PNWER News & Updates
The world is currently experiencing a period of unprecedented challenges, and there is much uncertainty from governments, businesses, and the general public alike. In an effort to alleviate some of this uncertainty, the Pacific NorthWest Economic Region's (PNWER) Center for Regional Disaster Resilience (CRDR) has put together an evolving catalogue of general resources for the coronavirus pandemic as well as more specific information on the U.S.-Canada border closure, essential workforce, public health, and economic impact.

  Cross-Border Restrictions and Economic Stability: Issues in Pandemic
Webinar Summary Released

On April 16, PNWER, in partnership with Miller Thomson and the Border Policy Research Institute, hosted a webinar to provide insight and information on:

  • International Trade, Customs, & Tax
  • U.S. Immigration
  • PNWER's Regional Economic Initiative
  • Understanding the State of the Cross-Border Region

2020 North American Arctic Leadership Forum
Proceedings Now Available

The 7th North American Arctic Leaders Forum was held on March 12, 2020 in Washington, D.C. at the U.S. Capitol. U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (AK) hosted this event in collaboration with the Pacific NorthWest Economic Region (PNWER). The theme of this year's forum focused on how jurisdictions could work towards a stronger North American Arctic partnership. Senator Murkowski provided a keynote presentation to the group of attendees from several U.S. Federal agencies and private businesses. Several Arctic experts spoke at the Forum and shared insights on the importance of collaborating in the North American Arctic.

How Can PNWER Help?
PNWER is in discussions with each of our working groups to begin a series of online, facilitated listening sessions with the goal of developing specific strategies for regional economic recovery and to hear from the business sector about what they need. Our hope is to create a roadmap that can then be shared with our local, state, provincial, and territorial government agencies, as well our federal governments. 

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Partner Webinars
Preparing for the USMCA Webinar Series

Council of the Great Lakes Region & Dickinson Wright

Rural Impacts of COVID-19 Webinar Series

Western Governors' Association (WGA)

BNSF Continues to Deliver during the COVID-19 Crisis
This article is a submission from our sponsor and does not necessarily reflect the views of PNWER.
The safety of BNSF Railway's employees, contractors, customers and the communities we serve is the most important thing we do. We're taking the necessary precautions to protect their health and safety as well as ensure our operations are not impacted from the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Freight railroads like BNSF are critical links in a national supply chain responsible for the safe, efficient delivery of food, fuel, and medicine, as well as chemicals used to treat municipal drinking water and other supplies vital to everyday life—and the nation's emergency response capabilities. The goods our railroad moves include the vital supplies needed to mitigate the impacts of the coronavirus. These products include medical supplies; agriculture and food products; consumer goods of all types; chemicals necessary to create cleaning products—like bleach, and to treat local and regional water supplies; paper products for diapers, paper towels, and toilet paper. All this is in addition to the substantial amounts of essential food items we transport across the country.
Acknowledging the essential role of the nation’s railroads, the Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued guidance on critical infrastructure workers to include the railroad industry and its employees. Similarly... Read More

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