Leaders’ Digest from Our Better Angels

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Tuesday, December 20, 2022: Twice a week we bring you informational, educational, inspirational, and entertaining messages. This edition showcases the following items:

  • Tuesday Information and Education – Alec Fraser is a retired US Navy captain who commanded two US missile ships. After a 25-year career in the Navy, he served as president of Turner Properties, a division of Turner Broadcasting. His book, Damn the Torpedoes! -- Applying the Navy’s Leadership Principles to Business, published in 2016 by the Naval Institute Press, describes four principles of Navy leadership and shows through his own experiences “afloat and ashore” how they are directly applicable to the world of business. The writing is crisp, clear, and concise, as one might expect from a ship’s captain and a graduate of USN Academy at Annapolis. It is also entertaining, and it presents clear and practical leadership lessons from a perspective not often seen in books and articles on leadership.

  •  Coming Up on Friday – Inspiration and Fun.

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A Better Angels Quote to Live by:Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death.” — Harold Wilson

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