Parent Contact Update

Please notify us if you are no longer the Parent Contact at your EI program! Email us at Thanks!

April 30, 2015


Did you know...that the EIPLP team will be available at the MEIC Conference to answer questions, point you in the right direction, and/or create networking opportunities? Be on the lookout for our blue name tags and our smiling faces!

 Darla                                      Faith
 Kris                                        Liz  


Did you know...the EIPLP will have lots of parent resources at the MEIC Conference? There will be...

  • an Exhibit table (in front of the elevators),
  • a Hospitality Room (a quiet place to take a break, have a snack and network with other parents) in the Hudson room,
  • and, Parent Tables set up for lunch (look for the balloons at the far-end of the ballroom, if you'd like to sit with other parents)!


Did you know...that we will be taking lots of photos next week at the MEIC Conference? Please feel free to check them out on our EIPLP FaceBook page, and download any you would like. While you're at it, take a moment and "like" us on FaceBook and "follow" us on Twitter! 

Contact Information

The Early Intervention Parent Leadership Project (EIPLP) Team