Unitarian Universalist
Meeting House
of Pittsfield, Maine

Dear Congregants and Friends of UU Meeting House of Pittsfield Maine,

Each of us on the Meeting House Council is thinking of you. We hope you and your loved ones are safe and sound. We recognize how difficult this time is for everyone.

We’re grateful to count you as an important member of this community.
We’re writing to let you know about the challenges the Meeting House is facing due to COVID-19 and to share the plans to care for our diverse community. 

We are all saddened and trying to process the fact that contracts with Rev. Jess and Ed, our Musical Director, cannot be renewed at this time.

We hope you’ll help us weather this difficult period and provide support to this community which means so much to each of us.

Right now we need your help to keep the Meeting House going so we can meet community needs moving forward.

As you know, we had planned to be closed to gatherings for a few months so that critical remediation work at the church could be completed. That work goes on and we still plan to be able to open again as soon as possible. However, COVID-19 has prevented us from gathering at all – even for coffee hour at Dysart’s. We have been unable to pass the collection plate during this time, so contributions have virtually stopped.

Your donation now, of any amount you can afford, will help us during a time when we’ve experienced a loss of critical income. While we’re remediating and planning for the future, we’ve lost our income from functions that took place at the church. Although the church is closed for gatherings, we still need to pay for basic utilities, etc.

Your generous support will allow us to continue to pay for necessities without relying on the Endowment. With your help, we’ll make up the immediate shortfall and continue to be there for our entire community at a time when we need the comfort of community and pastoral care more than ever.

Hopefully, in time, we will again be able to contract with a Minister and have a Music Director.

If you are in a position to give, please support us now with a generous donation. 

Click the button below, you'll be directed to our secure donation page.
If you prefer to mail in a donation, our address is below.
Your UUMH Council is here for you. Thank you for being there for us.

Until we can be together again, look for our upcoming newsletter update which will keep you informed of our progress. And we hope you’ll join us when we are able to re-open our doors.

With all our thanks,

Your UUMH Council

Council Officers

Rick Parkhurst, Council Vice-President
(207) 341-1415

Natasha Sposato, Clerk
(207) 355-1481

Holly Zadra, Council President
(207) 250-9212

Marsha Zeisel, Council Treasurer
(207) 573-1169

Council Members

Julianne Bousquet, Community Minister and Representative of the ULAS
(207) 458-9117

Trudy Ferland
(207) 992-3408

Jim Love
(207) 487-3762

Jack Parkhurst
(207) 270-3480

Unitarian Universalist Meeting House
Pittsfield, Maine
PO Box 160
Pittsfield Maine, 04967