Many of us have a lot of VHS tapes with our recorded family history.
Since technology is changing so much, we need to look at some things you can to do preserve that history.
One way you can convert your VHS to DVD is by buying a VHS to DVD converter. If you are not technologically savvy this can be a daunting task but you may have someone in your life (a teenager perhaps) that can figure it out in no time. The following link is a website I found that explains some of the best VHS to DVD converters on the market.
Now if converting your VHS to DVD yourself doesn't sound like a good idea to you, there are other options.
You can send your VHS tapes to companies that specialize in scanning photos and VHS to DVD conversions.
If you have VHS tapes that you no longer need or want you can:
Donate to a thrift store, yard sale or school
Box them up and send them to:
a private agency specializing in providing services to individuals with disabilities
Box them up and send them to:
a company specializing in disposing of all technotrash
Give them away on
an Internet site where you list all the things you would like to give away for free
Knit something out of the VHS tape material...seriously!
a blog that shows you how to crochet items from the tape
So, you see there are many things you can do with your VHS Tapes but you actually have to gather them up and do it!!