Hundreds of Friends Reunite in Laughlin for LASD Retiree Roundup
April 7-10: Four days can go by in a flash when you're with friends, especially when 900 friends from all over the nation roll into town with the same purpose — to reunite and have fun doing it.

As always, PPOA representatives were honored to attend the LASD Retiree Roundup and we are sincerely thankful to Moon Mullen and his dedicated team for hosting another impressive event. We enjoyed seeing so many friends take the time to catch up with former colleagues, academy classmates, radio car partners, supervisors, trainees, and the most imaginative war-story-tellers in the business.

For PPOA reps, the highlight of the week was hosting the annual Cigar Night and we're grateful to more than 100 retirees who joined us for a beautiful evening on the patio.

PPOA representatives at the Roundup included President Steve Johnson, Board Member/Retiree Representative Jim Schallert, Executive Director Wayne Quint Jr. and union staff.

Peace Officer Memorial/Police Unity Tour Meeting
April 10: Sheriff's Department personnel preparing to travel to peace officer memorial events next month in Sacramento and Washington DC (including the Police Unity Tour, which begins in New Jersey) gathered at Palmdale Station on Wednesday to discuss logistics and protocol.

PPOA and ALADS are honored to support family members of fallen officers, including Deputy Ryan Clinkunbroomer (EOW: 09/16/23) and Sergeant Frank Murillo (EOW: 02/08/22), both of whom will be memorialized in Washington DC on May 15th. PPOA is also partnering with ALADS to sponsor Police Unity Tour participants from the Sheriff's Department who will spend three days cycling from New Jersey to Washington DC in honor of fallen officers.

President Steve Johnson attended this meeting on behalf of PPOA.
California Peace Officers' Memorial Foundation Meeting
April 11: PPOA President Steve Johnson joined fellow representatives of the California Peace Officers' Memorial Foundation (CPOMF) for a meeting to discuss logistical planning for the 2024 memorial ceremonies on State Capitol grounds.

This year, the Candlelight Vigil will be held on Sunday, May 5th and the Enrollment Ceremony will take place on Monday, May 6th. The service and sacrifice of LASD Deputy Ryan Clinkunbroomer (EOW: 09/16/23) and six other fallen officers who died in the line of duty last year will be honored at the ceremony.

Meet and Confer re: Use of Force
April 12: PPOA representatives met with LASD executives to continue reviewing proposed revisions to the Prohibited Force section in the Custody Division Manual (CDM). This meeting was a followup to the original Meet and Confer (03/12/24) about this issue.

Meeting participants from PPOA included President Steve Johnson, Executive Director Wayne Quint Jr. and union legal counsel.

Peace Officer Memorial Golf Tournament Committee Meeting
April 12: Members of the Peace Officer Memorial Golf Tournament committee, including PPOA board, staff and retired members, took part in a video conference to discuss logistics for the 16th Annual Peace Officer Memorial Golf Tournament. This event will take place on June 24th at Friendly Hills Country Club in Whittier and will raise critical funds for the families of fallen officers.

Click here for tournament details, including forms for registration and sponsorship.
Six Days Left to Apply for PPOA Scholarships
Time is quickly running out for members to apply for college scholarships offered by PPOA. All applications must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2024. These scholarships are made available each year to help further the education of PPOA members and their sons/daughters.

Since the inception of this scholarship program, PPOA has been honored to contribute nearly $150,000 to help students achieve educational goals. Eligibility is limited to active, full dues-paying PPOA members and the biological children, stepchildren or adopted children of active full dues-paying PPOA members or retired PPOA members who were paying full dues prior to retired membership.

For more information, please visit PPOA.COM.
Fraternal Order of Police News Update
PPOA members have long benefitted from our affiliation with the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), the world's largest organization of law enforcement officers, with more than 374,000 members in more than 2,100 lodges nationwide. All active PPOA members are part of California FOP Lodge 1.

Important news regarding FOP membership for retired PPOA members: When a sworn PPOA member retires and wishes to reactivate his/her FOP member benefits, the following step must be taken: To reactivate your membership as a retired peace officer, you will need to pay FOP annual dues of $40 for 2024. To do so, please send an email to the FOP Lodge 1 Secretary at

Please make it a point to check out Washington Watch — a weekly news update provided by the National FOP. We encourage PPOA members to stay up to date on the legislative news and activity impacting public safety personnel nationwide.

April 13
Retirement Workshop for PPOA Members
PPOA Conference Center, San Dimas

April 16
PPOA Board of Directors Meeting
San Dimas
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Members: RSVP to (323) 261-3010
*Please note this meeting was originally scheduled for 4/10/24

April 19
Deadline to Submit PPOA College Scholarship Applications
Visit PPOA.COM for details

April 27
5K Run & Walk
LASD Suicide Awareness and Prevention
See flyer below for details

May 8
PPOA Board of Directors Meeting
San Dimas
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Members: RSVP to (323) 261-3010