An Elite Personal Training Facility That Puts You First
PEX Health and Fitness

Happy Tom Brady Day!
I hope y'all enjoyed watching Tom Brady win his 7th Tom Brady Invitational on Sunday night! I have to admit that I didn't watch too much of it, but I am happy for the guy. You can make the argument that he is a polarizing figure, but his accomplishments on the field are remarkable, to say the least. (Except for the multiple cheating scandals and rule infractions, but that's a conversation for another time.)

I am definitely not a Bill Belichick fan, though, so I am experiencing sincere and genuine pleasure that Brady won at the expense of Bill Belichick's legacy. (Personally, I think that Belichick is a fraud, but again, that's my own humble opinion.)

Oooookay, Mike. Moving on...

1) Donating to the Greater Boston Food Bank

Last week, we raised the equivalent of 6,000 meals for the Greater Boston Food Bank. We have four more weeks to go - I would love it if we could get to 30,000 meals by the end of February for our Greater Boston communities!

In addition to the donations, Jake and Julie are offering four more 30-minute virtual bodyweight conditioning classes. The suggested donation for the class is $20 but you are welcome to give as much or as little as you see fit. 100% of the money will be donated to the food bank. All classes will be done on Zoom. The classes will held on the following dates and times:

2/12- 9:30am
2/17- 9:30am
2/21- 10:00am
2/28- 10:00am

Please send them an email if you are planning on attending so they can plan accordingly.

If you want to donate to our team page, you can do that here!

2) Inclement Weather

The snow is here. It sucks. That being said, we will always remain open if there are clients who want to train and coaches who want to train them. Please coordinate with your coaches ahead of time and make sure everyone is on the same page with cancelation policies!

But above all, be safe!

(And try to switch sides during shoveling so you don't mess up your back.)
Megan O'Rourke
PEX Family, meet Megan O'Rourke!

Megan is a friend of Coach Ashley Means, and is also an expert yoga teacher. She has been practicing yoga for the past 10 years and became a certified yoga teacher in 2017.

Megan has taught yoga at international wellness centers, fitness studios, schools, and online for yoga practitioners across the country. She specializes in Vinyasa and has experience teaching Yin, Restorative and Kids yoga.
Along with teaching yoga, Megan is a Licensed Therapist and the Assistant Women’s Soccer Coach at Clark University. She holds a Bachelors in Psychology from Clark University and a Masters Degree in Social Work from Rhode Island College.

Megan is currently available for private and small group virtual sessions. You can email her here!

Musings with Mike
"It's not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it."


This little gem is pretty self-explanatory and a great resource to turn to in times of low motivation, chaos, and disorder.

Also, anyone who goes by one name is undoubtedly a badass, so we should probably listen to what he has to say.

Short one for you today; admittedly I am pretty exhausted from shoveling alcohol and drinking snow over the weekend.

Next newsletter I am going to do my best to write up a little summary of melatonin. I feel like everyone and their mother is taking this stuff and I am not sure if we all really understand the implications of its long-term use...


Adios, mi amigos y amigas!
I had to watch this about 75 times to make sure it wasn't Leila...
To send cash and diamonds
1451 Highland Avenue,
Needham, MA 02492