA with the opportunity to meet with numerous LASD Contract City officials.

The CCCA represents 80 cities in and around Los Angeles County. Currently, 42 cities contract with LASD, which brings $315 million in annual revenue to the Sheriff's Department. CCCA membership provides PPOA, ALADS and other organizations with valuable educational and advocacy opportunities as well as invitations to CCCA City Manager meetings, legislative tours and more.
Visiting with Members at Sergeant Supervisory School
April 18: PPOA representatives met with 35 LASD Sergeants during their second week of Supervisory School at STARS Center to answer questions and discuss their crucial roles on the Department. Participants from PPOA included President Steve Johnson, Executive Director Wayne Quint Jr., and Labor Representatives Dave Ladjevic and Mark Sanchez.
Welcoming New Members at Security Assistant Orientation
April 18: PPOA representatives met with six newly-hired Sheriff Security Assistants (SSAs) at STARS Center on Thursday. Albeit a small one, this represents the first class of new SSAs in more than five years.

Executive Director Wayne Quint Jr. and Staff Member Greg Torres spoke to the SSAs on behalf of PPOA and were proud to welcome all six new members to this Association.
Support for Lancaster Station Personnel
April 18: PPOA representatives were proud to team up with POPA Federal Credit Union (POPAFCU) in order to provide a BBQ lunch for Lancaster Station personnel. These staff appreciation events are designed to acknowledge PPOA members and POPAFCU members for their dedication to public service.
Public Response Dispatcher of the Year Honored
April 18: President Steve Johnson, Board Member Joe Walker and Executive Director Wayne Quint Jr. were proud to attend a ceremony honoring Isidora Pejic as Public Response Dispatcher (PRD) of the Year. The ceremony included a presentation from Sheriff Luna and was held in conjunction with National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week (April 14-20). 

PPOA proudly acknowledges the many dedicated PRDs and Law Enforcement Technicians behind the radio who represent the “calm in the chaos.” Thank you for your tireless efforts to ensure the safety of our communities and first responders. 
PPOA Scholarship Window Closes
April 19: Yesterday marked the final day to accept applications for PPOA 2024 scholarships. Members of the PPOA Scholarship Committee will review all documents from students (members and their sons/daughters) who submitted applications. Scholarship recipients will receive their awards during an upcoming ceremony at PPOA.
Fraternal Order of Police News Update
PPOA members have long benefitted from our affiliation with the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), the world's largest organization of law enforcement officers, with more than 374,000 members in more than 2,100 lodges nationwide. All active PPOA members are part of California FOP Lodge 1.

Important update re: FOP membership for retired PPOA members 
When a sworn PPOA member retires and wishes to reactivate his/her FOP member benefits, the following step must be taken: To reactivate your membership as a retired peace officer, you will need to pay FOP annual dues of $40 for 2024. To do so, please send an email to the FOP Lodge 1 Secretary at

Please make it a point to check out Washington Watch — a weekly news update provided by the National FOP. We encourage PPOA members to stay up to date on the legislative news and activity impacting public safety personnel nationwide.

April 27
5K Run & Walk
LASD Suicide Awareness and Prevention
See flyer below for details

May 5
California Peace Officer Memorial Candlelight Vigil
Visit for details

May 6
California Peace Officer Memorial Enrollment Ceremony
Visit for details

May 8
PPOA Board of Directors Meeting
San Dimas
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Members: RSVP to (323) 261-3010

May 15
National Peace Officers' Memorial Service
Washington D.C.