We Commit Ourselves

And Our Resources

To Nurture the Spirit,

Grow in Community,

And Help Heal the World.

Join the First Parish Choir on Music Sunday for "Our Vision Unfolding," a new musical expression that invites our members to bring Love to the center of our faith and encourages action on the tenets of interdependence, equity, transformation, generosity, pluralism, and justice. Inspired by the proposed revisions to Article II of the UUA, this program highlights the transformative power of music in advancing our collective values. Featuring music by Kyle Pederson and Elaine Hagenburg.

Order of Service
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Upcoming Worship Services

June 9 | 10 am

Our Vision Unfolding: Music Sunday

First Parish Choir, Benjamin Holbrook, Director

June 16 | 10 am

Pride Sunday:

Jesus was an Ally (It's in the Bible!)

Rev. Norman Allen

June 23 | 10 am

Flower Communion: A Perennial Faith

Rev. Norman Allen

Click Here to Usher on Sunday Mornings

Annual Meeting – June 16

Members of First Parish: Your presence (onsite or online) is requested for our Annual Meeting on Sunday, June 16, following worship. We need a quorum to conduct business so it’s important that everyone attend. (Details will follow for those of you joining online.) Friends of the congregation are always welcome as non-voting observers. Join us as we celebrate an exciting and successful year together!

You'll find the Annual Report HERE. Please take a look prior to attending the meeting.

Families with children: If you would like childcare for the Annual Meeting, please email Molly by June 9. Bring a bag lunch on June 16 and we will eat and play for the duration of the meeting. 

UU the Vote Begins Sunday!

Are you concerned about the November elections? Are you looking for a way to put your concern into action? If so, join us before (9:30-10:00) and after Sunday services on June 9, June 16, and June 23. We’ll write short notes and address letters to voters in swing states, urging them to vote. This is part of the UUA’s UU The Vote initiative, in collaboration with Vote Forward (https://votefwd.org/uu). We’ll have coffee, tea, and snacks. For more information, contact Allen Armstrong (armstrong105@gmail.com) or Susan Payne (susan.m.payne@maine.edu). Together, we’ll put our faith in action and strengthen our democracy.

“Coming of Age” Info Session

Following the service this Sunday, families with children in 7th - 10th grade are invited to join Rev. Norm and Molly Juhlin, Director of Religious Exploration, for a fun and informative discussion of next year’s “Coming of Age” program. Get your beverage and snack then come on down to the Community Room as we scope out an exciting year ahead. For more information, email Molly at dre@firstparishportland.org.

Spotlight on the MLT

We continue our Spotlight series this Sunday, lifting up the dedication and creativity of our teams and committees. The Ministry Leadership Team (MLT) supports our minister in the leadership of all teams and programs that comprise the ministry of our church. They work as a team with leaders across groups and committees to identify synergies and opportunities that single teams cannot leverage. The group also helps address any conflicts that might arise across teams. The MLT Chair participates in monthly Executive Committee meetings with the Minister and the Chairs of the Governing Board and the Trustees.

Love's at the Center this Sunday

This Sunday’s service embodies the essence of our Unitarian Universalist values as represented in our Seven Principles and in the upcoming revisions to those Principles, which we’ll vote on at the Annual Meeting. When you listen to our glorious First Parish Choir on Sunday morning, notice how the word “love” is woven through the music, lyrics, and spoken word. It’s a chance to fully experience the truth that Love is at the center of our faith. See you there!

Staffing Update from Rev. Norm

Congregational Administrator Katy Moon informed us early this week that she would no longer be working at First Parish. We wish her all the best wherever her journey carries her next! In the meantime, a stellar team of lay leaders has come forward to cover the many and varied duties of the position. I am enormously grateful to them. We'll have more news coming soon! - Rev. Norm

Raffle Summary!

After our highly successful on-line auction and record-breaking Stewardship Campaign our Finance Chair, Claire Cowan, projected that we needed to gross $20,000 from the Raffle to break even in this year’s budget. After all the fund-raising we did  throughout the year, we knew it would require an extraordinary effort to make this happen. With a last-minute flurry of 359 tickets turned in last Sunday, we generated a much-needed revenue boost of $24,280 for First Parish. Given our conservative estimates of $7500 in expenses,

  • Prizes - $6,500
  • Printing - $815
  • State Raffle License - $180
  • Stamps - $50

we made $16,735 – enough to provide us with a comfortable surplus for the fiscal year 2023 – 2024. 

Here are the results of the drawing!

  • First Prize – $5000 – Jen Queally (sold by Sheila Sullivan).  
  • Second Prize – $1000 – Monique Prevost (sold by Stephanie Desrochers)
  • Third Prize – 5 prizes for $100 each – Claire Cowan, Breannet McCurnin (sold by Jason Shedlock), Nikie & George Ponell (sold by Cliff & Jane Hoover), Lauren Whittemore and Mike Simonds (sold by Bill Adams). 

Persons who sold the most tickets:

  • Jason Shedlock & Amber Friedman sold 80 tickets.
  • Mary Bloch sold 50 tickets
  • Cate Lund sold 40 tickets
  • Elizabeth Chapman sold 40 tickets
  • Nancy Berges sold 40 tickets

Seventy-five people sold tickets for us – they averaged 16 tickets per person. For those of you who helped sell tickets this year – my heartfelt thanks – your support is much appreciated. For those of you who chose to sit this one out, I hope you choose to join whatever fund-raiser we run next year!

Raffle Committee Jackie Oliveri, Val Blais, Bob Fowler, Nancy Berges, Elissa Armstrong, Mary Morin, Bill Adams, Sue Cook. Emily Bracket, Jason Shedlock and John Tiedje (Graphic Artist).

Buildings and Grounds Team

Ever wonder who, in addition to our dedicated Moe, keeps our beautiful building with all its parts and systems, functioning, presentable, and safe? Our volunteer Buildings and Grounds team, that’s who--with the support of our Trustees!Recent tasks include catching an attic leak in a bucket until the scheduled roof replacement is done, fashioning and replacing broken hinges and remounting the shutter disabled by the wind, and making repairs and a facelift to the Community Room. The team works behind the scenes, problem solving, saving labor costs, and getting quotes. Or they line up vendors when work is beyond the scope of volunteers. Thought you’d like to know. Buildings and Grounds has openings! See Allen Armstrong, Chair.

Flowers are a Living Chalice

Consider donating flowers for the chalice table for Sunday morning service. Instructions are on the sign up sheet posted by the stairs in the Parish Hall. You may dedicate your donation as a memorial or to honor an event such as an anniversary. For more information, please contact Elissa Armstrong or phone 207-761-1704.

Wayside Pulpit

Ongoing Opportunities at First Parish

Share the Plate Nominations

Each month, First Parish shares the offering received during one Sunday service by making a contribution to a nonprofit organization whose work advances the mission of First Parish, to nurture the spirit, grow in community and help heal the world. To nominate an organization for that one-time contribution, simply complete this form. You'll also find printed versions in our Parish Hall near the stairs. Thank you!

Musical Sneak Peek!

Come at 9:40 am on Sundays for a first stab at the morning's hymns. Our Music Director, along with our First Parish Choir, will run through each hymn to allow all in attendance to learn the melody and form. There will be other tips that will give you the confidence to sing out during the service. See you there!

If you are not feeling well, tested positive for Covid, or have been exposed to Covid, please enjoy Sunday services from the comfort of your own home. Live streaming is easily accessible here. As a reminder, you can order free Covid tests from the government at this link.

Is Stewardship In Your

Long-Term Financial Plans?

Legacy gifts are an important source of lasting support for our church. The Trustees acknowledge these bequests on behalf of a grateful congregation. If you would like to know more about ways you can make a future gift, please email Austin Farrar, President of the Trustees.

 Pastoral Care Needs


If you wish to speak in confidence with a member of the Pastoral Care Team, please send an email to the office and a member will get back to you as soon as possible. The Pastoral Care Team is also recruiting a new Chair! If you are a compassionate listener, we would love to meet with you. Please email Laurie Hasty, PCT Chair, if you are interested!

What's Going On

Within The UUA?

If you are interested in learning about what is happening within the UUA, check out these regional and national websites!

New England Region
Side With Love
Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism
Annual Report
Library Catalogue

Getting in Touch

with First Parish

It may take a few days to return phone messages, so email is the best way to reach all First Parish staff. Please remember that Laurie and Benjamin work part-time and may not respond to emails every day. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Rev. Norman Allen



Congregational Office


Benjamin Holbrook

Music Director


Molly Juhlin

Director of Religious Exploration


Laurie Hasty

Membership Coordinator


Moe Blanchard



Meetings & Resources

Peaceful Harbor Sangha | Sundays | 6:30-8pm

Visitor Card - Help us Get to Know YOU!

Offertory & Pledge Contributions


425 Congress Street Portland, Maine 04101



 Nurture the Spirit, Grow in Community, 

and Help Heal the World

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