We are very pleased to announce 82 fall classes, 39 of them brand new topics. We will also offer 13 additional classes through our esteemed partnership with Osher Online with Northwestern University. Our courses will meet 70% in person and 30% on Zoom, giving you the best of both worlds. David Keyes will kick off the term in person, beginning on September 9 with Balance and Fall Prevention. Courses will continue through November 21. How will you decide which learning adventures call to you most? Fall term registration begins August 6 at 9:00 am. Let a new adventure begin! | |
Socialize, make new friends, and enjoy Red Butte Garden as our guest! Bring a friend to test drive Osher. No membership is required to attend. Join or renew membership in our community of 1,600 lifelong learners age 50 and better who value a vibrant intellectual life. Our fall term instructors will be available to meet and greet new and prospective Osher members, answer questions, and share their course syllabus. Breakfast buffet will be served and a shuttle bus will run between Red Butte and our Arapeen Drive parking lot.
Thursday, August 8 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
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Learn More about Osher this Summer
& Take Time to Give Back!
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Osher Ambassadors
Do you love Osher and want to give back to this wonderful program by serving as a volunteer? We would love to have you! We are currently seeking volunteers to serve as Osher Ambassadors to help greet and direct people at our annual open house at Red Butte Garden in August, annual member luncheon at Little America Hotel in December, and our Spring Fling held on campus in early March. Osher Ambassadors will help staff with various tasks at these big events and also help host free special events throughout the year, attending as an Osher member who gathers the group at the designated meeting spot, takes roll, and communicates with staff afterwards. During our four terms, Osher Ambassadors can also help instructors by taking roll in classes and reading announcements each week before class begins, as well as directing members to our complimentary coffee and tea service and their classrooms during the "first week of school" when Osher members are trying to find the way to their new class. This is a low effort but high impact and fun way to get involved. You can sign up to help at as many or as few events or classes as your schedule allows. Join us to learn more about this opportunity in a fun, free class session.
Thursday, August 1 at 11:30 am – FREE CLASS!
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What makes being part of Osher so great? The people! We have talented, intelligent, inquisitive, and generous members, instructors, and volunteers. Each person adds something wonderful to the greater whole. Some have been around for many years, coming back to be together year after year. Read and listen below to learn more about some of your outstanding fellow compatriots in lifelong learning adventures, Gene Fitzgerald, Terrell Dougan, Julie Myers, and “Dr Dave” Derezotes. | |
Longtime Russian literature instructor and professor emeritus Gene Fitzgerald was recently featured in the University of Utah online publication, Humans of the U. Read more about why Gene has continued to teach for Osher since 2008 and how the Osher classroom differs in remarkable ways from undergraduate teaching and learning. Thank you, Gene, for all you’ve given to us over the years and continue to give! | |
Jill E. Meyer, Osher director; Gene Fitzgerald, Osher instructor; and Kathryn Fitzgerald, Osher member. | |
In celebration of our 20th Anniversary, we are collecting recorded interviews with Osher members, instructors, and volunteers as they share their experiences and describe what this wonderful program has meant to them in their lives. Longtime Osher member, published author, and beloved writing instructor Terrell Dougan shares her experiences of finding joy and reflection through Shakespeare, tracing, and laundry as a result of participating in some of our courses. Duration: 7:34.
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If you are interested in contributing to this very special Utah Osher 20th Anniversary project, adding your own Osher story to our collection, please contact wonderful Osher volunteer Julie Myers via email jscott63@comcast.net or text or call her at 801-598-0595 to schedule a recording session. | |
FREE Osher Community Events | |
Free Lecture - Courtesy of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
at the Rochester Institute of Technology:
Dancing and Romancing on Broadway
With Michael Lasser
Michael Lasser is the author of three books: America’s Songs: The Stories Behind the Songs of Broadway, Hollywood, and Tin Pan Alley (co-written with Philip Furia), America’s Songs II: From the 1890s to the Post-War Years, and City Songs and American Life, 1900-1950. From 1980-2021, he was the host of the nationally syndicated public radio show, Fascinatin’ Rhythm, winner of a 1994 Peabody Award. A graduate of Dartmouth College, he is the former theater critic for the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, and for 35 years has spoken at museums and universities around the country. In 2010, he was named a Thomas P. Johnson Distinguished Visiting Scholar at Rollins College. He is currently at work on a fourth book about the Great American Songbook.
Tuesday, August 6 at 8:00 to 10:00 am MDT
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Meeting ID: 971 1899 5074
Passcode: 676377
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Test Drive Vivo Fitness for Free!
Fall term Vivo classes will begin September 16. But free trial classes are held weekly at Vivo Fitness. With the added daylight and numerous opportunities to be active, summer is the perfect time to start an exercise routine. Vivo offers free trial classes to make the first step that much easier. You can join a class and meet one of their expert trainers to see if Vivo might be right for you. Visit their website to learn more or reach out with any questions by emailing care@teamvivo.com.
Meet Vivo CEO Eric Levitan:
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Stay Connected by Joining Us on Social Media | |
The Osher Instagram and Facebook pages are a great way to stay connected. We highlight the accomplishments of Osher instructors and members. Special Events are updated, posted, and featured here too. Please like us to stay up to date and share with your friends who would enjoy all that Osher has to offer!
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Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
801-581-6461 | osher@utah.edu
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