As Rent Relief Efforts Drag on, Treasury is Redistributing Funds
It’s been nearly a year since Congress passed $25 billion for the first round of Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA1) and seven months since it allocated another $21.6 billion in the American Rescue Plan Act (ERA2). In the eyes of the Department of the Treasury, that’s plenty of time for states and cities to get successful emergency rent relief programs up and running. But come November, the Treasury department is planning on taking that money back from localities that haven’t done a good job getting rent relief out.
The federal rent relief effort has been much maligned for its painfully slow pace getting money into the hands of desperate renters. By July, only 11 percent of the $46.7 billion in available rental relief had been spent, because state and local officials struggled to create new rent relief programs from scratch, hire staff to process applications, get landlords to participate, among other snags. In the months since, distribution has accelerated, thanks in part to a push from Treasury for adjustments that reduce barriers—things like allowing renters to self-attest that they need the funds, reducing the amount of paperwork in applications, and partnering with community-based organizations to get the word out. Read More...
Tacoma Housing Authority Launches
Redesigned Website
After a year of planning and development, the Tacoma Housing Authority (THA) has successfully launched its newly redesigned website. The redesign effort comes nearly a decade after the previous website update. In conjunction with internal staff, THA hired digital agency, Forum One, to redesign and develop the Tacoma Housing Authority’s primary website to better meet the everchanging needs of clients. The new and improved features a modern and sleek design, using a WordPress content management system. “We are proud to unveil our new and improved website to our clients and our THA online community,” said Executive Director April Black. “As one of the largest housing authorities in Western Washington, we understand the importance of providing ease of access to current and potential clients. This update to our website was long overdue, and it comes with critical improvements in accessibility, navigability, and mobile access – features that will help us communicate our message and available services to a wider audience than ever before.” Regarding accessibility, the new site strives for compliance within web content accessibility guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA standards. These high standards built into the framework of the site work to ensure individuals with disabilities or those with limited devices will be able to access web content on the THA website without interruption or difficulties. Other notable improvements to the THA site include dynamic Google maps integration within the /properties page so that individuals looking for housing can easily identify and map all THA-owned and operated properties throughout the city of Tacoma. Moving forward, THA intends to continuously update and improve various facets and sections of the website. THA has contracted SaaS solution company, SiteImprove, so that staff can continuously monitor the new site for issues and refine and enhance outdated content or pages for years to come.
Support $150 Billion in Proposed Housing Infrastructure
Updated Build Back Better Alert as of 10/28: After weeks of negotiations, President Biden released a new Build Back Better framework. Speak up now to urge your legislators to pass the framework that includes at least $150 billion for affordable housing programs. We cannot miss this once in a generation opportunity to invest in housing infrastructure and address the affordable housing crisis.
What Home Means to Me Calendars on Sale Now!
NAHRO is now offering pre-sales for the 2022 Housing America “What Home Means to Me” calendar. The calendar contest is part of the Housing America public awareness campaign, which seeks to raise national awareness of the need for and importance of safe, quality, affordable housing through education, advocacy, & empowerment. As the country & world continues to grapple with the impacts of the coronavirus, the importance of having a home gained renewed recognition.
Together, We Will Do the Extraordinary
I have to start this term by expressing my gratitude and appreciation to those who walk along with me on this journey. My sincere thank you to the NAHRO family for electing me to be your NAHRO President.  A heart felt thank you to my friend and sister, past President Sunny Shaw, for her invaluable friendship and guidance. An excited thank you to Senior Vice President George Guy for stepping up and offering your service to our great association. A grateful thank you to the NAHRO leaders, past and present, who have freely given of their precious time and resources, demonstrating commitment to a larger purpose. I want to share my personal thank you to the Oakland Housing Authority (OHA) Board of Commissioners and staff for your support of the greater NAHRO work – your dedication to Oakland and to the NAHRO mission inspires me every day. To my campaign managers Clif Martin and Richie Herrington, and inspirational brother Carl Ritchie, a huge thank you and expression of gratitude for guiding me along the path of national leadership. Lastly, my sincere thank you to the NAHRO staff team, without whom this work could not be successful. I am grateful, and humbled, and ready to continue the work of moving our beloved association forward.
Our world has changed drastically over the past two years, and we have not just adapted to it but continue to lead through it! As housers and community builders, we have done the extraordinary. We reacted quickly to keep our staff and residents safe in the middle of a global pandemic. We found ways to keep our agencies going, while simultaneously reimagining and rebuilding our work to move forward in a pandemic-changed world. As a collective, we advocated and championed the resources we knew our communities needed, and I know that the additional resources for housing, groceries, health care and education were motivated by NAHRO using our collective voices. When the painful truths of racism and inequity that persist, despite our progress, were placed before us, we recommitted to educating ourselves and changing what we can touch for the better, through the development of a solid DEI Policy framework that is being used to create real program changes. And we will continue to do so.
Together, we must continue to advocate and champion the programs that enable us to serve our communities. With more than 43,000 letters sent to Congress and the White House during August Advocacy alone, and another 5,500 just this month, we’ve left ourselves a tough act to follow. Let us not pause but outdo ourselves yet again. Too much is at stake. As I write this, the White House just released a new infrastructure framework, with $150 billion for public housing, vouchers and related programs. We need our collective voices to ring on Capitol Hill and in the White House again. Please visit and send those letters. Housing is infrastructure, and we need to keep those resources in the final bill.
Together, we must also continue to learn and evolve at the pace of our rapidly changing world. As the pandemic broke out, NAHRO moved our gatherings online quickly—providing every member with access to breaking news, up-to-date training and information on everything from changing inspection standards to Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) guidelines, virtual Hill Days where we spoke to our members of Congress from all across the nation and online conferences where we gathered safely together. NAHRO will continue to make these resources – and more – available to us all, tailored to our specific needs. Last month, staff from my agency attended a well-received Excellence in Customer Service online training from NAHRO Professional Development – and are using these new learnings in our work in Oakland as I write. For those who prefer in-person education, NAHRO Professional Development is ready to start scheduling trainings for members again. I am hopeful that we can all be together in person at the 2022 Washington Conference in the nation’s capital.
For nearly 90 years now, NAHRO members have provided safe, affordable housing in sustainable communities through challenges such as war, depressions, recessions, civil strife, and now, the first global pandemic of the 21st century. We have been – and continue to be – a positive and vital force for the families and individuals who rely on our care. We have done extraordinary things, and we will continue to rise to meet any and every new challenge in our way.
Together, we can and we will continue to make affordable housing a priority for decision makers, and realize our shared vision of safe, affordable, vibrant and welcoming communities all across the nation.

Patricia Wells
NAHRO President
PNRC NAHRO Members Save
$$ and the Region Earns $$
How does it work?
When registering, please use code: PNRC2020 (All CAPS)
and your $10 discount will automatically be applied, it’s that simple!
Please note: this code must be used when registering!
It cannot be retroactively applied.

What is Virtual Classroom?
Multi-day training delivered in a modular and a web-based format. Participants register individually and access the sessions with a direct email. Sessions are typically 3 hours (1:30-4:30pm ET) and spread out. This allows participants to balance learning with other work responsibilities. Attendance is recorded and upon successful completion, CEUs are applied towards certification requirements. Distance learnings are meant to be interactive. Participants will engage with the faculty member by discussions, polls and utilizing a chat feature.

Available Virtual Classrooms:

Nov. 30th- Dec. 3rd: Commissioners’ Fundamentals
December 6-16: Public Housing Manager

For more information, contact NAHRO Professional Development at
202 580 7211 or
PNRC NAHRO Regional Service Officer 202.580.7203
Shelli Scrogum  |
Send your pictures and articles to by December 13th to be featured in next month's newsletter!!
Transitional housing opens for wildfire survivors
in Talent, Oregon
Community leaders in Talent, Oregon gathered on Saturday for a ribbon cutting at the Gateway Project, a new site of temporary, affordable housing for wildfire survivors of the 2020 Almeda Fire.
Six travel trailers are currently on site. The rest are expected to arrive over the next month, with the goal of having all trailers filled with families by Christmas.
The newly developed site will house 53 travel trailers set up with utilities near downtown Talent. The project will prioritize housing for some of the 696 families of students in the Talent-Phoenix School District that school administrators estimate were displaced by the fire. “We see the hope that comes when a clear-sighted, big-hearted community directs its leadership to prioritize bringing our families back home,” said Talent City Mayor Darby Ayers-Flood. Read More...