Leaders’ Digest from Our Better Angels

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Tuesday, February 21, 2023: Twice a week we bring you informational, educational, inspirational, and entertaining messages. This edition showcases the following topic:

  • Tuesday Information and Education After winning the American Revolution and claiming independence from British rule, the thirteen original North American colonies formed a fairly loose structure of governance regulated by a weak constitution called the Articles of Confederation. By 1787 it had become clear that a new and stronger form of governance would be necessary if the new nation were to survive, let alone prosper. You can check out the text of the preamble to the US Constitution here:
  • https://ourbetterangels.org/preamble-to-the-constitution-of-the-united-states-of-america-1787

  • Coming Up on Friday – Inspiration and Fun.

Check out some of our favorite Good Causes: 

Ripon College https://ripon.edu

Kiwanis International https://www.kiwanis.org

Rotary International https://www.rotary.org

The League of Women Voters https://www.lwv.org

Lions International https://www.lionsclubs.org

US Chamber of Commerce https://www.uschamber.com

US Main Street Programs https://www.mainstreet.org

A Better Angels Quote to Live by: “To see what is right

and not do it is want of courage.” — Confucius

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