for worship, small groups, and meetings.
Meeting ID: 671 792 1650
Passcode: 556948
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Happy Third Sunday in the season of Eastertide. Eastertide is a period of 50 days where we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This year's Eastertide theme is P.S. I Love You: Love letters from God that teach us how to live as people of the resurrection. This Sunday, we learn how to live in community. As we worship, we pray the love of Christ will unify our hearts, our minds, and souls. All are invited to come into God's beloved community. All are invited to join God's holy fellowship. All are invited to become a part of the Body of Christ.
The scriptures this Sunday come from 1 John 3:11-24
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Sunday, April 14th
Join us in person or via Facebook Live/Zoom for Sunday worship.
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Cross Roads Cafe
Join us after service for Adult Bible Study, in the Chapel.
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Singles Supper Club
Singles Potluck the 2nd Saturday of every month at 5:30pm. Meeting at My Mother's Restaurant on the 4th Saturday of every month
4130 N 19th Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85015
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Wednesday Morning
Bible Study
9:30 am on Zoom
A New York Best Seller, Amazing Grace: A Vocabulary of Faith by Kathleen Norris.
Two or three short selections are covered each week.
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Dear Cross Roads,
We continue in our Keep Cross Roads Cool Campaign. Our AC units in the Patio Room have run the course of their lifespan and summer is coming. Through our Keep Cross Roads Cool Campaign we are looking to raise $20,000.00 to help aid in the purchase and installation of two new AC units. By replacing our AC units we will gain six months of use in the Patio Room!
- For Cross Roads – this ensures availability for activities that socially connect and strengthen our faith in community. New AC Units will expand opportunities for CRUMC to G.R.O.W. by hosting additional missional events.
- For Outside Groups – this offers opportunities for rentals of the Patio Room and can contribute to an increase in CRUMC revenue.
New AC units will also allow us to be more energy efficient by reducing our carbon footprint which contributes to Cross Road’s sustainability efforts in becoming more ‘green’.
Here are some cool facts about this project:
- The AC Units stopped functioning properly in June of 2023.
- We need to replace these units as soon as possible to be able to schedule/rent out the Patio Room in summer and fall.
- The CRUMC Trustees have explored a variety of solutions and a replacement was deemed necessary.
- We have obtained two bids for a 3 ton split system and a 3.5 ton split system
- We will likely utilize Williams Mechanical to complete replacement/install as their bid was lowest and we have a long-standing relationship with this business.
- All funds raised will go into the restricted building and maintenance fund and earmarked to Keep Cross Roads Cool.
- Any additional funds raised that surpasses the total amount of the project will go into the restricted building and maintenance fund for future needs and continued maintenance of the new system.
- We have the opportunity to receive a match of up to $5,000 from the Desert Southwest United Methodist Foundation. We are very close to meeting this match!
Thank you for your contribution to help Keep Cross Roads Cool!
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If you use your mobile device to give your tithes and offerings to Cross Roads, you'll need to install the Vanco Mobile App.
A reminder: If your giving comes by check, please expect a slight delay in your bank account deduction. A growing number of tithes and offerings now come to us electronically, so our money counters only meet every other Monday to deposit cash and checks. Until then, all gifts wait patiently in our church safe.
Click HERE to give online.
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Documentary, Dinner, & Discussion
April 20th, 4:30pm
1946: The Mistranslation That Shifted Culture
at the Curtis' residence
The documentary follows researchers tracing the origin of the anti-gay movement among Christians and chronicles the archives at Yale University that casts doubts on this movement.
Timeline of events:
4:00 - Carpool meet up
4:30 - Arrival and dinner
5:00 - Showing
6:45 - Discussion
to RSVP or for questions:
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One and all are invited to “Barney’s Day,” 2 to 9 p.m., Wednesday, April 17th at
Denny’s, 5002 North Seventh Street (at Camelback Road), Phoenix.
The special event celebrates Barney's 46th anniversary as the “best bus boy” at the busy central Phoenix restaurant where Methodist deaconess Lura Turner convinced management to give Barney “a chance” to bus tables and wash dishes over four decades ago. That chance turned into Barney working longer at one Denny’s than any other Denny’s employee in the company’s history! Barney’s special occasion runs from 2 to 9 p.m. Whether customers dine-in or take-out, Denny’s will donate 20 percent of every purchase to Lura Turner Homes, established in 1965 by Lura Turner to serve metro-Phoenix adults with developmental disabilities. For more information, please call LTH at 602-943-4789 or
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Scripture Readers Needed! | |
We are looking for volunteers to read scripture on Sunday during service.
To sign up click on the link below
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Have an announcement about a service or committee at Cross Roads? Submit it to the church office by 2:00pm on Wednesdays.
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Join our new Veterans Ministry as a veteran or a grateful volunteer. For details, contact
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For more information on any of these, email us at or call the church office at 602-944-1524.
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This week,
please pray for...
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Rev. Terry Reid, Twylla Ehlers, Dixy Iglesias & Family, James Pelfrey, McGuire & Nixon Family, Doris Siders, Diana & Family, Susan Turner, Leaders of The U.S. Government, Lura Turner Homes Residents & Care Givers, Navajo Nation, Cross Roads Community
The Bridge UMC, The Fountains UMC,
White Mountain UMC
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The Cross Roads Zoom account login information:
Meeting ID: 671 792 1650
Passcode: 556948 -- updated 11/4/2020
Join using your computer, tablet or cell phone:
1. Click:
2. Click Join video
3. Click Join internet audio
Join audio only using your telephone:
1. Dial the following number from your phone: 1(301)-715-8592
2. Enter the Meeting ID when prompted – 671 792 1650
Other Viewing Options
Facebook Live
Watch the recorded videos of service on our website by clicking here or go to
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If you know of someone who might benefit from receiving the Cross Roads E-News, please share their email address with the church office.
Church Office Hours
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri - 9am to 2pm, Wed, Sat - Closed
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