Oregon Program Autism Training Sites and Supports

Fall 2017 Newsletter
 OrPATS Activities
  • Support existing OrPATS training sites and develop new sites as needed throughout all regions of the state.
  • Conduct workshops on evidence-based practices throughout the state.
  • Conduct workshops for new autism specialists/consultants and coordinate additional opportunities for training.
  • Provide follow-up webinar support and training site visitation support to workshop participants in order to ensure implementation of evidence-based practices.
  • Provide support to Early Childhood Programs to implement evidence-based practices in a variety of environments.
  • Conduct workshops for child care workers and Head Start teams to implement evidence-based practices.
  • Provide support to early childhood providers to maintain parent education and training services.
  • Establish new teams implementing evidence-based practices in each region of the state.
  • Provide on-line resources to staff who support general education teachers serving students with autism in general education settings.
  • Assist regional and district autism specialists to complete the ASD Program Self-assessment & Action Plan.
  • Collaborate with the Oregon Regional Management Team, ODE and the Oregon ASD Commission.
  • Provide reimbursement funds for substitute release time to attend workshops and for follow-up training at training sites.
 Training for Oregon Child Care Providers
OrPATS Child Care Provider Workshops
OrPATS conducted four workshops for Child Care providers in two regions of the state last Spring 2017.
The workshops were filled to capacity and were very well received. The focus of the workshops was how to use evidence-based practices in their child care settings. The training provided practical methods for child care centers to use immediately with their children. Each center received a set of visual supports and a subscription to the STAR Media Center. The workshops included lecture, demonstrations of specific methods, video examples and hands-on practice. 

Winter/spring of 2018 the OrPATS Project will be conducting workshops in each region of the state for child care providers. The workshops will be free of charge and are based on the success of our pilot last spring. More information will be available on the OrPATS website this fall.   
 OrPATS News

The OrPATS project has already been busy with August workshops! 
Thank you to all of the Regions for your collaboration to set up workshops across the state. We were able to schedule most workshops before school ended last year and are pleased we could provide several workshops before the new school year started. 
This August we had four amazing workshops.  On August 14-15 a two Day preschool/elementary evidence-based practices workshop was conducted in John Day.  It was exciting to see teams from across Grant County participating together.  Linn Bention Lincoln ESD in Albany hosted both a two day preschool/elementary evidence-based practices workshop and a secondary evidence-based practices workshop.  Columbia Regional Program hosted a two day preschool/elementary evidence-based practices workshop.  We look forward to collaborating  with both regions on implementing the practices learned in the workshop.  
For a complete list of upcoming workshops please visit the OrPATS website at www.orpats.org.  Don't forget sub reimbursement is available. 
Changes for OrPATS:
Change is inevitable and the OrPATS project is no exception.  We are saying goodbye to two trainers and welcoming a new trainer!  Shasta Quigley has been a fantastic help to the OrPATS project the past two years.  Thank you for sharing your expertise with us.  We hope to continue working with you in your new role.  Shelby Frantz has also been an incredible asset to the project.  She has provided valuable assistance to our secondary sites. We are thankful we will still get to collaborate with her in her continued role as Autism Consultant in the Beaverton School District.  We are excited to welcome our newest OrPATS Trainer, Alicia Schneider!  She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience. 
Research Report
 Focus on Evidence-based Practices
National Standards Project: Phase 2 

The Findings and Conclusions: National Stands Project, Phase 2 is now available along with a revised chart comparing the findings of the National Professional Development Center and the National Autism Center. OrPATS training sites use many of the established interventions identified, such as behavioral interventions, modeling, schedules, pivotal response training and many more. The NSP2 Report is available on the National Autism Center   website. The comparison chart is available on the National Professional Development website at: http://autismpdc.fpg.unc.edu/evidence-based-practices 
OrPATS Webinars Available
Participants who attend a workshop offered by OrPATS will receive a link to a follow-up webinar. Look for an e-mail with logon information after attending an OrPATS workshop.


The Oregon Program Autism Training Sites and Supports (OrPATS) project brings evidence-based practices to Oregon schools throughout the state. More than 40 training sites have been established in Oregon public schools in each region of the state and across all grade levels.
Oregon COSA Conference 
 Presentation by
Darby Lasley
OrPATS Project Coordinator
October 6, 2017
Eugene, Oregon

 Developing a Comprehensive Program
for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders Using Evidence-based Practices 
The presentation will describe the components of a comprehensive district-wide program for students with autism. Implementing  evidence-based instructional strategies can result in improved outcomes for students, increased communication with parents and job satisfaction for staff. Practical long-term solutions for implementing an effective program will be presented. Information on staff training available in Oregon through the Oregon Program Autism Training Sites and Supports project and the Oregon Regional Programs will also be shared.
New Autism Consultant/Specialist Training 

First Workshop Nov. 6-7
The OrPATS Project in collaboration with the Oregon Regional Programs and the Oregon Department of Education will be offering training for new Autism Specialists or Consultants this school year. The training will include information on autism characteristics, Oregon assessment and eligibility procedures, evidence-based practices for students with autism and effective consultation methods. The first training will be a two day workshop and will focus on autism characteristics and the Oregon eligibility procedures.  The training is open to any regional or district autism specialist/consultant or other staff involved in conducting autism eligibility. To register for the workshop go to the OrPATS website and download the registration form.
OrPATS Workshops
Fall workshops for the 2017-2018 school year have been scheduled.  OrPATS is providing workshops on evidence-based strategies and research-based curriculum. Check the OrPATS website to view upcoming training for the 2017-2018 school year.

Visit an OrPATS Training Site:
Educators are encouraged to schedule a visit to one of the many OrPATS Training sites throughout the state. To schedule a visitation go to the OrPATS website and review the map of Oregon for contact information for each of the training sites.

Reimbursement Requests
Remember to submit your substitute reimbursement request for an OrPATS workshop or training site visit. There is a limited amount of funds available on a first come first serve basis.  Please click here to download the substitute reimbursement request form. 
Contact Us
Have a question?
Need more information?

Contact us at information@orpats.org
OrPATS Staff
Director: Joel Arick

Project Coordinators:

Brenda Hancock 
Darby Lasley

NWRESD Administrative Support and Consultant:

Karen Shepherd

Alicia Schneider
Jenny Workman
Jennie Willis
Katherine Procter