IR Global News & Updates

17th December 2022


Hi Rachel,

As the IR Global community wraps up another successful year, we look back with a 6-month round-up and touch on the upcoming IR Virtual event. We're also delighted to share some images from recent member meet-ups in Poland, Australia, and Japan.

Be sure to check out this week's member news with topics on overseas franchises, divorce law, #MeToo, and cyber security.

We hope you all have a wonderful seasonal break.

IR Global

In your newsletter:


Australasia Regional Group Meeting

IR in the press

Save the date for the IR Global Virtual Event

Member Meetings

End of year round-up

Member news

End of Year Round-up!


It's been a busy year here at IR Global - with the addition of new team members, our Annual Barcelona Conference, regional meetings across the globe,3 publications, and a growing group of gold members!

Take a look here! πŸ‘€


Australasia Regional Group Meeting

Our Australasia Regional Group met in Sydney this week for their first in-person meeting in quite some time. This meeting was kindly hosted by Norman Donato of Bartier Perry Pty Limited & chaired by Ross Koffel of Koffels Solicitors & Barristers.

ο»ΏA big thank you goes out to Ross Koffel for his continued efforts to collaborate and connect our members in the region.

The Australasia Group send their best wishes to all attendees and the IR Global community!


IR in The Press

Our PR Partnership here at IR enables us to place members' articles within globally esteemed media outlets, expanding a firm's global reach and reputation. 


Find below a couple of our latest articles published recently.


Save The Date For The IR Global Virtual Event! πŸ“†

Join our sponsors Maprima, Mark Copeland Lawyers, and Malone & Co Accountants from the 6th-17th of February to discuss Trends, Sectors & Opportunities

for growth in 2023!

Register your place now here

Member Meetings


ASP Law Office meets Kuroda Law Offices & Daiichi Legal Professional Corporation.

Andreas Hartono & Jeff Gunarso traveled to Japan and meet Mr. Kei Kimura, a partner at Daiichi Tokyo Office, and Mr. Satoshi Miki, a partner of Daiichi’s Osaka Office

joined via zoom call.

EBS travelled to Poland to meet BPiON's Martin Williams and fellow IR Global member Rafal Nadolny in Warsaw, Poland.


Palli Law Firm travelled to Australia to meet fellow IR Global members, Riccardo Raso of McBurneys Chartered Accountants & Business Advisors, Richard Hemingway of Mandanex Capital Pty Ltd and Judy Tse of Chapman Eastway!


Recent news from our global members


Basic notions on whistleblowing channels

Bufete B. Buigas

The most important upcoming changes in the Polish Labour Law

NGL Legal

You Just Sold Your Healthcare Business. What’s Next?


Reflections on 2022 and What’s Ahead for Medtech: MPO Sounding Board


MedWorld Advisors

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