Take Advantage of NJCTS Programs:
Since 2008, more than 75 educational webinars have been made available to families, educators, and medical professionals through the Wednesday Webinar series, drawing an audience from across the country and around the world. Here are just a few from our archive that will be helpful at this time:
Call-in Support Groups for Parents
Ask your burning questions about testing or anything else at the next NJCTS Call-in support group for parents of kids ages 12 and up on Thursday, March 31, from 7:30-8:30pm. We don't mind hearing dogs barking or kids playing in the background so call in from wherever you are. Call 908-575-7350 or email
Lloewenthal@njcts.org to sign up.
School In-service Program
NJCTS is committed to delivering in-service trainings to students, faculty, and staff at schools throughout the state. We can send a TS expert to train the faculty on managing TS symptoms in the classroom and offer a wide range of strategies and accommodations for the students with TS that can lead to a positive impact on their academic success. We can also arrange for a Youth Advocate to speak to fellow students about TS through a powerful anti-bullying presentation promoting acceptance, tolerance, and self-advocacy. Call today to schedule a presentation in your child's school.