July 2019 eNews from CAP/Corbett
From our Executive Director
Summer greetings from all of us here at CAP/Corbett,
With summer comes the challenge for children who have experienced the most trauma as they struggle to adapt to less structure, changes in routines, and possible gaps in learning time. Often the foster system is also impacted by disruptions, new placements, and other challenges.
As we approach new placements here at the DJC Adoption Agency, we are moved by the trauma we see, its impact on behavior, and the beauty of ultimately navigating through it to adoption finalization. We are committed to intense support services and training for families to successfully move through adoption wait time.
In light of the challenges families may face when welcoming these children into their lives, CAP offers a monthly support group that regularly hosts seasoned, well-known trauma experts to educate and support families and awaiting parents to better prepare them.
ur CAP staff
is always available
provide advocacy and educational parent materials and support. We welcome all families to call or stop by for assistance and support.
If you do stop by, you'll see some new faces this month. In addition to our MSW student intern, Xerius, please welcome our new Family Support Worker, Olivia Russo, and Resource Support Specialist, Laura Poole. Both begin this month. CAP/Corbett welcomes them all to the team!
Thank you,
Lauri McKnight
Our Most Recent Success Story...
After spending more than five years in foster care, 15-year-old
(now known as "Lee")
has been adopted! He is pictured here with his new dad and grandparents.
Congratulations, and we wish them all the love in the world.
Lee is the fourth child in 2019 to be adopted through CAP. Whoo-hoo!
Don't forget, there are so many more children and teens like Lee waiting for a forever family.
Are you the one?
Email veronica@capbook.org or
click here
for more information.
Join us Sunday, July 28 for CAP DAY with the Red Wings
We will be auctioning off a number of items, including a
Red Wings game-worn autographed cap
and more...
If you can
donate an auction item (or an experience)
that kids or families would enjoy, please call our office, (585) 232-5110 or email info@capbook.org. We appreciate your generosity!
Home, Heart & Harmony:
A Forever Home for the Holidays
Saturday, November 30
Joseph A. Floreano Rochester Riverside Convention Center
Held during
National Adoption Month, this year's gala features music by Gap Mangione, the Jimmie Highsmith, Jr. Band, scrumptious food, raffles, and much more!
Consider becoming a sponsor -- various sponsorships are available, including a "create-your-own." Call (585) 232-5110.
Locally, our first-ever CAP Family Fun Day was a big success! Our thanks to the coverage on
13WHAM-TV, sponsor
InControl, many vendors, and all the families who attended.
legislative bills S3419 and A5494 passed 126-2 in favor of adoptee rights to obtain their original birth certificates as adults.
The bill will now be sent to Governor Andrew Cuomo for consideration and signature, with an effective date of January 15, 2020.
Nationally, concern continues over increased discrimination against adoptive LGBTQ parents. We continue to support the LGBTQ community as a source for loving parents.
"Lift the Wait ROC" Winner
A big "thank you" to
Pure Barre
(both in Pittsford)
who partnered to participate and took the top fundraising spot in our "Lift the Wait ROC" fundraiser.
Audrey & Carli presented the check
at Driphouse
to our Executive Director Lauri McKnight.
Council of Foster & Adoptive Parent Support Group Wednesday, July 10, 6-7:30 pm
You are invited to this month's
Council of Foster & Adoptive Parents Support Group meeting,
Wednesday, July 10 from 6-7:30 pm.
Guest speaker
Colette Fabray will speak with a twist on "Anger Management." The founder of
Rochester Anger Management, Colette holds a master's degree in counseling, and is nationally certified in Conflict Resolution, Mediation, Adult and Adolescent Anger Management, grief, loss, trauma, and executive coaching.
Pizza and childcare provided! Meet at the CAP office, 274 N. Goodman St., Suite D103.
Spotlight on CAP Intern Xerius Lewis
Meet new CAP intern
Xerius Lewis.
Xerius, known as "Ny," is here three days/week under the guidance of Veronica Black-Turner. Working in our adoption program, Ny also helps organize activities, participates in family services programs and community outreach to utilize her social work training.
Currently an MSW student at Walden University, Ny is a graduate of SUNY Geneseo and is the
JV Assistant Basketball Coach at School of the Arts. Ny is proud to spend free time working in her community.
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, July 9: Adoption Information Meeting, CAP office, 6 pm
Wednesday, July 10:
Council of Adoptive Parents Support Group, 6 pm
Sunday, July 28
: Red Wings "Christmas Vacation in July" CAP Day, 1:05 pm
Tuesday, July 30:
Adoption Information Meeting, CAP office, 6 pm
Saturday, November 30
: "Home, Heart & Harmony: A Forever Home for the Holidays" CAP/Corbett Gala, Joseph A. Floreano Rochester Riverside Convention Center
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Children Awaiting Parents/Donald J. Corbett Adoption Agency
(585) 232-5110, (888) 835-8802
274 N. Goodman Street, Ste D103, Rochester, NY 14607