Mundi Update
Mundi is coming to Elephant Refuge North America (ERNA)!
We are excited to announce that earlier this month, we were asked to receive Mundi, the elephant currently living at the zoo in Puerto Rico.
Logistics are being worked out now. An update will be issued as soon as final arrangements are made. If all goes as planned, Mundi will arrive at ERNA the first week in May!
In preparation for Mundi’s arrival, we are constructing a new pond and mud wallow, installing a solar-powered well, building a habitat care corral, reinforcing areas of fencing, and expanding our EleCam system for more extensive coverage of habitat areas, including the new pond and mud wallow.

Now is your chance to get involved and bring Mundi home!
Living Their Best Lives: Bo and Tarra Update
Bo and Tarra devour delicious bamboo
Spring has sprung in South Georgia, bringing warm days, mild nights, and an abundance of fresh, tasty grass.
Tarra is an old timer at living in nature, she knows where to find the most nutritious natural growing vegetation, while Bo is still figuring it out.
Tarra forages for fresh vegetation in the woods
Don’t misunderstand, Bo grazes. He spends hours each day meandering across the pastures and disappearing into the woods finding newly sprouted grasses and vines. What he hasn’t yet figured out is there is so much more—850 acres full of elephant food growing all over the habitat. That is what rehabilitation is all about.
Bo is almost camouflaged by a mass of moss-covered branches
Captive-held elephants only know what they have experienced. But thankfully, they are quick learners. As they are exposed to the different aspects of natural living, they discover many things, most importantly, what brings them a sense of self and security, and yes, a joy of living free in nature.
Bo and Tarra’s friendship has deepened significantly over the past six months. Although we fully expected Tarra to accept Bo and for the two to be compatible, Tarra has surprised us with her outward affection towards him. It is wonderful to see Tarra engage Bo, soliciting physical interaction while chattering non-stop. Bo is always happy to oblige calmly and with total respect, never being rough or pushy with Tarra. Yep, that gal is in charge and Bo seems fine with the arrangement!
Snack time! Yummy Timothy hay.
If you’d like to see this blossoming friendship for yourself, tune into our live-streaming EleCam on our YouTube channel,  But be forewarned, it is addictive!
The EleCam allows us to witness Tarra and Bo’s frequent affection
Firehouse Arts Center Fundraiser for EAI
Earlier this month, Firehouse Arts Center hosted their first “Friday at the Firehouse,” a new series featuring educational and inspirational organizations and speakers. The center chose Elephant Aid International as a beneficiary for their inaugural event, inviting founder Carol Buckley as their guest speaker. 

Carol candidly shared her journey with Tarra from circus to sanctuary, leading to the creation of EAI, and later, the elephant retirement home in South Georgia—Elephant Refuge North America (ERNA).

Photographs of Tarra and Bo from the Refuge, EAI merchandise, and elephant-inspired artwork created by local artists were sold at the event. Carol engaged the audience with Q&A and signed copies of her children’s books (featuring Tarra). All proceeds, including admission fees, went to EAI and the Art Center.

Firehouse Arts Center is a historic landmark located in downtown Bainbridge, Georgia.

To read more about this event:

Elephant Curriculum

If you missed Carol’s National Biodiversity Teach-In presentation on February 17, Captive Held Elephant Rehabilitation, you can view it on YouTube at
You Shop and the Elephants Benefit. What Could Be Better!
Goodshop is a platform similar to AmazonSmile, where a percentage of virtually every purchase you make at Walmart, Kohl's, Home Depot, Travelocity, Staples, and more can go to Elephant Aid International (EAI).
Did you know that every time you shop on, you can round up your change and donate it to EAI?
A Special Thank You - Subscriber Premiere Video
In this month's early sneak peek video, Bo naps while Tarra plays "dog." Click the image above to watch!
As always, we greatly appreciate your interest, commitment and help. You make our work for elephants possible. Thank you!
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