Hello from the Friends of the Santa Cruz Libraries

A big thank you to all of you who responded to our appeal for our E-Books for Students, Teachers and Parents Campaign. Thanks to your generosity we exceeded our goal!  This campaign will have a huge impact on young readers in our community. The funds raised will enable the Santa Cruz Public Libraries to provide simultaneous use of ebooks in OverDrive. This means that an entire class of students will be able to read an electronic copy of a single title at the same time, without needing to wait for another copy to become available. The Library will also be able to support the increased demand for audiobooks, e-books, music, and video from hoopla, and the increased demand for films and documentaries from Kanopy. Thank you for making this campaign a success.
We are pleased to welcome Pete Cullen back to the Board of the Friends of the Santa Cruz Public Libraries (FSCPL). Pete served previously on the Board from 2012 - 2015, including a stint as President. Pete also finds time to serve on the Board of Directors for the Santa Cruz County Association of Realtors.
Congratulations to the Friends La Selva Beach Chapter for donating nearly $100,000 toward the renovation of the La Selva Beach library. And while we're tooting our horn, the FSCPL Board recently approved a gift of $75,000 toward the renovation of the Boulder Creek library. Both of these gifts are part of our support to supplement Measure S bond funding approved by voters in 2016.

-Martín Gómez, Interim Executive Director
Chapter Updates
Aptos - The County of Santa Cruz recently announced the contract for the new Aptos Public Library and held a virtual Open House on the matter this past Monday.

Our Community Reads hosted their first virtual event, a presentation of the four book finalists for community selection by live zoom vote. All four presentations were outstanding and book finalists were: Hidden Figures, The Great Believers, The Library Book, and Unfamiliar Fishes. The community selected The Great Believers and the OCR team is working to develop events for February 2021.

La Selva Beach - In addition to the recent and impressive funds given by the Friends of La Selva Beach, the re-opening of the branch has been delayed until 2020. However, remodeling continues and the progress is so exciting! The patio appears to be mostly complete and includes a new main entrance on the Florido lawn side of the branch. The Library will now be ADA compliant and include an automatic door opener to ease patron access.

Interior work includes the prep work to install the glass panel Nanawall underwritten by the LSB Friends. Beautiful case work is being completed for the main entry and area behind the circulation desk. We can’t wait to see the finished product!
Outside view of La Selva Beach Library
Interior view
Scotts Valley- Scotts Valley is happy to announce that renovations on the building have begun. This includes replacement of the roof and HVAC system. The team overseeing interior upgrades had their first meeting last week and will give a report to SV Friends at their Zoom meeting on Oct. 14.
Library Events

October Tech Talks - An going series, SCPL's Tech Talks are quick and easy virtual classes designed to help you understand tech better. Want to know more about false news? Learn what your iPhone can really do? How to limit your digital footprint? All these topics are covered this month alone. Check them out!

Stories from the Epicenter - UCSC is launching a ten-part documentary podcast Stories From the Epicenter, chronically the events of the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake. On October 16th, SCPL will be joining the creators for the launch of this work, complete with a live Q&A. Register here.

Conversations for Change: Homelessness - A part of SCPL's Conversations for Change program "designed to foster greater understanding among individuals who may have different viewpoints", this event will focus on the humanitarian crisis of homelessness. This live event will focus on your views on the causes and steps necessary to begin to resolve the problems of homelessness affecting our community. This event will be held on October 13th. Register here.

Speaking of issues affecting our local community, did you know that you can vote early this year? We encourage any and all to do so if possible. Check out this list of voting locations and times here.

Friends of the Santa Cruz Public Libraries