April 2024

Tom Moore's On-Line Column Posted!

Another installment of Tom Moore's popular online column about mineral news from the Internet has been posted. He scours the Internet and compiles notes on new mineral offerings in one place for your efficient reading - specimen photos included.  

Read it by clicking the link below: 


Tom's Online Report #699


Read all previous What's New online columns by clicking below:


IKONS; The Beauty of Fine Minerals

now available for immediate shipping!

Limited quantity

Debuted at this year's 2024 Tucson Show, this fabulous new book is now on it's way to those who have pre-ordered and both the hardbound and leather bound copies are now available on our website. Click the image above for more information, or visit the link below to order your copies:

IKONS; The Beauty of Fine Minerals- in the Bookstore

New Digital Issues Added!

3+ more years recently added!

Issue by issue, we're getting it done! And judging by their popularity over the last year, digital readers are loving it! Here's why:

  • You get instant delivery. No waiting for the mail. Click on the email order confirmation or log into your account to locate, download and read your digital issues.

  • You OWN them, just like your paper issues. Download your issues and set up an MR Library in your computer and that way you will not have to go to the website and log into your account to download every time you want to read an issue. And, as always, we to ask you to please be respectful of our copyrighted material- all material published by the Mineralogical Record is protected by copyright so please, do not share.

  • The photographs appear ever more beautiful! They're backlit and you can zoom in and see the detail.

  • Small device? Aging eyes? You can enlarge the Font.

So click on the image above, or the link below to peruse our special Digital Issues Page:

Digital Issues by year

Get a Digital Subscription!

All of the advantages listed above also available in a Digital Subscription. Six issues for just $54 a year. Or add it to your Paper Subscription for just an additional $24 a year! Biggest advantage to a Digital Subscription?

  • You get it first! And
  • With a Digital Add-on, you can keep your paper copy in pristine condition!

Click on the link below to order a Digital Subscription:

Digital Subscription HERE!

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Starting at $9: 1970 - 2001 scan sample issue

Digitized sample 2002 to present

See a Flip Book sample of our current issue HERE

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Other Books

Pegmatites and their Gem Minerals

by Michael Menzies and Jeffrey Scovil

Lead author Michael Menzies has partnered with Jeff Scovil to produce an outstanding tour-de-force on the subject of pegmatites, perfect for members of the mineral collecting community who wish to improve the scientific aspects of their connoisseurship. Although it is primarily an educational publication targeted at the interested amateur or the professional geologist who does not have specific expertise on this subject, Pegmatites and their Gem Minerals presents itself as a beautiful coffee table book with a colorfully printed hard cover and outstanding photography (primarily by the coauthor) throughout. This book will teach you things! Click on the image above or the link below to order your copy:

Pegmatites and their Gem Minerals

Antique Miners’ Candlesticks

by Wendell E. Wilson 

“The miner’s candlestick, in all of its many varieties, is certainly the single most important and evocative artifact of early mining in the American West.”

A comprehensive and definitive look at miners’ candlesticks, the predominant lighting device in Western mines during the Candlelight Era (1865-1915)—a unique chapter in American mining history. Over 750 illustrations, including many underground mining scenes showing candles in use, and hundreds of rare and varied antique candleholders from famous mining areas. Every known type of miner’s candlestick is illustrated and discussed. Click on the above image to see a sample. Click the link below to order your copy:

Antique Miners’ Candlesticks

Now Also in Digital!



The Journal of Mining Collectibles

New articles being added all the time!


 Many mineral collectors are also interested in mining artifacts, and the Mineralogical Record has occasionally published articles on a variety of types and examples. But now we are doing something even better: As a new feature of our website, we have posted articles and complete issues from the full runs of four important mining artifact journals (all no longer in business), creating by far the greatest free online database of information for artifact and mining antique collectors and historians. This new feature of our website constitutes a valuable literature reclamation and preservation project. Over 1,500 separate articles are posted by category, including 146 complete issues. New articles are also being accepted for publication. (Write to the Editor at minrecord@comcast.net.) The posted journals include:


Eureka! The Journal of Mining Collectibles (1992-2023) 

The Mining Artifact Collector (1988 to 1994)

The Collectors’ Mining Review (1996-1998)

The Underground Lamp Post (1968-1999)

Browse the entire bookstore here

Best of health to all,


Wendell Wilson 

and The Mineralogical Record Staff: 

Tom Gressman 

Tom Moore

Chris Stefano

Christi Cramer

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