January 25, 2021
The comprehensive climate bill we fought so hard for last session was vetoed by Governor Baker. The good news is that the bill was just refiled Jan. 19 as S.9.

Speaker Ron Mariano and Senate President Karen Spilka publicly expressed confidence that the Legislature will move with a sense of “urgency” and return the bill to the Governor “swiftly,” with a veto-proof majority.  

Please contact your state representative and senator over the next few days to thank them for passing the bill the first time, and urge them to vote to pass the climate bill, without amendments, as a first act of the new legislature. 

Talking points:
  • represents 5 months of intense reconciliation efforts in conference committee to address concerns of stakeholders 

  • reinforces the Commonwealth’s efforts to steadily and permanently reduce its greenhouse gas emissions at the scale and pace that science demands

  • codifies the goal of Net Zero emissions by 2050

  • codifies a comprehensive definition of environmental justice to ensure protections for overburdened communities

  • maximizes our ability to fairly and efficiently achieve climate goals that will build a thriving economy that creates jobs, protects health, and benefits all of us

Use Social Media by retweeting @lwvma tweets and sending your own tweets, tagging your representative and senator, Speaker Mariano (@RonMariano) and Senate President Karen Spilka (@KarenSpilka), Senator Barrett (@BarrettSenate), and Representative Golden (@tomtipagolden).

Sample tweet and FB post:
“When it comes to #climatechange, we cannot wait.” TY for saving the climate bill, S.9. @KarenSpilka @RonMariano @BarrettSenate @tomtipagolden @MA_Senate #mapoli

LWVMA is 47 local Leagues strong and represents members across the Commonwealth. We need as many of you as possible to step up again to get our message through to the legislature and the Governor.

Climate change isn’t waiting and we’ve waited long enough. We need to act on climate now! 

90 Canal Street, Suite 414, Boston, MA 02114 | 857-452-1715
 lwvma@lwvma.org | www.lwvma.org