Burning Issues – Monitoring Fires Remotely from South Dakota
Presented by Research Biologist Joshua Picotte, Earth Resources Observation and Science Center
The Osher Institute at the University of South Dakota would like to share a single-session FREE Zoom class with all OLLIs this fall. USGS Earth Resources and Observation Science Center (EROS) operates the Landsat satellite program with NASA, and maintains the largest civilian collection of images of the Earth’s land surface in existence, including tens of millions of satellite images. They use satellites to monitor fires across the United States, all from a tiny place in eastern South Dakota. Joshua Picotte, who has been involved in fire science for the past 20 years, will explain the techniques that EROS uses to map those fires and how the data is used. Limit: 300 attendees.
Please email OLLI@usd.edu for the Zoom link if you would like to attend.
Friday, September 6, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. CENTRAL