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Weekly Announcements

June 17, 2024

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Learning Center Calendar

PJC Events

Shabbat - June 21-25

VOTE! PJC Annual Membership Meeting: June 18

PJC Book Group: June 24

Bubby's Kitchen at the Learning Center

PJC Trip to Israel: December 2024

Adult Education (No session this week)

Synagogue News


PJC Library

Treasurer's Report

Odds and Ends

Next PJC Board Meeting: September

Shabbat: Parshat Beha'alotcha

Erev Shabbat, June 21

Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 pm

Light Shabbat Candles 8:12 pm

Shabbat, June 22

Shabbat Services 9:30 am

Havdalah 9:22 pm

Kiddush this week is sponsored by

the Cohen Family in honor of the

Bat Mitzvah of Reese!

Mazel Tov!

Annual Membership Meeting

The PJC Annual Meeting will take place in person on Tuesday June 18, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. There will be no remote option.

Please make every effort to attend in person. If you cannot attend, please submit your vote via the proxy form. We must reach a minimum threshold of votes in order to complete our business.

PJC Book Group

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The next meeting will be held on Monday, June 24 at 8:00 pm to discuss Kantika by Elizabeth Graver.

A kaleidoscopic portrait of one family’s displacement across four countries, Kantika—“song” in Ladino—follows the joys and losses of Rebecca Cohen, feisty daughter of the Sephardic elite of early 20th-century Istanbul. When the Cohens lose their wealth and are forced to move to Barcelona and start anew, Rebecca fashions a life and self from what comes her way—a failed marriage, the need to earn a living, but also passion, pleasure and motherhood. Moving from Spain to Cuba to New York for an arranged second marriage, she faces her greatest challenge—her disabled stepdaughter, Luna, whose feistiness equals her own and whose challenges pit new family against old.

Exploring identity, place and exile, Kantika also reveals how the female body—in work, art and love—serves as a site of both suffering and joy. A haunting, inspiring meditation on the tenacity of women, this lush, lyrical novel from Elizabeth Graver celebrates the insistence on seizing beauty and grabbing hold of one’s one and only life.

Bubby's Kitchen at the Learning Center

Honoring our mothers and bubbies (and also dads and zeides!) in the next academic year, the LC is starting a new and exciting adventure: "From your Bubby's Kitchen to ours."

Come teach our students about your Bubby's (or your own) best recipe, and why do you love it so much!

Pick a date and we will take care of ingredients and any utensils you need in order to make this the best learning experience for you and our kids!

Classes take place on Thursdays at 4:00-5:30 PM. You will be helped in the kitchen by our very experienced madrich who's been doing this for a while with our past Bubby's Kitchen instructors. You will meet 3 groups of up to 8 children for 30 minutes each.

Thank you so much for agreeing to come to share your Bubby's recipe with us - and don't forget to mark your own calendar!

Click here to enroll: LINK

PJC Goes to Israel

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The PJC is still planning to go to Israel! Our group is hoping to make the journey over the December 2024 school break (its two weeks long!).  This link provides a summary of the itinerary [ignore the July dates] and pricing. Please note - the prices listed don't include airfare, tips and some meals. It also does not factor in a $500 per person JNF grant we expect to receive.

If you are interested is joining the group, please reach out to Adam Gerber. For more details, please check our website.

Adult Education Program

Weekly Lunch and Learns via Zoom on Wednesday at 12 pm, with topics varying based on the interests of the group.

THERE IS NO SESSION THIS WEEK, JUNE 19TH. The last session will be Wed, June 26th.

For more info, please see our website. Zoom links will be sent separately.


Monday, June 17

Vladimir Shusterman, Father of Yelena Spitzer

Leisel Carol Stein, Mother of Jacqueline Stein

Wednesday, June 19

Sabina (Sara) Folberg-Citrin, Grandmother of Ana Turkienicz

Tuesday, June 18

Irv Samuels, Uncle of Melanie Samuels

Alex Singer, Father of Mark Singer

Thursday, June 20

Lionel Forer, Father of Jill Goldenberg

Herman Stern, Grandfather of Jill Goldenberg

Sunday, June 23

Milton Kelber, Father of Hildy Martin

Gertrude Tzetzo, Mother of Elizabeth Tzetzo

Monday, June 24

Bessie Bennett, Grandmother of Leah Leonard

Wednesday, June 26

Phillip Grossman, Father-In-Law of Florence Grossman

Thursday, June 27

Stuart Kelber, Brother of Hildy Martin

Anna Plyatskovskaya, Grandmother of Tim Schwartz

Lev Schwartz, Father of Tim Schwartz

Charlie Zultowsky, Father of Diane Zultowsky

Yahrzeit candles should be lit the evening before the date specified.

PJC Library News

The Library is open.

New books can be found on the mantle. To check out a book, write your name and the date on the card in the back of the book and leave the card in the office upstairs.

Return all borrowed books to the blue bin on the window ledge in the library. Please don't shelve returned books!

Treasurer's Message

Billing statements are emailed monthly. 

Credit card instructions are on your billing statement and on ShulCloud. Checks made out to the Pelham Jewish Center can be mailed to P.O. Box 418, Montvale, NJ 07645. 

It is the policy of the Pelham Jewish Center to make every effort to assist members experiencing financial challenges. Financial challenges should never be a barrier to being an active member of the PJC community. You can reach out to President Lisa Neubardt, Treasurer Mitchell Cepler or Rabbi Benjamin Resnick to speak confidentially concerning your ability to pay.

Odds and Ends

Please consider being a Kiddush sponsor, there are dates available. Please contact the office for more information.

Do you have an upcoming simcha you would like acknowledged in our PJC community? Please reach out to Barbara Saunders-Adams so she can share via the HaKol.

Have you attended or participated in a virtual PJC event you would like to write about for HaKol? Please let Barbara know!

For any other related communications matters, please contact Adam Ilkowitz.

Community - Inspiration - Tradition - Respect - Hope

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