Club President   

By: Al Wiscovitch - Club President

Hello again,

Hope you all are keeping cool with all the heat we are having at the moment?

As we move into the month of August, we have been busy working on projects for our range the new connex is nearing our completion as all the electrical is now done and I would like to give a big thank you to one of our new members Chris Sweeney and his brother Mike for one doing the work and too for donating all the needed materials to complete the electrical work. It turned out very nice the connex now has LED lighting with plugs. Thanks again Chris! The watering system for dust control for our road has been repaired and is working well again. You have noticed that Jose Lara has started clean up behind our connex’s we are planning to put in a connex back there behind our existing connex’s. This new connex will serve as a maintains box for our members who take care of targets and other areas of our range. Bill Waltz had started grading the back area so that we can gravel this area and help keep this back area clean and keep the water out of connex area. We are still waiting for the delivery of our new carpet bails they should be delivered anytime soon. These are some of our big projects on going at the moment. As for smaller projects we have been working on our chipper, our side by side Kubota’s we have been having some wear and tear problems but are being repaired as quickly as we can get parts.
As for range work Chriss Bowels started cutting down some of our dead trees and some tree trimming as well thank you Chriss for taking on this project. Now if we can just get our chipper back up and working again we should be good going to the fall season.

Membership is moving along well with our new membership chairman Mariella I hope you are pleased with her performance and have given her a big thank you this is not an easy job this time of year as we are getting all of our membership back on board.

As I have been planning we just had our first bylaws meeting with our board members and where able to cover a good portion of reviewing with still some fine tuning to still be done. I’m hoping to get the next meeting in sometime this month and get it ready for our club member’s review.

Moving forward, a lot of you will be going to Big Bear or San Francisco for the One Million B.C. Good luck to all of you as both of these shoots are great shoots. I would also like to thank all of our members who helped with the 3-D State Marked Championship event we just hosted. I hope you all enjoyed this as it was very hot but well put together. A big thanks to Steve Baker our cook shack foreman and his team for keeping us well hydrated and plenty of good food. Sided note: Just want to also mention How hard our board members worked to get this event done and ready it took a lot of work getting the targets ready and put out to meet the NFAA standards so be sure to thank them when you see them on the range.

Summer League, I hope you guys and gals have been enjoying Brads 3-D league this hot summer I know I have and looking forward to the final shoot this next weekend. This will be tough man week and should be a lot of fun and hard. So get a partner and get out there. We will be having a potluck barbecue afterwards so bring a dish and lets have some fun!

Hunting season has started and I hear some of you have done well already please feel free to send Justine our newsletter editor, some photos and a short story so she can put it in our newsletter for everyone can read. I know that many of you have trips planed out and will be head out soon good luck to you guys and gals be sure to share your stories with us.

As always thank you for reading our newsletter and hope to see you all out shooting in the near future!

Al Wiscovitch
(909) 322-3869
Club Vice President

By: Pete Whitworth - Club Vice President

So, what has been going on over the last month?

It’s been a hard month for a lot of you. Running any state event is always a drain on resources, (those resources being you, the members), who always come out to help ORANCO set the stage for all of our major events. You guys (non gender) are the backbone of this club and I can’t thank you enough for all your hard work. To prepare for the State Unmarked 3D, you came out on Friday from 8:30 to 3:30 when the temperature was above 100 and you couldn’t buy a breeze. Please pause a moment here to ponder the dark irony of no breeze at ORANCO. Together you took a pile of more than 42 perfectly good 3D targets, marked scoring rings and painted the spots a bright orange on one side of each target. You then aligned them on the ground in order of the position number that they were planned for. You did a great job of keeping track of which target went in which position and recording it on paper for future reference, and to be used in the target set-up that that you also did starting at 8:00 the next morning Saturday.

Saturday did go a bit faster than usual due to all the organization that was done on Friday, with all the animals being set out by 10:30. The remainder of the shooting stakes were placed and some clean up also happened, which had a skeleton crew of us tidying things up until about mid afternoon (that part usually takes us into early evening).

That is what you have done for your club. The club thanks you profusely, as do I. This brings me to my reason for writing this article… What has the club done for you? Are you taking advantage of it? If not, you should consider this…

ORANCO is proud to support our members (you) with a lot of “members only shoots”.
We have our annual club Champ Shoot, and also our annual Bowhunters 3D shoots, run by our Range Secretary Mark Houston.

We also have our series of League shoots, run by our League Chairman Brad Belvedere.
The great thing about any of these club members only shoots is that there is very little set-up work to be done, very little tear down work to be done, and a lot of good shooting to be had for minimal or no expense.

If you are like I am and find that committing to a full league is next to impossible, then keep in mind that you do not have to shoot the entire league. You can come out whenever you do have the time and shoot the individual league events. There is only one remaining shoot for the current league. I think it is next weekend, but keep an eye on the

email for details. So far I only made it to one of the current league shoots, and I hope I can make it to this last one for the summer league.

The benefits of these league shoots are many, including the fact that since they are smaller than our invitationals (24 targets usually, with one bonus shot), the day is more relaxed, most of the people you see out there are likely already your friends, and it is possible to set up more interesting shots than we can set up for a larger tournament.

ORANCO always has two of the best maintained field ranges around and an excellent practice area, however; I hope you do not overlook the members only shoots. They are members only so that you can enjoy the same type of shoot that you provide for the public, in a more relaxed club atmosphere.

That is all.

Pete Whitworth
(909) 223-5822
Club Secretary

By: Amanda Duchardt - Club Secretary

Nothing to report.

Amanda Duchardt

By: Louie Lopez - ob.treasurer@outlook.com

Nothing to report.

Louie Lopez
(714) 538-7202
Range Captain
By: Jose Lara - Club Range Captain
Nothing to report.

Jose Lara
(909) 706-1149
Hunt Chairman

By: Chriss Bowles - Club Hunt Chairman  

Nothing to report.

Chriss Bowles
(951) 757-4571
Range Secretary

By: Mark Houston - Club Range Secretary

Nothing to report.

Mark Houston
(760) 605-1155
Tournament Chairman

By: David Bacon. - Tournament Chairman

Nothing to report.

David Bacon
(909) 217-4441
Membership Chairmen 
By: Mariela Gonzalez - Club Membership

I would like to thank you for all the support I have been receiving this past month, thank you to all of you who have been patient with me. I would like to introduce myself as your Membership Chair for 2023 and in dreams of many years to come. Your Range Captain Jose Lara introduced me to the sport of Archery 3 years ago. The feeling you get when releasing your first arrow through the bow is incredible. So, for those who are thinking about joining the sport of Archery you won’t regret it.

This past month life and work have been busy, I would like to apologize to those who have not received your membership card, they will go out on Monday. Those who were personally called and texted regarding an open invoice, or an expired association please send confirmation so a card can be issued. There will be a work party soon to reorganize membership files. Those who are interested keep an eye out for an email. Remember if you have a new phone number, email and or mailing address and have not sent me an email with your updated information please do so. A new work party sheet has been created with a column for PM’s and for phone numbers. Please make sure you take a picture of the sheet before leaving, also make sure you make an X under PM if you are a prospective member and provide a phone number as well, since there’s times that I cannot read the writing.

For the members, please make sure your membership card is always visible when at the range. If you have any questions my number is on the website.

Again, thank you all for your support.

Mariela Gonzalez
League Chairman

By: Brad Belvedere - League Chairman

Well, it's been a hot summer so far. But we have had a great turn out for the summer league shoots. 
I want to thank everybody that has come out to shoot the league.

We all took a break to shoot the Cherry Valley Big Bear or the 1Million BC in Pacifica. Hope you all had fun at either event. 

We will be shooting our final summer league shot this Saturday 8/12.

This will be a Tough Man style shoot. You will need a teammate to shoot this event. Man, and women may soot together. You may also mix style of bows, meaning compound may shoot with Long Bow or Trad. 

If you have not shot in any other weekend, it not too late and shoot this weekend. 

We will have a potluck lunch after the shoot. 

Please bring your favorite dish. I will be cooking Hamburgers and hotdogs. 

I want to put out a special thanks to all that have helped me do the set ups. This could not happen without their help. Jim Teel, the Dubbs Family, Scott (sorry I don't know his last name) Al, Mark.

Brad Belvedere
(951) 545-9462
Two Year Board Member

By: Bill Waltz - Two Year Board Member

Nothing to report.

Bill Waltz
If you are looking for photos of previous shoots, check out Tony Nguyen's fantastic photography in the link below! He has an amazing gallery organized by shoots and dates he's participated in:

Oranco Bowmen Archery Range

Occupying about 45 acres, Oranco Bowmen Archery Club is a NFAA certified 5-star range. This is the highest certification given by NFAA. We are the only range in Southern California with practice butts from 10-80 yards in 5-yard increments. If you need a place to "dial in" your bow, this is it! 

Oranco also has two NFAA roving courses: Our Valley Course is a level 28-target course, consisting of 14 animal and 14 hunter paper targets. For those who desire a bit more of a physical challenge, our Mountain Course is a hilly 28-target course offering 14 Field targets and another set of 14 animal paper targets. The Layout changes occasionally.
Oranco Bowmen Archery Club - Range Map 
Oranco is not responsible for lost or stolen belongings.

Please remember to lock your vehicles when you are not present and always take your equipment home with you. We have received reports about stolen equipment, and want everyone to understand that you alone are responsible for your belongings. We advise you to put your identification information on your belongings and try not to leave anything unattended.

Remember: We are open to the public on Sundays and during shoots. During these events it is much more difficult to track who is on range property, especially if people do not sign in at the office.

Be safe and responsible everyone.

Range Beautification Party: We would greatly appreciate your help and support to the upcoming Work Parties. Keep an eye out for the email blast. All Club Members and their families are invited. Per Al Wiscovitch, Club President there will be an “ALL YOU CAN EAT LUNCH” served for ALL of our Volunteers who come out and help.

Your assistance ensures that the Oranco Bowmen Archery Club remains the best in Southern California. There is a reason why people travel from all over California to shoot at our Archery Club. Get involved and help us out.  
Cook Shack Workers Needed: Positions are still available for volunteers to help out during the upcoming shoots.

Please contact Steve Baker in order to reserve your spot at: Cell# (951) 285-1550. First Come, First Served.  

Target Camping: This is NOT Allowed...Period. Your Membership will be terminated for doing this! The Practice Butts are for sighting in, improving your archery skills, and honing your accuracy. The Roving Range is just that, Roving. Shoot 4 arrows, Score them, then move on to the next target. 

You have been warned. Don't do it. It is not worth it. 

Katsu Sando

The katsu sando is a popular Japanese sandwich known for its simple ingredients, technique, and on-the-go appeal. This crustless wonder usually features white Japanese milk bread called shokupan, panko-breaded meat cutlets, thinly sliced cabbage, and an umami-packed tonkatsu sauce. The shokupan isn't easy to find, so a thick-cut texas toast worked great for me. But you could also try baking milk bread yourself too.

How Does Altitude Impact Bow Performance?

Scores of bowhunters hit the mountains every August and September in search of various big game animals. If you’re a mountain local, this article probably will be of little benefit to you. But, folks who live at sea level or somewhere between there and the mountains who’re planning a mountain bowhunt this fall could find it very beneficial.

Mission Statement:
My Goal as Newsletter Editor is to help Members stay informed with the Operations and Activities that are going on in and around the Oranco Bowmen Archery Club. Your suggestions are welcome and appreciated. Check out our Club Website: Oranco Bowmen Archery Club Website