
My nature is optimistic. Like everyone, not all goes my way every time. Yet, not only do I push through, I dig deeper within myself to rediscover my strength of hope and reconnect with my friend, confidence. This is something I have worked long and hard to develop over the years of bouncing back and regaining my footing when things go sideways or down a slippery slope.
Most recently, considering the pandemic crisis we are experiencing with the Corona Virus, I have been thinking of how optimistic I am about our world. Knowing what I know for sure; this too shall pass and something good will have come from the experience. It’s not that I’m not sensitive to what is going on around our world, and not being affected in both my personal and business life, but as my friend  Victoria Trafton, wrote in her weekly "Pearl’"concerning our state of affairs; “I wondered what I could say to let my readers know I too care, and I wish them safety and well-being. I realize however, I have nothing noteworthy to say or add that hasn’t been said by someone with more insight than me.” I agree, Victoria. There is nothing I can add. Nonetheless we can come together as we practice social distancing and keep our hopes centered on the highest and best outcome. 
In the meantime, in my research concerning optimism through Our World in Data I found this: “It is a peculiar empirical phenomenon that while people tend to be optimistic about their own future, they can at the same time be deeply pessimistic about the future of their nation or the world.” We find this trend of optimism versus pessimism in our environment, health, politics and in our social standing. Most people think global poverty is rising when in fact the opposite is happening….52% believe that the share of people in extreme poverty is rising. The opposite is true. Equally, most people don’t know that child mortality is declining in poor countries. Here again the data is very clear. The child mortality rate in both the less-and least-developed countries has ‘halved in the last 20 years. Furthermore, in another data center I found this; Americans are currently living in one of the lowest crime periods ever and so are many people in the rest of the world. In the US homicide rates declined by almost 40% throughout the 1990’s and have remained low since. Emergent studies are providing evidence that this crime decline is not unique to the US, but rather occurring across most of the world. The only exception to these finding is Africa, where quality data are lacking, and Latin America, a region marked by historically higher levels, mostly drug related.  Continuing my research on optimism I found an article on Mindfulness and Positive Thinking; “Optimism is a trait that should become more common, judging by Winston Churchill's famous quote that "a pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." Optimism has been proven to improve the immune system, prevent chronic disease, and help people cope with unfortunate news. Gratitude is associated with optimism and has been determined that grateful people are happier, receive more social support, are less stressed, and are less depressed. Recent research indicates that optimists and pessimists approach problems differently, and their ability to cope successfully with adversity differs as a result.” 

This I know for sure; I am optimistic for our world. We are a collective assembly of resilient people. We have lived through wars, plowed through trials and tribulations, earthquakes and storms and illness and we come through, most of the time with a greater appreciation for our every-day-lives. In this case, I will most certainly appreciate my health, hugs, touch, travel and being able to visit my darling grandson in California. 

Donald Trafton, in his latest newsletter addressing ‘Your best COVID-19 strategy’ posted Dr. James Robb, MD, FCAP with more than 50 years researching various coronaviruses, including the usual no handshaking, etc. Yet according to Donald, who is over 80, after further research and personal understanding of health and wellbeing, says that the most important strategy is to “do whatever gives you peace of mind and focus on doing all you can do to build your healthy immune system. Stick to the basics: healthy diet, daily exercise, and get 8 hours of sleep.” I couldn’t agree with you more, Donald. Solidifying our basics of good hygiene, healthy routines and the influence of our thoughts are still the best medicine.  

A sincere appreciation for Donald and Victoria Trafton who continue to write and deliver optimistic and relevant information on a diversity of subjects. Always inspiring, their voices strengthen our hope and build our confidence in our ability to live braver lives. 

Join me in being optimistic. Our health and well-being depend on it. 

Yours in hope and confidence for a brighter tomorrow and future,
