A drawn image of four people on top of a globe. The first is walking the second two are running and the fourth is biking. The text reads Walks Run Bike across the globe for humanity miles that matter.

We're on our journey across the globe!

Join the journey
A map showing the United States with a line for a route and pins to denote places. An drawing of a torch has moved northward along the route that starts in Virginia.

The Early Bird Challenge has begun!

Start tracking your #MilesthatMatter to help HFUSA reach our 20th anniversary goal to walk, run, and bike 24,900 miles across the globe.

Three women are standing next to each other smiling at the camera. The name Xiomara Celeste Gonzalez is below the image with a note in all capital letters saying Nasir Guatemala with four exclamation points.

Our Early Birds are flying!

#MilesthatMatter are moving us along our journey thanks to supporters from many states and countries. A shoutout to some of the leaders - you are awesome!

Xiomara on the HF Healthcare team in Guatemala

Sabeeha from Indiana

Benish from Maryland

Shoeb on the Ansar Bikers New York team

Your fitness helps advance both the torch and important humanitarian work. Let's go!

Join us!

Already registered? Scroll down for how to add your #MilesthatMatter

A drawing of two people holding up giant puzzle pieces that fit together.

Step 1: Join Now

Register for $25 to Walk-Run-Bike Across the Globe.

Don't forget your limited edition t-shirt or jersey.

Join Now!
A drawing of four people from torso up each within their own puzzle piece that fits together with the others. Two are waving and two have chat icons above their heads.

Step 2: Recruit

Go solo or recruit team members from anywhere in the world. Set your fitness & fundraising targets then share this opportunity for impact with at least 2 friends or your company!

A drawing of a smartphone

Step 3: Get Ready

Download the app from the campaign home page or your registration email. You can sync a fitness tracker or manually enter your activity on a browser or in the app to help us reach 24,900 miles!

Don't Forget!

Find or create a team. During the registration step to choose a team, type in your state to find an existing team. Or easily create a new team in seconds.

Get your company involved. Companies can sponsor employees to register, or coordinate as a workplace team to support a great cause. Email Fundraiser@humanityfirstusa.org

Black and white images of a child standing by water flowing into a bucket from a spout and an older man wearing an eye bandage. The text shares the $250000 fundraising goal to give clean water to 25 communities plus 90000 meals and 500 cataract surgeries.

Add your activity on a browser (phone or desktop)

A screenshot of a web page. An avatar icon in the upper right has a down arrow to open a vertical menu. The menu choice titled devices is highlighted.

Main menu

When logged in, use the menu in the upper right to find "Devices" to sync with a fitness tracker or "Activities" to manually record a workout.

A screenshot with the section title of select device type. Icons of the name or logo of the choices are shown. The apple heart icon is selected and displayed below the set of choices.

Sync a fitness tracker

Choose from Apple, Android, Garmin, Misfit, Fitbit, and Strava to integrate your fitness tracker with the campaign and sync each workout.

A screenshot of an input form that asks for activity type miles and a date.

Manual entry

Add a new activity by steps or by miles with the date. Walk, Run, Bike or see the table below to find your activity and the steps to enter. 👇

Add your activity on the Charity Footprints app

A screenshot of a phone screen with the words more options at the top. Blue colored boxes show the choices. A menu bar at the bottom shows the main main with the last option called more emphasized by a red square around it.

More options

Download the app from the campaign page or confirmation email. From the HFUSA campaign click the tab for "More Options". You can integrate a tracker or manually enter workouts.

A screenshot of a phone screen showing the word workouts at the top. Underneath are six choices of fitness trackers. In the upper right a plus sign icon is emphasized with a red square around it.

Sync a fitness tracker

Choose "Workouts". To integrate a fitness tracker, select Apple, Android, Garmin, Misfit, Fitbit, or Strava. For manual entry, click the ➕ in the upper right corner.

A screenshot of a phone screen titled add workouts and activities. The input form asks for activity type steps and date.

Manual entry

Add a new activity by steps or by miles with the date. Walk, Run, Bike or see the table below to find your activity and the steps to enter. 👇

A chart titled custom activities and activity points. Sports and activities are listed with a corresponding steps value per minute of activity.

See you on our route across the globe!

August 15th 2024

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Donate to HFUSA


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