Northwest District meets
The PCSAO Northwest District met Jan. 18 to hear updates on the Allen County housing project and the Wood County fellowship project. Discussion focused on workforce, civil right training and guidance, children in residential care, OhioRISE, and the eclipse in April. The meeting wrapped up with updates from PCSAO trustees and staff before transitioning to the OJFSDA district meeting. The NW district meets next on April 18.
Southwest District meets
The PCSAO Southwest District met on Jan. 17 and shared county updates related to ongoing placement challenges, some recent workforce retention successes and ongoing recruitment challenges, Ohio START, and many in the midst of CPOE reviews. Trustees provided updates on recent Board actions and key discussions. PCSAO shared updates related to the Placement Crisis Working Group, other placement crisis efforts, and pending legislation. The SW District meets next on March 20.
East Central District meets
The PCSAO East Central District met virtually due to weather on Jan. 19 and received OCWTP updates from their Regional Training Center. Trustees provided updates on recent Board actions and key discussions. PCSAO shared updates related to the Placement Crisis Working Group, other placement crisis efforts, and pending legislation. County updates were shared related to placement challenges, workforce successes and ongoing challenges, and OhioRISE. The EC District meets next on April 19.
Conference Committee meets
The PCSAO Conference Planning Committee met virtually on Jan. 19 to select a theme for the 2024 PCSAO Annual Conference and to brainstorm potential speakers and workshop topics. The committee will meet next on Feb. 16. If you are interested in joining the Conference Planning Committee, please contact