We Are Oregon Bio - The Industry Leader in Advocacy, Cultivation and Education
The Big Stories This Week
Policy Points: Oregon Bio advocates for patient-centered care, repealing the medical device excise tax, and inviting members to review FDA draft guidance for the Safer Technologies Program

Oregon Bio’s public advocacy work on behalf of its members has turned its attention to federal congressional actions. OR Bio members are invited to reach out to their Member of Congress* to learn more and share their positions about these important, current issues: 

  • Could patient-centered care be outlawed by House Resolution 3? HR3 includes the Lower Drug Costs Now Act 2019, which aims to create reference pricing structures, introduces price control mechanisms from foreign countries, and imposes extreme penalties on U.S. innovation, researchers and drug developers.

Voice of Industry: Lisa Hale, CEO of Grace Bio-Labs, Part one

Oregon Bio recently caught up with Lisa Hale, CEO of Grace Bio-Labs, headquartered in Bend, Oregon. Started three decades ago, the company has grown as a globally recognized developer and manufacturer of tools for life science research, working to understand how protein and single-cell interactions are relevant in cancer detection.

As a voice of industry, we wanted to hear Grace Bio-Labs perspective:
OR Bio: How does Grace Bio-Labs fit into Oregon’s biotech and life science ecosystem? The region?

LH: Typically when you hear the term “biotech” you think...
OHSU earns Deals of Distinction™ Award for the Industry-University-Government Interface Sector

The Licensing Executives Society (U.S.A and Canada), Inc. (LES) today announced the recipients of its Deals of Distinction™ Awards in four industry sectors. The annual program, now in its fifteenth year, recognizes the LES member companies that orchestrated the year's most outstanding licensing and business deals in each sector.

#OregonBio2019 Event Update - How will you vote? What will you learn?
Emerging bio companies and researchers are showcasing leading thought in bioscience innovation at Oregon Bio 2019: Innovating and Scaling for our Region’s Growth – the conference created for investors, start-up entrepreneurs, executives, researchers and policymakers, happening Oct. 29 in Portland. 

Throughout the day audience members will vote after each pitch presentation and at the end of the evening the people's choice will be announced along with the judges award. Oregon Bio gives an appreciative shout out to our pitch coaches Charla Triplett and Jackie Wirz. Ph.D.

We Appreciate Our Event Sponsors!
Welcome e-MSion and Catalyze, Oregon Bio's newest members!
e-MSion, Inc. aims to advance proteomics research by improving the accessibility of electron-based fragmentation in mass spectrometry. Our name is an amalgam of electrons, Mass Spectrometry, and ions. We offer a device, the ExD Cell, that enables a type of fragmentation, similar to electron-capture dissociation (ECD), as an add-on to virtually any type of mass spectrometer. This unique type of fragmentation produced by our device enables fast, comprehensive characterization of ions without the experimental complexity of other competing technologies on the market today. 

e-MSion is the first to make ECD technically feasible on instruments that are in the low- to mid-price range. As a result, our device makes ECD more accessible “for the masses.” Our universally-compatible ExD Cell device can give life science researchers the ability to more comprehensively characterize their molecules of interest.
Catalyze was founded in 2019 with a single mission: to support innovation. Our consulting collective works with startups, corporate innovation groups, universities and non-profits. At Catalyze, we approach each of our clients with fresh eyes to develop customized, unique strategies. We have consultants and strategic partners that can support business, marketing, strategy and product development needs, with strong expertise in the Medical Device, Digital Health, Technology, Education and Non-profit spaces.

Give us a call today and see what we can do for you!

Upcoming Incumbent Worker Training -
Click the titles for class details and registration!
Business Communication Fundamentals November 6, 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Project Management: Foundations and Best Practices November 19-20, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Communication Tools for Conflict Management December 10, 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Managing Multiple Projects December 12, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
High Performance Teamwork December 17, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Upcoming Partner Events (click the logo for details)
OHSU and Catalyze are bringing together Portland experts and entrepreneurs to share their perspectives about how digital health and wearables promise to transform the future of health, wellness and the practice of medicine.
Join us Tuesday, October 22, at the Knight Cancer Research Building.
Come to the PSBA on Tuesday, November 12! This Lunch and Learn will cover the SBIR/STTR basics plus recent changes in the program, agency interests, new opportunities for commercialization
assistance, faster award processes and (if time) interesting technology topics in digital/IT areas.
Join WIS PDX at our 6th Annual Women in Science Mixer at OMSI on Thursday, November 14 at 6pm! Come create connections among the women in the regional STEM community across career paths and levels. Have fun engaging and win prizes with our networking game!
   Oregon Bioscience
  2828 SW Corbett Ave. Suite 115
  Portland, Oregon 97201