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Enchanted Summer

Last chance! The Osher summer term is winding down as our last in-person classes at our Arapeen Drive location come to a close this week. And what an amazing term it’s been, with over 750 enrollments and 51 classes—our most ever. But as summer school ends, the summer vacation season is just beginning. We wish you many happy travels and continued learning adventures until we meet again for fall term.

The Osher staff is now busy planning fall term courses and events. Save the dates of August 6 for fall registration and August 8 for our annual open house and fall instructor preview at the lovely Red Butte Garden. More information will be coming here soon. Our fall classes and new brochure will be posted on our website and coming to your mailbox in early August. Thank you, Osher members, for your ongoing support!

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Upcoming Classes

In-Person Classes

Reading the Reader in Dickens's Bleak House

With Jeffrey Walker

How the reader reads forms the question everyone must ask if they are to understand any text. In the case of Charles Dickens's 1853 novel Bleak House, arguably his best and most daunting tale, readers are often challenged and sometimes dismayed by its length and complexity. Yet in its simplest form, Bleak House is about reading—reading characters, reading individual scenes, reading texts and conversation, and reading Phiz's illustrations. Every character, every word, every illustration is essential to the meaning, and together they ask the principal question: What do these people, their classes, and the places they live or work have to do with each other? Reading Bleak House in serial—part by part and installment by installment—provides answers. This single-session lecture will be a preview of a longer class session to follow in fall term.

Thursday, June 27 at 1:30 pm at Arapeen Drive

Register Here

Marcie's Movie Club

With Marcie Collett

Each week, Marcie's Movie Club will watch and then discuss a film at Salt Lake Film Society's Broadway Centre Cinemas-SLC's home for independent film. Films will be a variety of recently released big-name, independent, documentary, and international titles. The class fee includes a movie ticket each week and free parking validation. If a class must be missed, class members will be offered complimentary tickets to watch the film on their own at another time. Osher members will connect with one another over independent, first-run cinema, as well as with their fellow global citizens through documentary and international films. As Roger Ebert noted, movies are an empathy machine!

Monday, July 1 at 1:45 pm

Register Here

Learn More about Osher this Summer

Osher Behind the Scenes: Welcome New Members!

With Jill E. Meyer, Director and Sandy Richards, Program Coordinator

You joined Osher and paid your membership dues for a year of fun. Now what? This single-session free class will welcome new members, provide a "meet and greet" opportunity to socialize a bit with others new to Osher, and show you the ropes of how to get involved. We will cover the material in our Member Handbook, letting you know how you can get the most out of your membership benefits...everything from where to get your U of U student ID card, to where to use it for discounts, to the many campus amenities available to Continuing Education students. Our program becomes stronger with each new member!

Thursday, June 27 at 11:30 am—FREE CLASS!

Register Here

Osher Ambassadors

Do you love Osher and want to give back to this wonderful program by serving as a volunteer? We would love to have you! We are currently seeking volunteers to serve as Osher Ambassadors to help greet and direct people at our annual open house at Red Butte Garden in August, annual member luncheon at Little America Hotel in December, and our Spring Fling held on campus in early March. Osher Ambassadors will help staff with various tasks at these big events and also help host free special events throughout the year, attending as an Osher member who gathers the group at the designated meeting spot, takes roll, and communicates with staff afterwards. During our four terms, Osher Ambassadors can also help instructors by taking roll in classes and reading announcements each week before class begins, as well as directing members to our complimentary coffee and tea service and their classrooms during the "first week of school" when Osher members are trying to find the way to their new class. This is a low effort but high impact and fun way to get involved. You can sign up to help at as many or as few events or classes as your schedule allows. Join us to learn more about this opportunity in a fun, free class session.

Thursday, August 1 at 11:30 amFREE CLASS!

Register Here

Online Classes

Going It Alone: A Visit to Great Salt Lake

With Nicole Anderson

Planning a trip to Great Salt Lake this year or just reminiscing about a bygone family outing? This class is for you! In this Armchair Traveler Lecture, we will explore where to go to enjoy different regions of the lake. Learn where to go to see birds, microbialites, take a swim, celebrate the bison roundup, and take part in fun activities for the entire family. Explore the many clubs and events that take place on and around the lake and get to know Our Inland Sea.

Tuesday, June 25 at 1:30 pm — TOMORROW

Register Here

History and Literature: The Curse of Pietro Houdini

With Stan & Diane Henderson

Historical novels tell interesting stories about a time and its people, requiring authors to do extensive research so their writing reflects history accurately. Using the lenses of art and war, this class will offer a one-hour lecture on St. Benedict's storied Montecassino Abbey during World War II. This centuries-old bastion of faith played a major role in German efforts to control the art treasures of western civilization and became the center of the defining battle for control of the Italian peninsula in 1944. In the second hour, we will continue with a discussion of the novel as contemporary literature. Readers and history buffs welcome! Participants should read The Curse of Pietro Houdini by Derek B. Miller before class begins.

Friday, June 28 at 11:30 am

Register Here
Special Events

Utah Museum of Fine Arts Tour - The 12 Principles of Design

Enjoy a tour of the Utah Museum of Fine Arts' global collection with a focus on principles of design. Practice your slow-looking skills and explore more deeply the reasons artists utilize principles like balance, repetition, and movement to create works of art that resonate with viewers. Your skillful guides will be UMFA docents Gerri Coombs and Kevin Doyle.

Friday, July 12 at 1:00 pm

Register Here

Campus Events

Hand Building Functional Ceramics at the Utah Museum of Fine Arts

With Horacio Rodriguez

Create your own ceramic pieces using pinch, coil, and slab techniques with artist educator Horacio Rodriguez. No previous experience is required. All skill levels are welcome. All materials are provided. This workshop is free for participants 55+.

Saturday, July 6 from 1pm to 5pm

Class size is limited. To register of for more information contact: Laura Sharp Wilson, Creative Aging Coordinator, email: phone: 801.585.6176.

Community Events

Save Abravanel Hall

With the recent announcement of a National Hockey League team coming to Utah, and the Utah State Legislature authorizing Salt Lake City to increase sales tax to help finance a home for the team, the future of Abravanel Hall, the home of the Utah Symphony could be at stake. Named after longtime Utah Symphony music director Maurice Abravanel, it has been home to the Utah Symphony since the year 1979. In many ways, it is the center of the performing arts in the state of Utah. Preservation Utah put Abravanel Hall on its list of the most threatened buildings in the state. The first SL City Council vote on tax increases and zoning changes will be on July 2.

Sign the Petition
More Information

Go Learn


December 05-17, 2024

Are you ready for an adventure? We have a one-of-a-kind trip planned to Patagonia. For 12 days and 11 nights, you’ll explore Argentina in a way few have seen before. We’ll take you off the beaten path, avoiding touristy spots, and giving you an exclusive peek into this majestic locale. Come to the end of the earth with us! Book today! 

Tour Highlights Include:

  • Three inter-country flights spanning the length of Argentina!
  • Seeing Puerto Deseado, where Darwin began developing his theory of evolution.
  • Exploring Isla Pingüino National Park, and observing the penguins there.
  • See the nesting ground of the rockhopper penguins as well as Magellan penguins, south polar skuas, and other birds.
  • Discovering what wildlife we can find at Ria Deseado with a local researcher providing insight.
  • And more!
Learn More
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The Osher Instagram and Facebook pages are a great way to stay connected. We highlight the accomplishments of Osher instructors and members. Special Events are updated, posted, and featured here too. Please like us to stay up to date and share with your friends who would enjoy all that Osher has to offer!
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Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
801-581-6461 |