Our Amazing God At Work!
GCC's Top Ten Countdown For 2019
e-News - Connections
  2019 - Year End Report  

Momentum is building. Leaders are reporting major breakthroughs as new levels of partnership are forming. God's people are uniting in prayer and mission across worship styles, traditions and generations. It's happening now, in our day! And the best is yet to come!
Here's a look back at GCC's Top Ten Countdown. Our awesome God at work.  
In Indonesia last January, Jason Hubbard, one of our GCC board members, was installed as the new Executive Coordinator for the International Prayer Council (IPC). The IPC represents thousands of prayer ministries and networks around the world. Jason has stepped up with his passion for United, Strategic, Sustainable "canopies" of prayer in communities everywhere.
In February and March our Go 2020 Kids Global Team began to meet on monthly video calls. We began to dream about the
"audacious goal" of mobilizing 50 million children in specific 
regions to pray for and to "win" 100 million others by the end of 2020.
Emma - age 10 
In April and May children were invited to be Go 2020 Kids by identifying 5 people to pray for and share how they could know
Luke - age 7
Jesus. The response was very enthusiastic. Emma from Mongolia, age 10, began forming her list of 5 that very day. Luke, age 7, knew God could use him as he had already led his dying grandfather to Christ. He's ready!     
Ruth, age
Ruth - age 7 
7, said "Yes," she wanted to be a Go 2020   Kid. Within
Ruth shares with Jonathan
one hour
Ruth led her brother, Jonathan, age 3, to Jesus!
In June The Best News Ever was reformatted into a comic - similar to the Prayer Covenant for Children. Now is can be produced in mass, translated and available to empower children to become Go 2020 Kids in nations around the world.  
In July, more doors opened as we were invited to share Go 2020 Kids in Hong Kong with the Chinese Homecoming leadership team. Thousands gathered for the Chinese Homecoming from mainland China as well as Taiwan, Hong Kong and other nations. 
Kids even led in worship for almost an hour the final night. The joy they brought in that tense season was amazing!
In September about 270 leaders from 80+ nations  
gathered in Thessaloniki, Greece, for Bold Moves 2. Most were part of Cru's Global Church Movement team. Others were partner ministries. Several Cru national leaders "caught the vision" for implementing Go 2020 Kids for their nations including these national leaders from Myanmar who began translating The Best News Ever into Burmese on the spot.    
Septembe r also saw the Children's Team from The       
Global Alliance for Church Multiplication grow dramatically. More than 30 leaders represented ministries with more than 40 million children in discipleship clubs. Our "audacious goal" of mobilizing 50 million children to pray for and "win" 100 million others suddenly seemed within sight!
In Indonesia in November, the World Evangelical Alliance General Assembly brought leaders of national church
Bishop Noel - Philippines 
alliances from scores of nations. It was wonderful to see how Go 2020 Kids connected with so many other key pastoral, ministry, network and movement leaders.
An example is Bishop Noel who leads the national alliance of churches in the Philippines. They've committed
Worship at World Evangelical Alliance 
to mobilize 5 million believers to pray for and reach out to 25 million others in their nation in 2020, including 1 million children and 1 million youth.   
In December God prompted me to rearrange my schedule and go to the Finishing The Task Conference at Saddleback Church. It didn't take long to figure out why. One of my friends from another area of Asia shared with me their "detailed plan" to mobilize 5 million Go 2020 Kids using church planting teams and Master Trainers. I had shared with him about Go 2020 Kids in September at the GACX Global Forum. Now, three months later, their plan was in place. Stunning! 
One of the presenters at Finishing The Task was Dinah who shared  how 800,000 people had come to Jesus in their nation of Madagascar
this last year. But Madagascar has so many children with 41% of the population, more than 10 million, under 15. Werner leads Go 2020 globally and introduced us so we could talk about Go 2020 Kids. The smile on Dihah's face just got bigger and bigger the more we talked. He gets it. He's in!
there isn't time or space to share all that's happening, like our new friends with the Legacy Coalition that we met in December. They want to mobilize the 30 million Christian Grandparents in our nation to "pass on their faith" to their grandchildren. What an opportunity to create inter-generational teams for Go 2020 Kids.
So I've come to this growing conviction. It's the #1 item on my Countdown list for 2019. "God wants this more than we do!" 
He's calling us all to be, "On mission - with Him - together - across worship styles and generations." Every believer a witness. Every believer a "prayer saturated multiplying disciple." He's promised to empower us. And let's keep in mind that there is no such thing as a Jr. Holy Spirit. He's calling us all!  
Many believer we are about to enter a "Decade of Harvest," perhaps the greatest harvest in all of history. In November at the World Evangelical Alliance General Assembly in Indonesia, a special friend brought me some custom made New Balance Go 2020 sneakers. I love them - but I hope to wear them out this year. Let's run this race together - Jesus deserves it!   
Dear Friends,                                                                
Thank you for your partnership through your prayers, encouragement, friendship and support. I'm so excited to be on this journey as we enter this new "Decade of Harvest!" How about you? 
As we end this year, we are very focused on putting together the digital platform and the many translations needed to empower Go 2020 Kids - and those who love and serve them - everywhere.  
I've just given my biggest gift ever to GCC - in order to help make this happen. If God speaks to you to join me, you are most welcome. No pressure. Just do what He tells you to do. He's in charge!    
Until all have heard,
Tom Victor 

Prayer Points:
Please Pray Go2020 Kids:
  • God's direction and favor as we continue to identify and invite church, ministry, network, denominational and movement leaders to be part of Go 2020 Kids.
  • Wisdom and discernment to discover how God wants to equip and empower Children to be full partners in Go 2020.
  • Development of teams in the areas of technology, media, prayer and discipleship to maximize the potential of the children and to give them a voice.
  • Launching of Continental, Regional and National Teams that can run with and "Own" the Go 2020 Kids vision within their regions and nations.
If you want a great resource to share with others about the role of Children and the Great Commission, check out the animated video by our partners at Global Children's Forum called "Aim Lower!"  

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 The Great Commission Coalition
P.O. Box 6787
Kingwood, TX  77325

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