It may look severe at first,

but will look much better this summer!

For several years now, during the winter we have adopted the practice of rejuvenation pruning for some types of shrubs.

Many shrubs used in landscapes naturally grow too large for the space where they were planted. Even when keeping them pruned to the appropriate height throughout the growing season, many shrubs still get out of hand and too big over time. 

To correct this problem, we recommend rejuvenation pruning to bring them back into size, shape and good health. Sometimes we can prevent overgrowing by thinning pruning. But other times, they need to be cut down to the ground and allowed to regrow at a shorter height and more naturally. The only problem is that when we make the cutback, it looks like we killed the plants! However, they always grow back and look much better by the end of the season!


As landscapes mature, rejuvenation pruning is becoming an important part of our maintenance program.

When we make this recommendation, please be open to this approach, because it is the best long-term practice to improve the appearance of your property's landscape.

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