Leaders’ Digest from Our Better Angels

Welcome to our new subscribers. Thanks for joining.

Friday, June 30, 2023: This will be our last edition for a while.

  • We began posting Leaders' Digest materials on July 4, 2022, just about one year ago. Due to unanticipated circumstances, we are now considering a new approach to our long-range goals. You can check us out on our website at www.ourbetterangels.org whenever you want. If we decide to start posting new material once or twice a week, we will be in touch. Meanwhile, thanks for your support over the last year.

All of our previous articles are still available at the

Better Angels Leaders' Digest On-line Archive

Check out some of our favorite Good Causes 

A Better Angels Quote to Live by: (Our favorite

quote from our first year from our favorite leader).

"You can fool all of the people some of the time, and

some of the people all the time, but you can't fool

all the people all the time." -- Abraham Lincoln

We can't do anything by ourselves. Neither can you.


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