Out of Darkness into Light

Drug Rehab Centers run by Christian churches have become more popular in previous years. It is said that Christian Drug Rehab Centers started in the North of Vietnam. The founders of those centers were drug addicted people who got off drugs by the power of God. Its success even has the government asking for advice on reforming addicts.

Years ago, I went north and had the privilege to visit and preach God’s Word to some of the rehab centers, and I was shocked by observing life-changes of these men and women of God. The Christian Drug Rehab Center is accomplishing something that the Vietnamese government can’t even help with: drug addicts getting off drugs. I have never thought of using CCI’s curriculum to train these people. One pastor asked me if CCI could help train them since they felt we had the best curriculum for these people.
In 2020, CCI had the very first class for these special people in the southeast region. The leader of this Rehab Center chose 12 people who were released from drugs after one year of staying in this Center and trained two years in the program to become a leader in the center. As a result, on February 18, 2022, there are 5 of the 12 who graduated and were awarded a graduation certificate. One of the graduates was absent at the graduation ceremony as he visited his family in the north to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

If this door is opened, some of the Drug Rehab Centers will be partnering with CCI to train key leaders in a couple years. Below is one of the most moving testimonies from our students.
Thank you for your prayers and your support,

National Director/CCI Vietnam
Southern Vietnam CCI teachers and alumni met on February 12, 2022 after 2 years due to covid-19. It was such a blessing to share and hear God’s blessings to these people. During the meeting, we shared CCI’s ministry in the last year of 2021 and the year 2022 plan. The rest of of the meeting was a time of fellowship as we listened to teacher and alumni stories and had lunch together.
Teachers and Alumni
From a CCI Graduate:
“My name is Mr. K and I am from northern Vietnam. I am a former drug addict from many years. Because of this, I spent a lot of my family's money to buy drugs. As a result, my wife divorced me and left me behind. My parents found many ways to help me recover including taking me to an addiction treatment center, which belonged to the government. All the family's efforts were fruitless despite spending a lot of money and effort.

I escaped from the rehab center and became a thief to pay for drugs. I became the enemy of many people. With no where to go, I was accepted into the Christian Rehab Center in Ha Noi where God found me and saved me in 2016. By God’s grace, I recovered completely after a few months. I was trained in a special 2-year program to become a leader in the Rehab Center to help others. In 2018, I graduated and was sent to southern Vietnam. I was assigned as a leader of a Rehab Center in the southeast in 2019. Most of my time is praying and teaching addicted people in our Center. I recognized that I need to be trained deeper and more practical, so I contacted CCI.

Praise God after two years of being trained by CCI, I learned many things including biblical knowledge and ministry skills. I learned how to prepare a biblical message instead of topical preaching. It is amazing to see life-change through God’s word. I made a commitment that my life is to be a servant of God’s word, and Christ’s disciple.

All for God's glory!"
Prayer Requests & Praises

1.     Pray for all churches to return to normal activity and that all CCI’s classes will start teaching in person, especially in central and northern Vietnam areas.
2.    Pray for Pastor T’s son who is in the second year of college. May God provide him with the tuition fee so he can finish his study at the college.
3.    Pray for the new class which will open in north Vietnam for the Hmong tribe.
4.    The National Director's family is planning to return to their hometown. To do this, they are asking God to raise someone to lead their church and pray for God to provide around $40,000 to build a house. His vision is that the house will become a training center for church leaders in that area.
5.     Teacher Training Workshops (TTW) for potential Hmong teachers in south and west Vietnamese churches was conducted on March 24-25.
6.    A new CCI class for Jarai tribe church leaders started on March 8-10, 2022.
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