
Registration Open: for FAMS, Travel Suppliers and Operators

Please visit our website to get all of the details and registration links!

Reminder!  Virtual All-Member Holiday Happy Hour December 17th 4:00PM EST
We will host our all-member call which will include a Virtual Holiday Happy Hour on Thursday, December 17th at 4:00PM EST.  
Pre-registration not required.  Join the call virtually: https://www.uberconference.com/directorpba

We have much to talk about!  Join us to discuss:
  • Stimulus/CERTS
  • Marketplace
  • Check-In with YOU and some fun!
CERTS Act Letter to Congress
A coalition of 25 State and Regional Motorcoach Associations, including PBA, sent a letter to congress on December 11th,  encouraging their support of the private motorcoach industry by making sure the CERTS Act legislation is included in the next stimulus bill, and adequately funded at $8+ billion.  Apparently, they heard us! 
Read the letter and scroll to see the latest on $8B package from our National Associations, ABA and UMA!
PA Department Of Health Releases COVID-19 Interim Vaccination Plan
On December 11th, the Department of Health updated the state's Interim COVID Vaccination Plan outlining the steps to be taken to distribute approved COVID vaccines.  Read more...
Liability Protections Letter to Representatives
PBA is part of a broad range of industries and employers throughout Pennsylvania, urging our representatives to support legislation that provides the business, nonprofit, education, child serving provider and healthcare communities with temporary safe harbor from unwarranted pandemicrelated lawsuits, while not precluding appropriate action against bad actors or those acting irresponsibly.  

Please read the most recent letter sent on December 10th.
FMCSA Hours of Service Q&A Session December 17th 2:00PM EST
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is hosting a webinar  on December 17, 2020 2:00PM EST, where they will respond to public questions about the new Hours of Service final rule.  Submit your questions in advance in the webinar.  Space is limited and registration is required. Register today.
Virtual All-Member Holiday Happy Hour!
December 17th 
4:00PM EST

Distracted Driver
Train-The-Trainer Program
January 26, 2021

FMCSA 18-CARAT Workshop
January 28, 2021
PBA 2021 Marketplace
March 23, 2021
York Expo Center
York, PA

PBA 2021 Annual Meeting
October 24-27, 2021
Wind Creek 
Bethlehem, PA

PBA 2022 Marketplace
March 22, 2022 
The Liberty Arena
Williamsport, PA

PBA 2022 Annual Meeting
June 2022
Happy Valley Adventure Bureau
State College, PA
FMCSA Annual Driver Drug, Alcohol Record Queries Must be Completed By January 5, 2021
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) requires employers to conduct an annual inquiry of drug and alcohol records of every CDL driver under their employment.  Read more...
Updated ODAPC Guidance - DOT Statement of Enforcement Discretion for Substance Abuse Professionals and Service Agents
On December 9, 2020, the Office of Drug and Alcohol Policy and Compliance updated its Statement of Enforcement Discretion for Substance Abuse Professionals and Service Agents guidance document.  The guidance is now effective until June 30, 2021.  View the updated guidance.
Early Vaccination Push for Frontline Transportation Workers Gains Urgency
As transportation workers begin helping to distribute the vaccine across the country, expect to see a bigger push from various sectors - including aviation, transit, trucking and ports - for vaccine priority for their front-line workers.  Read more...
Fauci Projects U.S. Could Reach COVID Herd Immunity by Mid-2021
Dr. Anthony Fauci shared an updated time line for the U.S. to potentially achieve herd immunity, assuming the general population can begin to receive COVID-19 vaccines in late March or early April of 2021.  Read more...
PennDOT Tier Information Sign - Weather Event Vehicle-Restriction Plan

American Bus Association (ABA)
Contact Your Congressional Delegation and Ask Them to Support Bipartisan Relief Bill Released Monday
The COVID-19 relief proposal developed by a bi-partisan group of legislators released Monday includes both funding for the motorcoach industry and another round of PPP funding.  The group worked through the weekend and released actual bill language, which brings us one step closer to a final relief package. 

This is great news and what we have all been working for, tirelessly, to happen. The bill proposal includes $8 billion in funding for the industries included in the CERTS Act - motorcoach, school bus and U.S. flagged passenger vessels. Additionally, the legislation provides $300 billion for the Small Business Administration to provide a second round of PPP - including funding for 501c(6) organizations, restaurants, and live venues. 

The bi-partisan group has been meeting and moving their $908 billion relief plan through all the channels, although there still remain obstacles and the need to gain the support of Congressional leaders in both Chambers.

We need you to call your elected representatives NOW and remind them of the important role our industry plays as part of the overall transportation system and urge them to support this bipartisan proposal. Now that the bill has been released, we must fight to keep our funding as it will be targeted by others. Congress needs to get this legislation enacted before the end of this year!

For House contact information, click here.
For Senate contact information, click here.
United Motorcoach Assocation (UMA)
CERTS Act Included in Text of Senate Bill
At long last, the motorcoach industry shares the same space as airlines, Amtrak and public transit receiving coronavirus financial relief. It has been a long, winding and often discouraging road.
Sharing $8 billion with the U.S. flagged passenger vessel industry and private school bus industry, passage of the ''Emergency Coronavirus Relief Act of 2020" that largely includes the language from the CERTS Act, will mean a lifeline to the industry.
The original proposal of $908 billion notably split into two-bills:
  • $748 billion (includes our specific industry funding) measure continuing PPP, unemployment insurance, relief for the education and health care sectors, among other measures. As predicted, the bill also contains provisions for those businesses most affected to access another Paycheck Protection Loan.
  • $160 billion measure that includes state, local, and territorial assistance, as well a liability protection. This second bill contains the most contentious language and is the primary sources of ongoing partisan disagreement.
At the time of the release, House Democrats had not weighed in. It is anticipated the bill could be included in the larger spending bill that will require either passage or a continuing resolution.
There are some modifications to the CERTS Act language and the UMA legislative team is combing through the details to determine the impact to the industry.  Link to Bill text, pg 256.
The goal is to have this legislation approved by Friday, December 18.
Member Alerts are sent out to our Members as needed.  Here is a sampling of what has been sent recently:
  • Marketplace Registration Update and New!
  • Virtual Happy Hour Dec 17 4:00pm 
  • Gov. Wolf Vetoes COVID-19 Liability Protection Bill & Signs CDL Notification Into Law
  • Bridge Tolling: Contact Your State Legislators
  • #MarketplaceMonday: Operator Registration is Open!
  • Contact the Governor To Request Pass Bill On COVID Liability
Executive Coach, Fullington Trailways, Hagey Coach, Innovative Coach, Krapf Transportation, Mlaker Trailways, Trans-Bridge Lines and Wolf's Bus Lines have coaches and other items for sale now!

The Motorcoach PAC allows the Pennsylvania Bus Association to support legislators who work with us to promote, change or defeat legislation that impacts our industry. Contributing to Motorcoach PAC gives us a stronger voice in Harrisburg. Please consider giving $200, $300 or more.

Personal checks may be made payable and sent to:

Motorcoach PAC
200 North Third Street, Suite 1500
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Corporate funds are not permitted in any form. Unincorporated business checks are acceptable providing no owner or partner of the business is a corporation. Please contact Milliron & Goodman if you have any questions at (717) 232-5322. Political Action Committee donations are not tax deductible.

Download the solicitation form for more information.  

PBA is Active on Multiple Social Media Platforms 
If you are not aware, PBA maintains active Social Media Platforms.  In addition to the emailed communications we send to you, we actively share information to our Facebook and Twitter accounts and our new LinkedIn.  We encourage you to LIKE US, FOLLOW US and ENGAGE with us! #pabus

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