— Edison’s Birth 175 Years Ago —

— Creation of the Edison Birthplace Museum 75 Years Ago —

The 175th Anniversary Celebration of Thomas A. Edison’s birth in 1847 was held on Oct. 22, 2022, in Milan, Ohio. Featuring many events and displays, it was great fun and informative for all who attended.

Edison Birthplace Vice President Don Gfell brought and displayed many original Edison devices and exhibits, highlighting a variety of Edison inventions. Of special interest was his narrated demonstration of an original Edison projector showing original movie footage — some of the

first moving pictures in history.

He also operated an original Edison cylinder recorder/player, sounding an early recording of Mr. Edison thanking the attendance of an early audience, which applied to those in attendance at this event more than a century later.

The local high school’s Edison Drama Club gave a live stage performance of the locally-created musical Edison Lite (Re-Lit), which was written and first performed twenty-five years ago for Edison’s 150th birthday celebration. It was written and directed by drama teacher Rex Stanforth and performed by drama club members from Edison High School.

Throughout the hall were posters and displays telling stories of Edison’s life, both as a child in Milan and later in his productive adult years.

The event was advertised regionally. People from 51 different zip codes attended, including visitors from Michigan and Pennsylvania.

The event also celebrated the 75th anniversary of the Edison Birthplace Museum. Over those years, thousands have visited the birthplace and learned of Thomas Edison’s origins in Milan, where his destiny as a world-changing inventor first germinated. Many event participants were able to tour the birthplace.

We are indebted to Don and Bobbie Gfell for all they did, Rob and Patty DeLand of White Dog Bed and Breakfast for artwork and hospitality, the Village of Milan who assisted with our Banner Project, and to the Milan Township trustees, who provided the large display room in the historic Town Hall on the village square for the event. Shores and Islands Ohio provided a grant to publicize the event.

Watch the Video!

Surprise! Hoodies and T-Shirts are available from the event until 12/31/22.

Get yours before they're gone!

Thomas Edison's Brilliant Life, Told in Reverse

A podcast on Thomas Edison, hosted by Ohio vs the World, featuring two Trustees of Edison Birthplace, Paul Israel and Robert Wheeler. 

Listen to the Podcast

Shop our NEW Holiday Apparel Collection! Since it is the season of joy, enjoy 10% off your order through 12/26/22. Use code JOY22.

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"Everything, anything is possible. We know nothing; we have to creep by the light of experiments, never knowing the day or the hour that we shall find what we are after."

- Thomas Alva Edison

Stop by the Birthplace to get some awesome, unique stocking stuffers!

An Obvious Connection? U.S. Route 250 and America 250

The nation’s upcoming 250th anniversary lends itself to countless opportunities to express the ways that Ohio and Ohioans are in many ways central to the broader story of America. Transportation has always been a critical factor in Ohio, its history, and its future.

Read the story here

When did Thomas Edison publish and print on the train his own newspaper, the Weekly Herald?

Which is the correct answer?
Winter 1874
Spring 1862
Fall 1853

Last month's question: When did Thomas Edison receive his first telegraph patent (for the Boston instrument)?

Answer: June 1869

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