Making South Carolina more
bike and walk friendly, since 1995.
Jan 2022 Newsletter
PCC testifies in support of the Hands Free bill!
Kelly Willenberg of PCC testified in support of S.248, providing powerful testimony about the impact of distracted driving on her family. Additional testimony came from SCDOT and SCDPS. If a Hands Free law is passed, we estimate it will save the lives of 2 bicyclists and 18 pedestrians in South Carolina EVERY year moving forward.
PCC's Legislative Agenda!
Bills we are advancing in 2022
(in order of priority):
  1. Hands FreeS.248 (Sen. Young and Sen. Hembree): Requires motorists not hold a cell phone while operating a motor vehicle, in most cases. It was first proposed by another name (DUI-E) in 2017 and has moved through multiple iterations.
  2. Tax credits for Trail Easements, H.3120 (Rep. Hyde): Gives property owners a state tax credit if they voluntarily agree to a publicly accessible trail easement.
  3. 3 Feet to Pass, S.245 (Sen. Young): Defines the distance that is safe between motorists and bicyclists on the open road – as 3 feet.
Bills we are following in 2022:
  1. Center Line Passing, H.4573 (Rep. Willis): Prescribes the safe passing or movement across the center line, around a slow moving vehicle, including but not limited to people traveling on foot, bike, tractor, golf cart, etc.
  2. Altering Motor VehicleH.4574 (Rep. Wooten): Makes it unlawful to elevate or lower a motor vehicle beyond a standard that is safe.
  3. Performance Measures for Complete StreetsH.3051 (Rep. Pendarvis): This bill was dropped after SCDOT enacted their own internal policy. Required the SCDOT determine feasibility for Complete Streets accommodations, based on certain quantifiable performance measures.
  4. County Greenspace Sales Tax ActS.152 (Senator Davis): Creates the county green space sales tax option by ballot referendum for counties for preservation procurements, including acquisition, easements, development rights, etc.
PCC launches new program
Since 1995, PCC has worked at the state and local levels to improve biking and walking. This year we will formalize our local work into a new program: the SC Livable Streets Academy.

Many areas of our state have strong local advocacy movements or regional planning staff, but too many other areas are unsafe AND lacking in powerful local advocacy or local planning staff not trained in ped/bike safety.

Since SCDOT adopted its state Complete Streets policy in early 2021, there remains a need for better local public engagement. While the new SCDOT Complete Streets policy is powerful in its promise of funding, the SC Livable Streets Academy is being created to formalize the assistance we give communities to engage the system and obtain funding for meeting the local needs more equitably across our state. Stay tuned for more on this newly formalized program.
Partner Spotlight: East Coast Greenway

Hear the latest update on the East Coast Greenway build out, through South Carolina.

Mar 19
Mar 27-30
Apr 16
May 15-17, 2022
Got a ride to share?
Full calendar has more.
Also see route links.
We are only as strong as the members that support us. Donate today!
Read how to get your own Share the Road plate hereBy now, you should have received your updated Share the Road plate design, since all specialty plates were updated for greater conformity throughout SC. Thank you for the support!
PCC receives Strategic Planning grant
PCC was awarded a grant to conduct strategic planning for the organization, now over 25 years old. We are grateful for this opportunity to evaluate our organization and work!

This was supported by a grant from the Community Impact Fund housed at Central Carolina Community Foundation. Central Carolina Community Foundation, the Midlands' leader in collaborative philanthropy, is a nonprofit organization serving 11 counties in the Midlands of SC by distributing grants and scholarships and linking the resources of donors, nonprofits and area leaders to communities in need. Major initiatives include the online giving challenge Midlands Gives, On the Table, Connected Communities grants, the One SC Fund and annual scholarships.
PCC receives grant from Sisters for Charity
PCC was awarded a grant from Sisters for Charity of SC, for Systems Level Change. This funding will allow us to continue working for safer streets and transportation equity across SC.
What We are Reading:
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