Change is Inevitable...
Change is inevitable...or at least that’s what they tell me. Over the past couple months we have experienced a few changes ourselves; one of our hardworking and committed member of our Pacific Northwest Regional Council National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (PNRC-NAHRO; I know it’s a mouthful), Pam Thompson has decided to redirect her energy and will be attending her final PNRC-NAHRO and National NAHRO events this year (unless we can convince her otherwise), and regionally we are moving into new terms of services for those who have been elected regionally, and those who’s election period is forthcoming within the next couple months; change is definitely on the horizon.

During all this change, I want to be sure to take a moment to thank each one of you for something that has remained constant during this time; your commitment to the mission and the values of PNRC-NAHRO. 
Celebrating 70 Years of Service
July 6th 2019 marked 70 years since the Lane County Board of Commissioners adopted a resolution declaring a need for a housing authority in Lane County pursuant to the Housing Authorities Law, creating the Lane County Housing Authority. READ MORE ABOUT THIS & OTHER GREAT NEWS FROM HOMES FOR GOOD

CAPLES TERRACE APARTMENTS to House Youth Aging Out of Foster
On August 19, Vancouver Housing Authority will hold a grand opening celebration for Caples Terrace Apartments. The Vancouver community is excited because Caples Terrace will provide 28 units of subsidized housing for unaccompanied youth and youth aging out of foster care, the first of its kind in Southwest Washington. U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell will hold a press conference on affordable housing and speak as part of the ribbon-cutting event.

The first tenant moved into Caples Terrace on August 2nd. READ MORE
Kennewick Housing Authority Exploring Development
Early warning...KHA is exploring the development of Kennewick Micro Homes on property purchased with 2060 document recording fees. We are developing a 16-unit community with zero, one and two bedroom units. All homes will be energy efficient, full service with small kitchens and bathrooms. A small Tenant Services building will house on-site laundry facilities, a computer kiosk, and access to limited family self-sufficiency services both on and off-site. All tenants will be formerly homeless families, homeless veterans or homeless persons with disabilities. We hope to have a portion of the units supported by housing vouchers. Target date for breaking ground is in the Spring of 2020 if full funding is achieved. Stay tuned...
King County Housing Authority Acquires Two Properties in Kirkland From IAM 751
On July 1, KCHA purchased two apartment complexes in Kirkland.
We acquired Kirkland Heights at 13310 N.E. 133rd St for $22.1 million. The property has 180 units.

Juanita View, at 11807 101st Place NE, was purchased for $11.5 million. The complex has 94 units.

Both apartment communities were owned by the International Association of Machinists District 751, an aerospace machinists union local.
The acquisition preserves 274 units of affordable housing in high opportunity neighborhoods.

“My special thanks to Commissioner Palmer for her encouragement and support,” said Executive Director Stephen Norman.

Tim Walter, Beth Pearson, and the Asset Management team developed a “win/win” partnership with IAM 751, making this acquisition possible.

Proceeds from the sale will be used by the union to construct one or more training facilities for its members and the public.
A Call for Action...
PNRC-NAHRO members, PNRC leadership needs you! The following National Committees still have vacancies that need to be filled:

  • Commissioners
  • Community Revitalization & Development (CR & D)
  • Professional Development
  • Emerging Leaders

To serve on a national committee, you must (1) be an associate of an agency member or an Allied Individual Member in good standing, (2) be committed to active participation by attending NAHRO's Washington, Summer Conference, and National Conference and Exhibition for the duration of the 2019-2021 term, and (3) actively participate in monthly committee teleconferences. Additionally, if there is a corresponding regional committee, you must serve on that particular corresponding regional committee.

To be considered, contact your incoming President, Cupid Alexander by August 30th! 
The Region is in Transition...
We are transitioning and working to find our new RSO! Our goal is to on-board a new service officer within the next month.  

Our search committee has been formed comprised of regional leadership:

  • Regional President Saeed H--
  • Incoming Regional President, Cupid Alexander
  • Two past regional presidents - Sunny Shaw and Andy Rodriguez; and,
  • Incoming Regional Senior Vice President, Jillian Patterson 

In the meantime, interim support to the region is being provided by national NAHRO staff Jori Solomon.