48th Edition: May 6th - May 10th 2024

Riding the Winds of Change: Orange County's Strategic Positioning in the Offshore Wind Supply Chain

Preparation and strategy are critical for attracting new and emerging sectors – the offshore wind supply chain positions Orange County to be on the ground floor of next-generation job creation. Last month, the Orange County Partnership was represented by Conor Eckert, our Vice President of Business Attraction, at the International Partnering Forum Conference in New Orleans – the largest offshore wind conference in the country. Many of the major developers, manufacturers, and consultants in the offshore wind industry attend – as do delegations of economic developers from states across the country. Over the last year, we’ve identified two sites along the Hudson River that are well positioned for advanced manufacturing for the offshore wind supply chain – items such as secondary steel, specialized cables, and windmill blades. The opportunity for us is clear – our sites on the Hudson River with industrial infrastructure offer supply chain manufacturers a unique opportunity to not only achieve scale on a real estate basis but also offer the ability to barge finished products down toward staging areas near the Atlantic, the final destination for finished windmills.

Over the past few months, we’ve held a handful of site tours with international companies interested in locating a supply chain project in North America. At the IPF conference, Conor was able to reconnect with these companies, helping further advocate for our market and site selection opportunities. Opportunities to prop up an emerging industry don’t come often – especially industries that create well-paying, advanced manufacturing jobs. If a clean energy transition is going to happen, we’re going to work to make sure the component supply chain production locate in Orange County, NY!

My very best,

Maureen Halahan

President & CEO

New York Team at the International Partnering Forum Conference in New Orleans

Recent Setback Paves the Way for New Opportunity

By: Conor Eckert

As the offshore wind sector continues to progress in New York State, there are certainly growing pains as the effort to grow the industry progresses. NYSERDA announced on April 19 that no final agreements could be reached with the three offshore wind projects that received provisional awards in October 2023. Those bids were all linked to major supply chain investments by General Electric and a larger turbine it planned to build that was aimed at boosting the region’s renewable energy portfolio, Politico reported. While this cancellation had no direct impact on Orange County, it was seen as a setback in advancing the offshore wind generation goals and supply chain investment across the state. “Subsequent to the provisional award announcement, material modifications to projects bid into New York’s third offshore wind solicitation caused technical and commercial complexities between provisional awardees and their partners, resulting in the provisionally awarded parties’ inability to come to terms,” NYSERDA wrote in an announcement.

The news, although unfortunate, was met by a dynamic response from NYSERDA and Governor Kathy Hochul, quickly mobilizing to soon make $500 million available for major component supply chain manufacturing and supportive logistics / small components. Simultaneously, NY5 was announced, a new offshore wind project solicitation. These monies, coupled with a new solicitation, positions New York State and Orange County to create good-paying jobs across the supply chain while advancing clean energy objectives.

Orange County Partnership Applauds Infrastructure Collaboration on Route 17

Supporting infrastructure is a critical path item for advancing tech-based economic development opportunities. The 17M Corridor from Middletown to Goshen has long been an area of interest for economic development – on April 30th the Mid Hudson News reported that Orange County and the 17M municipalities are working on a concept to combine water services to activate 17M. County Executive Steve Neuhaus said, “We want to combine it and use Middletown’s existing infrastructure and let’s look at some of the capabilities that are available in the Indigot Reservoir that I signed an agreement with Middletown a few years ago, and let’s see if it can provide water, for example, on that 17M corridor where you have Middletown leading into Wawayanda and Goshen.” The 17M corridor is home to companies such as Milmar Foods and the soon-to-be-delivered kosher wine and grape juice manufacturing facility for Royal Wine/Kedem.

Click Here for the Full Story

Rendering of Royal Wine Facility currently under construction in Goshen, NY

Credit: New York State Department of Transportation

NYSDOT Spells Out Route 17 Expansion Study Construction Concepts in Federal Register Filing

In advance of public scoping open houses scheduled on May 15 in the Town of Wallkill and May 16 in Central Valley for the “State Route 17 Mobility & Access Improvement Project” also known as the Route 17 expansion project, the New York State Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration have provided significant detail on their three preliminary study concepts involving improvements or expansions possible for the roadway in Orange and Sullivan counties.


On April 30, the Federal Highway Administration, in conjunction with NYSDOT, published in the Federal Register its Notice of Intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the project. The publication of the NOI began a 30-day public comment period that includes the May 15 and May 16 scoping sessions. The FHWA and NYSDOT are co-lead agencies for the project. Although the EIS will include a No Build option, it is doubtful based on the longstanding need for improvements and the fact that New York Gov. Kathy Hochul has committed $1 billion in capital funding for the Route 17 improvement/expansion project that the No Build option will be selected.

Click Here for the Full Story

NYS Issues Bid on $300-M Project at Mid-Hudson Forensic Psychiatric Center Campus in New Hampton

The Mid-Hudson Forensic Psychiatric Center in New Hampton, which at one time was slated for closure, will in fact remain open and have its operations significantly expanded. The New York State Dormitory Authority on April 26 issued a bid to construct a new Forensic Hospital on the campus located off Route 17M.


The project has been valued at between $300 million to $310 million, according to the solicitation. The scope of the new replacement hospital (Base Building BP2) “includes all the sitework and building construction for a new 340,000-square-foot Inpatient Forensic Psychiatric Hospital, Central Utility Plant and Administrative Support spaces.”

The new hospital is to be built adjacent to the current occupied hospital property. Site clearing work has already commenced at the hospital campus. The facility was slated for closure by the State Department of Health under a consolidation plan released in 2013, but the DOH later reversed itself and announced it would remain open.

Click Here for the Full Story

A rendering of the Woodbury Common Premium Outlets expansion. SOURCE: SIMON

A rendering of the Woodbury Common Premium Outlets Hotel. SOURCE: SIMON

VIP Suite Lounge Area Rendering. SOURCE: SIMON

Simon Updates Woodbury Common Expansion Project, New Store Openings

The owner of the Woodbury Common Premium Outlets, which previously announced plans for a $250-million expansion project, recently updated other upcoming customer experience enhancements and new store openings at the iconic Orange County-based property.


Indianapolis, IN-based Simon reports that the first enhancement to be unveiled will be a new VIP Suite, which will feature multiple private spaces with exclusive dressing rooms, an upscale lounge area with plush furnishings and curated art, and a private kitchen. The opulent suite will allow guests to explore the latest fashions from luxury brands in privacy and comfort. The VIP Suite will host private events, as well as offer personalized service and curated customer experiences. The multi-million-dollar suite is expected to open later this year in the heart of the center's luxury wing, “The Adirondacks District,” Simon officials stated.

Click Here for the Full Story



By James S. Arrabito, Esq. - Catania, Mahon & Rider, PLLC

On April 19th, the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) announced its long-awaited final rule (“Final Rule”) designating a pair of PFAS compounds – PFOA and PFOS – as “Hazardous Substances” under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (“CERCLA”), also known as the Superfund law. This significant regulatory action follows quickly on the heels of EPA’s new rule, the first legally enforceable set of National Drinking Water Standards, which provides Maximum Contaminant Level Goals for several PFAS and GenX compounds.

As set forth in greater detail in our prior article discussing the then-proposed rule, CERCLA (1) provides a mechanism for EPA to track certain pollutant spills and hold Potentially Responsible Parties (“PRPs”) accountable by bringing enforcement actions by forcing PRPs to either perform the necessary investigation and cleanup or to reimburse EPA its costs for an EPA-led investigation and cleanup; and (2) creates private rights of recovery for contribution and cost recovery for costs incurred by those parties in remediating contaminated sites. By its terms, CERCLA is limited in applicability to discharges of “Hazardous Substances,” as that term is defined.

The Final Rule represents a significant moment in EPA’s ongoing efforts to address PFAS contamination. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances are a cluster of thousands of man-made chemical compounds that have been in large-scale industrial and consumer use for roughly 70 years and have historically been put to a broad range of uses, from Aqueous Film Forming Foams (fire suppressants) to textile applications and non-stick coatings. These compounds, which do not break down naturally in the environment, have been linked to human health risks.

The Final Rule requires that persons – including entities – must report to EPA new releases of PFOA and PFOS that meet or exceed reportable quantity limitations. Per EPA, “[a]ny entity that releases a pound or more of PFOA or PFOS, or their salts or structural isomers, in any 24- hour period must report those releases consistent.” The Final Rule includes a reporting requirement for ongoing releases, but – importantly – there is no reporting requirement for past releases as long as they are not continuing release as of the effective date of the Final Rule.

Commercial and industrial entities which do or may use, store, generate, or dispose of potential PFAS-containing products and materials should take special note of these new regulatory provisions.



Welcoming our New Investors to

"The Orange County Partnership Circle of Success Investor Program"

May 2024


"Back in the Circle Where Renewed Investors Thrive"

Two of our long-time Orange County Partnership Investors have brought this monumental need to our attention and asked that we inform you of the upcoming event that will raise money for the needs of three Orange County / Hudson Valley children:


The 2024 Lil Heroes For Hope Gala on May 29th is just three weeks away. They need the support from you (your friends and family) so please share this information in order to make this event a success! The goal of this fundraiser is to purchase two handicapped accessible vans and a wheelchair accessible ramp. Your support will help the lives of three young girls in our community with 100% of all donations going to the cause.


Please support and purchase your tickets today:


This event is open to all. If you cannot attend the event, you can make a donation on the website. 


The Event

  • The event will be at the Villa Venezia in Middletown on Wednesday, May 29th at 5pm (Cocktail hour, sit-down dinner, a silent & live auction, and a cash bar) 
  • They have a number of unique items to auction off including golfing outings, sports memorabilia collectibles, local “experiences” and more 
  • Members from the community and local businesses will be in attendance and the cocktail hour is a great time to network


 Special Guests of Honor 

  • Jocelyn is 7 years old and lives in Middletown. She has cerebral palsy and is non-verbal and wheelchair dependent. 
  • Kaitlyn is 9 years old and lives in Kingston. She has Rhett Syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome and is non-verbal and wheelchair dependent. 
  • Sky Mendoza was paralyzed in a serious car accident in 2017 and is non-verbal and wheelchair dependent.



This past December they completed their 2023 goal and presented a newly built handicap-accessible home to Miss Sky Mendoza and her family (Middletown, NY) all of which was achievable 100% through local volunteers and donations.


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