PMI NYC Letter from the President
Monday, January 10 2022
Members and Friends of PMI NYC Chapter,

As we begin the new year I wanted to ensure that you are aware of a few important items that are affecting the chapter.

I have been a member of the chapter since 1990. The chapter was not active when I joined and a year later I became the chapter president. The chapter evolved and from 1991 through 2019, with the guidance of many volunteer leaders, the chapter experienced steady growth and the membership peaked to about 3100. From the start of the major effect of the COVID pandemic in March of 2020 through the end of 2021, membership in the chapter has declined steadily. The decline has affected most PMI Chapters. Our membership today is just over 2700. There are many reasons for the decline and the popular view is that the pandemic is the main factor. This may be true to some extent but I believe there are other factors. The past 2 years have been a challenge to the chapter and we had to adapt to a 100% virtual operation in terms of chapter events and activities. The virtual work environment, Covid mandates, and the frustration about the seemingly endless pandemic have taken their toll on our membership and the general workforce. The demographics of the chapter have also changed and our past models of Chapter services, including meeting format will have to adapt to this new environment. The major issues facing the chapter are Member Engagement and Member Satisfaction. Our current statistics indicate that we have a lot of work to do in these areas. The problem we are dealing with is the lack of input from our membership. Surveys do not appear to be working. Responses are extremely low. We scheduled a few town hall meetings and had an attendance of about 30 members. We are also seeing a much lower attendance at our chapter meetings.

These signs tell us we have to make some major changes. To make the right changes and to increase member satisfaction we need your suggestions and feedback. During this new year, I will be scheduling member focus groups, virtually and in person, in an attempt to hear the voice of the membership. The chapter needs your input to plan for and provide the value you expect for your dues. Keep in mind that the chapter is a 100% volunteer organization and we do need additional volunteers to help us meet member needs.
If you have suggestions about chapter programs and how to increase member engagement and satisfaction please contact any Chapter Board member. You can also send suggestions via email directly to the president at

The entire PMI NYC Board of Directors is committed to creating value for you. Help us provide the value you expect by offering suggestions about programs and activities that will create enthusiasm, excitement, and a desire to maintain your membership.


Frank P. Saladis PMP, PMI Fellow
President – PMI NYC Chapter