An Elite Personal Training Facility That Puts You First
PEX Health and Fitness
To our PEX Family,

As many of you know, whether from me, or from your coach, I tested positive for Covid-19 on Friday, December 25, 2020. The test itself was taken on Wednesday, December 23, 2020. I had no symptoms prior to the test, but had been engaging in routine preventative testing, as I am sensitive to the number of clients and coaches I see every week.

It has been hard to identify exactly when and from whom I was exposed, but I am fairly sure this occurred at PEX, the week of December 14th. Regardless, I have been in contact with all individuals who were at greatest risk of being exposed due to their interactions with me since my test. According to the CDC, clients who were within close contact of me as of December 22, 2020 were advised to get tested, and I have spoken to all of these persons since my test result. To date no other clients or coaches have tested positive for Covid-19 since my positive result.

I am doing fine, with minor symptoms. My wife started developing minor symptoms on Sunday evening, but she rarely gets sick and I suspect she will be feeling fine in a few days. Thankfully, my daughter is still symptom free. They both will be testing on Monday. I will be in self-isolation until January 3rd. Provided I have no symptoms, I will be able to come back to work on January 4th. 

Regarding procedures going forwards, all of our coaches will be required to provide proof of a negative test before returning to work. Coincidentally my positive test result came on Christmas, so the gym was already closed. We shut the gym down over the weekend, and our professional cleaning team came in and performed a deep clean using FDA approved Covid-19 cleaning products to disinfect and sanitize the facility.

Aside from that, we will continue to operate utilizing every method available to us to keep our facility clean and safe. We will continue to mandate mask wearing and social distancing, we will adhere to the reduced capacity restrictions that have been levied by the state, our coaches will continue to clean and sanitize throughout the day, and our cleaning team will continue to be diligent during their Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evening cleanings.

The gym will be open on Monday, provided each coach has shown proof of their negative results, and the facility will be clean and safe for training.

Should anyone have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can email me or call me directly.

I apologize for any inconvenience or stress this has caused you during the holidays, and I look forward to seeing you all in the new year.


Michael Campanella
Owner, PEX Health and Fitness
To send cash and diamonds
1451 Highland Avenue,
Needham, MA 02492