Workforce Development Training Now Available
Workforce development staff, which includes adult basic education practitioners, can now register and complete a new online, on-demand training course, Introduction to the PA CareerLink® System: Referrals and Best Practices. This course consists of two modules and is a collaboration between the Pennsylvania Department of Education and Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry. WIOA core program staff from across the state collaborated to develop the content of this training. It can be found on the Workforce Staff Training website.
The first module of the course introduces participants to the PA CareerLink® system and provides an overview of the WIOA core programs. The second module shares referral best practices to support participant co-enrollment across WIOA programs. Each module takes approximately 45 minutes to complete. The course also includes a user guide with additional activities that program staff can work together to complete. The follow-up activities in the user guide provide an excellent opportunity to work with partners to encourage collaboration and referrals among WIOA core programs.
To enroll in the free, online course:
Go to
- Click on Create an Account and follow the directions to create an account.
- Once your account has been confirmed via email, enroll in the course.
If you have not yet completed these modules, please plan to include them in your own professional development plans. Programs are encouraged to work together with workforce development partners, as appropriate, through both the modules and the follow-up activities in the user guide. Technical assistance to develop collaborative plans and activities is available through the Workforce Development Liaison Project. Contact KayLynn Hamilton,, or Chrissie Klinger, for additional support.
Teaching Tips and Resources
Share Your Student Success Stories in This Newsletter
Submit your student success stories for inclusion in this newsletter by emailing the submission form and release form to Matt Manfred at Your colleagues across Pennsylvania can benefit from reading a success story from one of your students. There is also great value in simply celebrating our students' accomplishments (and our own). Please consider sharing a paragraph of 150 words or less highlighting a special success of a student. Include a photograph if possible. We will publish the stories as space allows, and they will also be available on the PA Adult Education Resources website.
What Does Good Listening Look Like?
People listen differently and not everyone sits motionless with locked eye contact. A new Edutopia article discusses ways that you can help your students identify how they can listen most comfortably and effectively. By knowing and appreciating how your students behave when they are listening, you can better check comprehension and lead them to success.
High School Equivalency (HSE) Updates and Resources
GED® Test Accommodations
The GED® test offers several accommodations for test-takers, the most commonly requested of which are extra time, extra "stop-the-clock" breaks, a separate room, and a reader/recorder. All such accommodations are available at testing centers. The online test offers all except a reader/recorder. GED Testing Service® is actively seeking a solution to enable that accommodation in the online test. Information about the application and appeals process is available as well as FAQs.
Professional Development Opportunities
Webinar: Increasing Access to Apprenticeships
The LINCS Career Pathways Community will hold a webinar on Tuesday, June 22, at 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. as a diverse group of speakers discuss why apprenticeships are important in adult education and how we can ensure access. Register online.
Webinar: Engaging Our Students' Values
Burlington English will host a webinar on Friday, June 25, 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. titled "Engaging Our Students' Values." The presenter will model a collaborative process that encourages students to persist, builds their sense of self-worth and belonging, and promotes teamwork and respect through listening to each other and focusing on their goals. Recommended resources and activities effectively prepare students to pass high school equivalency tests while building positive classroom communities. You can register online.
Professional Learning for Adult Education and Family Literacy Staff
Staff at PDE-funded adult education and family literacy agencies can view a list of upcoming courses now available for enrollment in the PD Portal. For more information about any of these courses, please visit the PD Portal, open the course catalog, and review the syllabus. If you are interested in enrolling in a course, please consult with your in-house professional development specialist (IHPDS) to determine if the course meets your professional learning goals.
Webinar: Assessing and Developing the Soft Skills of Today's Workforce
In this Workforce GPS webinar on Tuesday, June 22, 1:00 - 2:30 p.m., four organizations will present their own experiences in supporting adults to develop soft skills in the workplace. Topics will include selection of a soft skill assessment tool, implementation of that tool, and tips and advice for other organizations hoping to improve the soft skills of their job seekers. Learn more and register online.
State and National Adult Education News
2022 COABE National Conference
A hybrid, in-person and virtual, national conference will take place in 2022 for the Coalition on Adult Basic Education (COABE). It will take place on April 11 - 13, 2022. Check the conference website for registration information.
Opportunity to Participate in Research
As a requirement for her dissertation in Drexel University's Doctorate in Educational Leadership and Management program, Kimberly Chernesky, an adult education colleague, is conducting a study that focuses on the experiences and perceptions of professional development as it relates to online learning for ESL students. The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of educator experiences and perceptions of the professional development received in their agency or with the Distance Learning Project. This research will be conducted under the supervision of Dr. Sheila R. Vaidya, Professor at Drexel University. Learn more, including eligibility requirements.
Walmart Foundation Community Grants
Community nonprofit organizations can receive awards ranging from $250 to $5,000 from Walmart's Community Grant Program. Eligible applicants include nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations; K-12 public, private, or charter schools; community or junior colleges, or recognized government entities. Awards come through individual Walmart stores, Sam's Clubs, or logistics facilities and address the unique needs of the communities where Walmart operates. Applications are due by December 31, 2021 and can be found on the program website.
The job postings below are for adult basic education programs funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and, at least in part, by WIOA Title II funds. You can also find the postings on the website. To post a job, please email the job advertisement to
Upcoming State and National Conferences
State and National Newsletters
State and national organizations' newsletters are listed below and may be of interest to you. To receive the most recent editions by email, please subscribe directly to the newsletter.
Families Learning: News of the Week, National Center for Families Learning
Features information and resources for family literacy, early childhood education, and parent education.
Rural Perspectives, The Center for Rural Pennsylvania Features data and research findings related to a variety of topics relevant to rural PA
WorkforceGPS, Workforce3 One Features career pathways and workforce development information.
COABE Connections, Coalition On Adult Basic Education Features national information, resources, and initiatives for adult basic education.
World Education/U.S. Features resources and information from World Education projects including EdTech Center News, The Change Agent, College for Adults, E-Learning, LINCS Region 1 Professional Development Center, National College Transitional network, and many others.