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The Prescott Audubon Newsletter

September 2024

View All PAS Field Trips

Upcoming Birding in September

Saturday Sept 7  Watson Woods Walk – 8:00 a.m.

Thursday Sept 19 – Willow Lake Southeast


Saturday Oct 5  Watson Woods Walk – 8:30 a.m.

Wednesday Oct 9  Hassayampa River Preserve

Click here for Bird Walks at the Lookout

White-faced Ibis

Window on Nature

will be at the

Highlands Center for Natural History

in the afternoon;

September 17 at 1:00 PM. 

Our first of the season Window on Nature program is scheduled for September 17 at 1:00 PM at the Highlands Center for Natural History. Your fellow PAS members will update us on the various activities of Prescott Audubon. Come and find out the ways Prescott Audubon preserves habitat, is active in citizen science, and serves the Prescott community. We have several gift certificates to give away to program attendees. Maria Icenogle and Nancy Hinson are leaving the PAS Board and we would like to thank them for their service to PAS. Please come and celebrate with us. Hope to see you there!

Mark your calendars: October 15, Natural History Institute

November 12 Natural History Institute (Programs begin with meet and greet at 6:30, followed by program at 7:00 pm)

Audubon Membership Renewal Time! 

Memberships generally run from September to the following August, however, many persons join in other months and that is okay. Our membership dues are $20 per household per year. Your support ensures Prescott Audubon continues to serve our chapter’s area and the programs that support the birds and the wildlife we all love. Please renew—we need you! Please disregard this email if you've already sent in your dues. Thank you for renewing.

To renew, please mail your $20 check to Prescott Audubon, PO Box 4156, Prescott, AZ 86302. If you prefer, you can renew on our website.

You do not need a PayPal account to renew in this manner. If you renew using the website, might you be willing to cover the processing fee by adding an extra dollar or two? PayPal and Constant Contact both take a percentage of the renewal amount, reducing your donation to our organization. Be sure to let us know if you have a new email or physical address so we can update our records and keep in touch.

PAS Chapter members are not automatically members of National Audubon. PAS By-laws state members of National Audubon are automatically PAS Chapter members. PAS receives a stipend from National Audubon, but it is not based on membership numbers. You can join Prescott Audubon separately to add your financial support, if you choose.

Please contact Jo Glaves at if you have any questions about your membership status.  

Red-faced Warbler

PAS Board Review

Maria Icenogle has been the PAS Board Secretary since 2018. She has been an asset to our organization, always considerate, contributing thoughtful ideas, and offering space for our organization to meet at the Highlands Center. We have appreciated and thoroughly enjoyed our interaction with Maria and will truly miss her. Thank you, Maria, for your dedication to PAS over these years.

Nancy Hinson answered the call for a President of the PAS Board without much knowledge of what she was really getting into by volunteering. It was a bit more than she was led to believe, but she rose to the challenge. One of Nancy’s accomplishments was writing and receiving grant funding from National Audubon for the “Feed the Duck” signs installed at some of our local lakes. Nancy is also an awesome party planner! Thank you, Nancy, for stepping “into the breach” when needed.

Elaine Grings and Julie Cargill have volunteered to become PAS Board members. Elaine took over the Audubon Adventures program last year and will continue working with that program. Julie has volunteered to be the PAS Board Secretary. Welcome Elaine and Julie! 


Used by permission from author Rosemary Mosco,

Please visit the PAS FB Group page for more information, as well as fabulous photos and articles from Walt Anderson
