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June 1, 2020
" You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
MAY 30, 2020
Our Holy Spirit grand visitation started last Saturday night, May 30, from 8pm to 10pm, at our Pentecost Eucharistic Vigil.

Fr Joseph Meagher led us in an exultant Eucharistic Adoration, invoking the Holy Spirit who was so alive and palpable in our midst, even through the Youtube airwaves.
Joining closely in worship with Fr Joseph and all the viewers, and singing like David before the throne of God, Ken Julien, our music director, led us into glorious praise & worship throughout the night. 
In preparation for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, Fr Joseph led a short repentance service, using Pope St John Paul II's beautiful homily (dated May 13 1982 ) on the call of our Lady of Fatima for prayer and repentance. 

Then Fr Joseph invited us to recommit our lives to Jesus.

“He gave His life so that you and I might have the forgiveness of our sins and the new life he paid so dear a price for. He suffered and died for our salvation so that you and I may approach the Father with confidence. As we simply acknowledge our need and ask Jesus to be the Lord of our lives and to fill us with His Holy Spirit, He will help us turn away from all sin.”

“As we begin to celebrate this feast of Pentecost, I want to proclaim the beautiful gift of Pentecost," Father continued, in between Ken's singing, "and how the Lord desires to do something new inside of each us." 

"Just go back to that second chapter of the Acts of the Apostles when the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples. The Holy Spirit came upon them in a way that they didn't expect - they were told to wait and pray for a Gift and Power from above. They had no idea how radically that Gift would change them."
Fr Joseph continued: "The Lord promised that He would not leave them, and in the same way, that He would never leave us... The Lord fulfills that of course in the Eucharist, but the Eucharist would not make any sense except for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It is only through the power of the Holy Spirit- through that fire that came to rest on each of the disciples- that the church was born. And that same group of men and women who were in hiding were the very ones that would go forth and proclaim to all the world that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father."

It was a power-packed evening of heavenly worship. In this time of lockdown, when the church pews were empty, we certainly were not alone. We had Mary, our mother. We had our Father in Heaven, with Jesus in His right Hand. And we had the Holy Spirit gently and majestically breathing into our very souls. Amen.

( Video of the Pentecost Vigil is posted belo w)
MAY 31, 2020
After a joyful time with the Lord during our 9am Holy Hour, we were all prayed up for our 10am Pentecost Sunday Mass.
Fr Joseph Meagher was the celebrant, with Fr Louis Aumaitre, as concelebrant.
Ken Julien (and the band angels from heaven) led us with Holy Spirit-filled worship songs.
What a beautiful and glorious 3-hour celebration it was!

As a Catholic Charismatic parish, the great Feast of Pentecost has always been one of the major liturgies at
St Antoninus.
Pentecost is considered our parish Feast Day.

Ordinarily, every year we prepare for this great feast of the Church through having a Life in the Spirit Seminar or “Tent Revival in the Holy Spirit” the week before Pentecost.

And indeed this year’s LSS still did take place, as the announcement of the good news came through the airwaves to reach each of us. Thus, each of our homes became the “upper room” where the mighty wind of the Holy Spirit blew and caused a “holy shaking.” As that Holy Fire came to rest on each of us who simply came with a desire for and openness to all that the Lord would desire for us, the Holy Spirit began to release in us those dormant gifts we had received in Baptism & Confirmation, and to pour out upon us a new gift of prayer.

 “ If you who are sinners know how to give good things to your children, how much more will your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask .” Luke 11:13
During the Mass,
Fr Joseph led us through a commitment prayer to Jesus for the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

At the end of Mass, we had the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and there was a short procession outside on the front steps of the Church where Fr Joseph extended a Eucharistic Blessing to all the neighborhood.

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the ag e .” (Matthew 28:18–20)
Here are some excerpts from Fr Joseph's anointed homily (slightly edited to fit)

Jesus walked with his disciples and He is walking with us. He goes before us to prepare the way for us. He is right now interceding for us before the throne of God. And in addition, He also gives us the Holy Spirit. 

The promise of this feast, the grace of Pentecost, is that God is not only with us, but that He is within us, through the Presence and Power of the Holy Spirit. He desires to make His home in us- that His thoughts may be our thoughts, his desires may be our desires and that our wills may be totally conformed to his will. This intimacy that God wants to bring us into with Himself, is only possible through the Holy Spirit. 

What is so amazing is how He does this in the most incredibly
respectful way – never violating our gift of free will, but in fact perfectly fulfilling it. Even though He is God and that He can command us, He waits at the door to our Hearts and says “Will you let me in? Would you let me into this new chamber of your Heart? Will you let me into that place of fear, that place of pain, that place of suffering. I want to do something new there. I came to set the captives free. I want to set you free. This is for you and this is the beautiful work of my Spirit."

The Holy Spirit comes with such gentleness, like a gentle rain but He's also like a storm that comes in power when we
welcome Him. He comes and the floodgates just open up and we can bask in and receive this cleansing work of the

The Lord says: “No one is left out here. Welcome my Holy
Spirit. I want to work through you for the building up of My Body. I want you to share in my joy.” 

Brothers and sisters, the Church desperately needs disciples who will say, “Yes do with me what You want. I surrender I am at your service."

The Lord is inviting us to something more- something more
wonderful, something more beautiful, something bigger than you or me. It's bigger than any particular parish. It is the work of God. It's the work of grace that changes us and yet always
begins with what we have. 

It's like the rain. It produces many different flowers and herbs and spices and fruits and vegetables . And so it is with the Holy Spirit. When we welcome the Holy Spirit, it produces something beautiful and unique in each of us. 

There are dormant graces and charisms that are ready to bust forth, but they need the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in order for this to happen, in order for you and me to become open to God’s plan for us to build with Him for all eternity…

We're talking about the kingdom of God. We're talking about something much bigger than you and me. We're talking about being part of God's work, that big work, that work of winning souls back for Jesus, souls that He intended for Himself for all eternity, souls that the devil has robbed of their dignity and souls that that God wants to restore, to renew and to empower. This is the same grace He gives us. 

“Lord, how can I give back? How can I give something in return for all that you have done for me? Lord, please give me another opportunity to give back - first to give back in praise. Lord, may I also give back in service. I want to be available for Your plan for my life. Lord I give you permission. Come Holy Spirit!”

 You know what happens: we receive more than we ever give because that's the way our God is. He cannot be outdone in generosity. 

( Video of Fr Joseph's full homily, as well as the actual Pentecost Mass are posted below)

Recorded video of live-streaming: Fr Joseph Meagher's Homily, Pentecost Sunday, May 31, 2020 (just the homily, full Mass below)

Recorded video of live-streaming: Pentecost Sunday Mass, May 31, 2020 below:

Recorded video of live-streaming: Pentecost Eucharistic Vigil, May 30, 2020 below:

Final 2 sessions!
Join us!
Online videos from Renewal Ministries
"As by a New Pentecost" Series

Day 6 of our online "Do-it-at-home" LSS

So far, we have participated in 5 online LIFE IN THE SPIRIT talks:
# 1 God's Love " by David Mangan
# 2 " Salvation " by Ralph Martin 
# 3 " New Life " by Patti Mansfield
#4 " Receiving God's Gift s" by Peter Herbeck
#5 " Prayer to be Baptized in the Holy Spirit." by P atti Mansfield and David Mangan

Today, Monday after Pentecost:
Session 6 : "Growth '. (watch video below)

And finally tomorrow, Tuesd ay, session 7 is " Transformation In Christ ." ( we will post this below as well, but for your viewing tomorrow)

All 7 talks are on our website- or you can find below under "Catch up".
They are generally about 30 minutes or less each.

Below is today's video:
MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2020
LSS #6: As by a New Pentecost: "Growth"

Dr. Ralph Martin shares insights into what we need to do to continue to progress in our new life in the Holy Spirit.

(Note: this video may start in the middle. If so, you would need to move the red bar all the way to the left to start.)

Below is the last session of our Life in the Spirit Seminar, scheduled for tomorrow's watching. This is a very important part of our LSS. Please don't miss it. Come back to this page tomorrow. Or go to our website ( to access this or any of the 7 sessions.

LSS #7 (Last session)
As by a New Pentecost:
"Transformation in Christ"

Sr. Ann Shields teaches us how to make the most of the new life in the Holy Spirit that comes from a fresh release of His power in our lives.

(Note: this video may start in the middle. If so, you would need to move the red bar all the way to the left to start.)

Song of praise: Lord, Send the Rain!

Catch up if you did not watch any of these LSS videos from the "As by a New Pentecost" series:
LSS #5: Prayer To Be Baptized in the Holy Spirit - Patti Mansfield and David Mangan Click here
LSS #4 Receiving God's Gifts - Peter Herbeck Click here
LSS #3 New Life- Patti Mansfield . Click here
LSS #2 Salvation - Ralph Martin Click here.
LSS #1 God's Love - David Mangan . Click here.
Introduction to LSS - Ralph Marti n . Click here .
Power on High - Peter Herbeck: : Click here.

Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. (ACTS 2:38 )

Whenever we had our Life in the Spirit Seminars at St Antoninus, the session before our Baptism in the Holy Spirit would be a Penance Service with teachings, an examination of conscience and confessions. Since this is not possible at this time due to our lockdown, we are turning to our Blessed Mother for her help and direction.

Below is a 3 video series from Ralph Martin of Renewal Ministries which presents our Lady of Fatima's call to repentance.

It is appropriate that, as we are ending Mary's month of May, we invoke her as Spouse of the Holy Spouse, to help us prepare for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Come Holy Spirit, come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Your well-beloved Spouse .

READ short inspirational teachings by Msgr Vincent Walsh.
Click to open and download.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, June 2- and every Tuesday night.

Scripture Study & Rosary
Tuesdays @8pm

Fr Joseph Meagher will lead us to study and reflect on the Scriptures in the Mass readings for the coming Sunday .

Please prepare by reading the Mass Readings for this Sunday, June 7, the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity.

To join the Conference call:
Enter thru link on our phone or computer:
Access Code: 151-245-877

Or call in number : ( 872)-240-3412
Access Code: 151-245-877

Below, read the June 2020 issue of AntoniNEWS, by Eileen O'Hara. Click here or on image below.
St Antoninus Online Schedule
Regular Liturgies, Ministries & Events
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St Antoninus Church
337 S. Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103

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Thank you and God bless you!
337 South Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103  
Rev. Joseph A. Meagher (Pastor)