Leaders’ Digest from Our Better Angels

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Tuesday, February 28, 2023: Twice a week we bring you informational, educational, inspirational, and entertaining messages. This edition showcases the following topic:

  • Tuesday Information and Education It didn’t take long for the discoveries of science to generate innovations in engineering and technology, culminating in powerful new forms of energy (steam, electricity), transportation (railroads, automobiles, airplanes), and communication (telegraph, telephone, radio, film, television, digital media). As industrial organizations grew to mammoth proportions spanning the globe, their leaders became extraordinarily wealthy and thus exercised enormous economic, social, and political power. At the same time, economic progress made life more tolerable and even enjoyable for many people who could rise above the lowest levels of society. Near the end of the nineteenth century, new forms of social organization and new demands for innovation supported movements for greater political and economic power for women and other previously powerless populations. Find out more by clicking on this link: https://ourbetterangels.org/the-industrial-revolution

  • Coming Up on Friday – Inspiration and Fun.

Check out some of our favorite Good Causes: 

Ripon College https://ripon.edu

Kiwanis International https://www.kiwanis.org

Rotary International https://www.rotary.org

The League of Women Voters https://www.lwv.org

Lions International https://www.lionsclubs.org

US Chamber of Commerce https://www.uschamber.com

US Main Street Programs https://www.mainstreet.org

A Better Angels Quote to Live by: “You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.” – Steve Jobs

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