Dear Nanon,

I am excited to share with you our Fiscal Year 2022 Impact Report. This report clearly illustrates that with your support, Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation is dedicated to transforming vision care in Georgia.

One of our critical goals is to bring vision services to the 52 rural Georgia counties, which currently have little or no access to eye care.* The greatest barrier continues to be securing volunteer doctors to travel to these vision care deserts. In April 2022, we initiated a 12-month pilot project using tele-optometry technology to address the shortage of doctors. This innovative initiative allows us to travel to rural communities with hi-tech equipment that enables a remote optometrist to clearly see the health of patient’s eyes, develop eyeglass prescriptions as well as refer patients for additional follow-up care such as surgery.

The start-up cost to run this program is $375,000. To date, we have raised $189,000. Stanley Friedman, a generous long-time donor, has offered to match up to $40,000 to help us reach our goal by December 31, 2022. I would like to ask you to please consider a year-end gift to help us secure another $186,000. Please donate online today.

Thank you for your consideration and generosity.


Beth Ehrhardt, Executive Director

*Emory Eye Center


Your year-end gift will be doubled and will provide twice the impact for Georgians in need that have impaired vision.


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