Newsletter | May 28th, 2024
For all who are sick, we pray especially Winnie Wiatrak, friend of Kay LaPorte; Nenita Tarun, mother of Meinard Tarun. May the Holy Spirit descend with healing and comfort upon all those who live with sickness and pain.

For all who have died: we pray especially for William Simpson, brother of Marilee Simpson; Jane Wing, sister of Dorothy Martin; that they may experience eternal peace and joy in the presence of God, who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

We invite you to complete our Prayer Request Form or call/email the parish office at 206-523-6776 to add names to the prayer list. Names for the petition of the sick will remain for four weeks unless otherwise specified.
New Proposed Mass Schedule
Remembering that we are in the process of consolidating into one parish community, and that all the Masses in the family are available to everyone, here is the proposed weekend Mass schedule for Our Lady of the Lake beginning the first weekend of July:
  • Saturdays 5pm Mass
  • Sundays 10:30am Mass

We will notify the parish when we receive the final mass times.
Annual Catholic Appeal
Please remember to turn in your pledge for this year’s ACA. We have received $56,053 so far.

Our parish goal this year is $97,000. All gifts received over our goal will go toward repairing the outside masonry which includes 2 leaks. Our first bid came in at $80,000.

Please consider a gift to this year’s Appeal by going online at It is secure and convenient. If you recently made a gift, thank you so much.
Unity Mass and Reception with Fr. Tim Clark
Unity Mass and Reception with Father Tim Clark (All are welcome)
When: 9:30am, Sun., June 30, 2024
Where: OLL Church and Jubilee Hall
A light refreshment reception of food and beverages will follow Mass in Jubilee Hall - no payment or RSVP required.

Special Announcement - Join us at the
June 2nd 9:30am Mass!
Please join the OLL Parish Family to welcome former music ministers Abbie (Naze) Eads and Erin Greenfield, who are travelling from their homes in North Dakota and Colorado to honor Father Tim with a special musical tribute.

Besides gracing us with their vocal and instrumental talents throughout the liturgy of the Eucharist, Abbie and Erin will be offering a debut performance of "Let Nothing Disturb You" (Prayer of St. Teresa of Avila), composed for this occasion by Emerson Eads.
Sunday - Coffee Hour Hosted by Parish Life
Beans - pinto, great northern, baked, kidney
Congratulations to Liana Shuckerow
Join us in welcoming and praying for Liana who was baptized this past weekend. Congratulations to Liana and her parents David & Chih-Yun Yang.
Have you attended RCIA in the last five years?
Please come to our RCIA potluck on Wednesday, June 12 at 7:00 in the parish office.  What to bring: bring yourself and your favorite food item that you would bring to a potluck.
Wedgwood Art Festival
Mass Livestream Link
Partners in the Gospel News from
St. Vincent de Paul
With the announcement of our new parish families earlier this year, our OLL St. Vincent de Paul Conference has been getting started with our transition activities. We will be combining the SVdP conferences from Assumption St. Bridget, St. Catherine of Sienna, and Our Lady of the Lake into one single conference. We are fortunate that each of these conferences is strong and vibrant – filled with people eager to serve our neighbors in need.

The presidents of these three conferences have set up monthly meetings to discuss our current situations and our local procedures for serving the poor. We have also gotten started on helping our conference members get to know each other and understand how we each go about assisting our neighbors.

We learned that our new Parish Family is filled with wonderful people, and we are very blessed to join with them for our worship and ministry in assisting neighbors in need. Enthusiasm for our faith and our vocation will help to bring us together through Partners in the Gospel. While change can be difficult, there is great potential for SVdP and all the ministries in our parishes.
If you are interested in joining SVdP, please email Marci Tittle.

To donate, please see our giving site on the parish website homepage and look for St. Vincent de Paul. If you or anyone you know needs help with basic needs like rent, food, utilities, and clothing, please call the SVdP of Seattle/King County Helpline: 206-767-6449 (8am-3pm - M-F).
Collections and Online Giving
Collections May 1-22, 2024
Collections: $46,352
Budget Goal: $53,083
Over/Under MTD Budget: ($6,731)

Year To Date: July 1, 2023-May 22, 2024
YTD Collections: $792,235
YTD Budget Goal: $764,784
Over/Under Annual Budget: $27,451
Please consider giving your gifts online. Click on picture to give a one-time or recurring gift. Thank you!
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