Weekly Newsletter

March 21, 2024

11 Adar II 5784 | Parshah Vayikra



333 Cortland Ave, SF, CA 94110

Coming Up Soon...

Thu, 3/21, All Day

Tent of Mourning Actifest, 1151 Sixth St, Berkeley

Learn more

Thu, 3/21, 6:00 pm

Migrant Housing Forum UU

Register here

Fri, 3/22

No Service this week

Happy Purim!

Sat, 3/23, 5:00 pm

Or Shalom Purim Party

RSVP here for address

Sun, 3/24, 10:00 am

Family Purim Carnival & Costume Parade at

500 Cortland Ave

Fri, 3/29, 6:00 pm

Traveling Shabbat hosted by the Bernstein family

Register here

Sat, 3/30, 10:00 am

B'Mitzvah of Kerena Bernstein at UU

Sun, 3/31, 11:00 am

Antisemitism Processing Space, 333 Cortland Ave

RSVP here

Fri, 4/5, 5:30 pm

Happy Half Hour, Shabbat Service & Potluck at NVM

Sat, 4/6, 7:00 pm

We Are All Storytellers

Get tickets

Fri, 4/12, 6:00 pm

A Non-Theistic Shabbat

333 Cortland Ave

RSVP here

Recurring Events

Kvetch & Kvell crafting

2nd/4th Mondays, 4:00 pm

Zoom link + KVETCH

Torah Study Zoominyan

Thursdays, 10:00 am

Zoom Link + THURSDAY

Explore our Calendar

Become an Or Shalomer

A Purim Note from R'Faryn

In a time of so much grief and heartache, Purim comes not only as a balm, but as the seed of radical transformation. Purim demands us to refuse to accept the status quo, to turn everything upside-down, and to look at things from different perspectives. Our Or Shalom Purim gathering this year will do just that. We will have a family-friendly megillah retelling, where we will embody the story of Purim in unexpected and creative ways. We will have the opportunity to watch a shpiel (for adults) written by our very own community members that reimagines the ending of the Purim story. And we will dance, for Judaism teaches us that joy and pain are always bound together. I hope you can join us!

- R' Faryn

Celebrate Purim with us this weekend! All are welcome, so bring your friends!

Saturday: Purim Upside Down Party


Sunday: Family Purim Carnival & Parade

Learn More

Please note that there will be no Shabbat Service this week. Join us next week for Shabbat at the home of Dorie and Maxell Bernstein. RSVP here.

New Lehrhaus: Walking in the Valley of the Shadow

Tonight: Thursday, March 21, 7:00 pm, via Zoom link

As part of this series on Jewish ways in death and dying (which runs through May 23), Rabbi Me'irah Iliinsky leads Mapping the Journey: the Mourner & the Soul. This is tonight, so RSVP here to receive the Zoom link.

Bay Area Tent of Mourning

Today: Thursday, March 21, all day, 1151 Sixth St, Berkeley

Inspired by Queen Esther's ritualized grief, this will be a full day of teachings and self-directed ritual to deepen and expand your grief. Learn more by clicking here.

Antisemitism Processing Space

Sunday, March 31, 11:00 am, 333 Cortland Ave*

Join R' Faryn and your Or Shalom family to process what is arising for you in this time of increased polarization and rising antisemitism. RSVP by clicking here.

We Are All Storytellers

Saturday, April 6, 7:00 pm, Noe Valley Ministry

Featured Storytellers are Evelyn Martinez, Rabbi Me’irah Iliinsky, and Rabbi Dan Goldblatt. Click here to get your tickets!

Save the Dates:

Community Passover Seder, April 23

Hosted at the Miraloma Clubhouse. Share your thoughts on how our event should unfold, we want your input! Contact Amy now to have your say.

Annual Or Shalom Community Retreat, June 14-16

At beautiful Walker Creek Ranch in West Marin County. Registration to open soon!


East Bay Interfaith Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage

Saturday, March 23, 9:30 am (5+ mi) & 11:45 am (1 mi), Berkeley to Alameda

Collectively, we will walk 22 miles, Berkeley to Alameda, with stops along way. View route here. OS members will walk in either or both sections. Contact Allan Pleaner or Laura Bresler with questions. Sponsored by Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity. Register here. Note: this is the same day as the OS Purim celebration.

Tikkun Olam Corner

Migrant Housing Forum

Tonight, March 21, 6:00 – 8:00 pm, 1187 Franklin St.

The Interfaith Movement For Human Integrity is hosting a Migrant Housing Forum to provide information on supporting migrant families by sharing our own homes. To register for the online meeting, click here. Read more on our Sanctuary Page.

Support the Newly Arrived Families Committee

On March 7, 350 people, including several Or Shalomers, raised our voices to insist the city government make Sanctuary a reality and ensure no more children have to live in the streets! Five days later, Supervisor Safai, with the support of Supervisors Preston, Chan, and Walton, introduced this resolution.

Please email your supervisor and Mayor Breed to support the proposal of the Newly Arrived Families Committee. More information is available on our Sanctuary Page.

New Food Collection Box at Cortland Ave

We now have a collection box at our Cortland site. We are accepting: Protein bars, fruit or applesauce cups, juice boxes and aseptic milk boxes, trail mix packets (nuts + dried fruits), microwavable shelf-stable foods (noodle cups, soups, stews–cans must have POP-TOPS), baby foods, crackers, biscuits, packaged snacks (individual peanut butter package or small PB containers).

New Chesed Circle Volunteer Site | Click here to join

The Chesed Circle has started a website for OS members to volunteer to assist other members with visits, rides and meals. Need help or have questions? Email Madeleine at madelevin@gmail.com.

OS Member-Only Email Groups

Are you a member of Or Shalom and interested in joining one of our dedicated email discussion groups? We have open enrollment for the following groups: The Social Action Circle, Dayenu Circle, Voting Rights & Democracy, and Ceasefire.

The School of Jewish-Living Arts

In light of the wonderful inaugural Rosenzweig-Apelbaum Annual Ethics Lecture, that featured Rabbi David Teutsch, on Jewish Ethics in Life & Death Decisions, the SJLA will carry the momentum forward. Click here to read more...

Or Shalom Bulletin

Schedule a one-on-one with R' Faryn by clicking here


We gratefully acknowledge these contributions from our community:

When making a donation online, please be sure to specify where to allocate.

Debbie Benrubi, in memory of Morris Rostker.

Norisa Berardi and The Hartsough Family, in honor of Rabbi Faryn and the Chesed Committee for their comfort and care.

Judy Olasov, in memory of Anthony Louis Olasov and Bea Markow.

Jurate Raulinaitis & Kirk Schneider, in honor of Matt Rudoff.

Bryna Rifkind, in honor of all the volunteers and donators to the Winter Shelter Dinner!!!

Matthew Rudoff, in memory of Marcia Colby Rudoff.

Phyllis Shulman, in memory of my generous, radiant, social justice comrade-in-arms, Cita Cook.

Brad Smith, in honor of the Uber Drive who gave me a free ride home!

Corey Weinstein, in memory of Earl Weinstein.


On the anniversary of their deaths, we remember:

Peter Atanasio, Daniel Axelrod, Julie Bailly, Beth Bird, Edit Doron, Debbi Goodman-Smith, Albert Gurewitz, Morris Herzig, Eli Horton, David Lesser, Evelyn Mages Zelinsky, Jerome Muchin, Sylvia Small

Or Shalom Jewish Community

(415) 469 - 5542

Lisa Garbus, Interim Board President

Amy Mallor, Executive Director

Rabbi Faryn Borella, Rabbi

Naomi Rodriguez-Finer, Communications Specialist

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To submit an event for the newsletter, email newsletter@orshalomsf.org.

* Events marked with an asterisk are held at 333 Cortland Ave, a building which requires climbing 21 steps to access. If this poses a barrier to entry for you, please email rabbifaryn@orshalomsf.org with at least 5 days notice. Read our full accessibility notice here.