Jan & John Maggs
Antiques and Art

Our April Newsletter

This is a photo taken just over a week ago as we crossed the Atlantic on the huge A-380 that brought us back to Massachusetts following our three-week visit to England. It was an outstanding trip; not only did we find plenty to add to our stock, but we also had an outstanding holiday in the English countryside.

Because of the escalating cost of shipping furniture by sea and recent successes in buying early furniture closer to home, we decided not to buy furniture on this trip and to investigate the possibility of shipping smalls with DHL. As a result, all of our March/April purchases are now safely in Conway, ready to be priced and sold. Many of these new pieces will be offered at our Spring Opening, online and live on May 4 and 5. You'll find details below.

For those who enjoy joining us virtually on our travels, this newsletter contains the first installment of a three-part series on the exciting itinerary we followed on this trip, visiting historic homes and interesting sites. Pippin's Page and a brief video will complete this email. We hope you'll enjoy it.

Our Spring Opening

May 4 & 5, 2024

On the weekend of May 4 & 5, we'll post 80 to 100 pieces, newly acquired and fresh to our wwebsite. The show will go online at 10:00 a.m., and we'll open our doors for in-person shopping at 1:00. We're excited about our new things, and we hope that you will be, too. Newsletter subscribers will receive a reminder on Thursday the 2nd and a link to the new listings at 10:00 on Saturday. The online component will have a fresh look, with larger thumbnails and a simplified interface that we think will make shopping easier. Mark your calendars, and don't miss this one!

Our National Trust Holiday

This month we're offering the first of three installments chronicling our travels on motorways, back roads, and the peculiarly British single-track roads through farmlands, mountains, and tiny villages. Clicking on the map above will take you to photographs of the first four properties we visited, including a few dozen of the hundreds of photographs we took and, we hope, introduce you to at least one exciting place to visit when you're able. Our itinerary for the first three days is outlined on the map above. Click it to join us.

Pippin's Page

Thanks to Bill, Katy, and Linda, who dropped in twice a day to attend to Pippin's needs. We are all grateful to each of you.

Click the picture to see how Pippin shows his gratitude.

The Back Page

If you've never flown on the huge Airbus A-380, you might enjoy this brief video of our takeoff from London's Heathrow Airport.

Click the picture to begin.

Thank you being a subscriber.

We value your interest in us and what we do.

Stay safe and be well.

John & Jan

Jan & John Maggs Antiques and Art
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