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De-Clutter Bug Newsletter

Photo Organization

Part 3

October 2012


in this issue
VHS Tapes
Photo CD's
Keep It Simple Girl Weekend

Hello Everyone!


In August we talked about organizing digital photos.  In September we talked about organizing loose photos we have all over the house.  This month we will talk about all the other things that have to do with photo organization.....what to do with slides, CD's with photos saved on them, and old VHS tapes. 


I am going to repeat one thing I said last month: as you go through this process, be patient with yourself and with the process.  These pictures did not show up overnight and will not get organized and in order overnight.  Take one step at a time and eventually you will get to the end of the process and you will reap the rewards of all your tenacity and hard work. 


Next month we will talk about some great APPS for your computer and phone that can be useful in a lot of different areas of organization.  


Many of us have a lot of VHS tapes with our recorded family history.  
Since technology is changing so much, we need to look at some things you can to do preserve that history.  

One way you can convert your VHS to DVD is by buying a VHS to DVD converter.  If you are not technologically savvy this can be a daunting task but you may have someone in your life (a teenager perhaps) that can figure it out in no time.  The following link is a website I found that explains some of the best VHS to DVD converters on the market.  

Now if converting your VHS to DVD yourself doesn't sound like a good idea to you, there are other options.  

You can send your VHS tapes to companies that specialize in scanning photos and VHS to DVD conversions.  

If you have VHS tapes that you no longer need or want you can:

Donate to a thrift store, yard sale or school

Box them up and send them to:
a private agency specializing in providing services to individuals with disabilities

Box them up and send them to: 
a company specializing in disposing of all technotrash

Give them away on 
an Internet site where you list all the things you would like to give away for free

Knit something out of the VHS tape material...seriously!
a blog that shows you how to crochet items from the tape

So, you see there are many things you can do with your VHS Tapes but you actually have to gather them up and do it!!




Many of us have or have run across old slides, slide carousels and slide projectors.  That is an obsolete medium however, once again, in some cases you are preserving precious memories. 


Just like the VHS to DVD conversion process, there is equipment you can buy to scan and convert your old slides to digital.  


After reading many different reviews on these machines, I have come to the conclusion that buying the less expensive machines will result in a poorer quality image.  If you are not really worried about the quality, just want to preserve the photo, then using a less expensive piece of equipment will work for you. 


Each of the companies below and many more carry a variety of slide scanners. 


Best Buy 




The link below will take you to a step by step guide on how to do this process manually.  


Convert 35mm Slides to Disc 

Converting Slides to Disk - HP 


If you find the thought of scanning thousands of slides an overwhelming task, there are companies that will do that for you.

 Whenever you are looking at cost, always factor in the time you would spend doing it.....time is money. 


Photo Fresh USA 

Dig My Pics   


       PHOTO CD'S       

If you already have a lot of photos on CD's, making sure you have them organized and stored properly is important.  

Go through each CD and label them, preferably with an archival quality pen.  Write on each CD the pictures housed on that particular CD.  Many people use the jewel case to write this information, which is fine until the CD and jewel case become separated.  

Storing them in archival safe boxes will help preserve their integrity.  


I hope this information has proven to be helpful.  If you need any additional information or help with any of your organizational needs, give me a call.


Happy De-Cluttering!





Do you know what your purpose is? 


 Do you have plans, dreams and goals or have you even thought about what they are? 


Are you living your life purposefully?


I have a passion:  to help women simplify their lives and to live their life's purpose.  As a certified life coach and home organizer, I spend time talking to women about their goals and what they really want out of their life.  I find that many women have not thought about what they want out of life. Many women are letting life happen without thought about their purpose, passion, goals and dreams.  Women, ages 16 and up, can greatly benefit from looking at what they want out of life and finding out how to get there.  


Keep It Simple Girl Weekend is designed to help you look at your life, think about your goals and dreams and how to live life more purposefully.  I will be holding four Life Coach sessions that will help you look at where you are and where you want to go. 


This weekend is about fun, too!  Holly and Ali Willis are in charge of fun!  You will not go away empty handed.  There will be door prizes, give-aways, and food.  Holly and Ali have a gift of enhancing any event with their special touch that makes you know we are glad you are with us!! 


Check out all the information and details at

If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us at or by phone - Peggy - 252.670.2951 or Holly 252.876.3288.


Don't be left out! Sign up today!  Let 2013 be the year that you begin to live life more purposefully!   


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 phone: 252.670.2951





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