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Earthkeeping Summit
March 31, 2012
Saturday March 31, 2012 from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM EDT
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The Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center
2201 Fred Taylor Drive
Columbus, OH 43210

Driving Directions
Free Parking is available at the 4-H Center and across Fred Taylor Drive in the Bill Davis Stadium Lot.

Interested in carpooling? We've created a Facebook page where you can connect with other people and arrange rides. Click here.

Lunch is provided.

Earthkeeping Summit Flyer

Earthkeeping Summit Detailed Agenda

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Join us at the Earthkeeping Summit where we'll explore the connection between faith and the environment and discover ways to put our faith into action. Inspiring speakers and engaging workshops will be offered.
Dr. Jason Box, OSU, a leading climatologist and researcher will share the most recent science about climate change.
Nancy Sleeth, Program Director for Blessed Earth, speaker and author, will share a faith perspective.

For more details about all the Earthkeeping Summit speakers and workshops, click the "Get more information" button below.
To register for the Earthkeeping Summit, click "Register Now!" You will receive an Early Bird discount if you register through February 27th.
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I can't make it
We are striving to make the Earthkeeping Summit a Zero-Waste Event, reducing typical event waste by at least 90%. To help us in this effort, please register on-line. You will receive an e-mail confirmation of your registration.
We look forward to seeing you at the Earthkeeping Summit!
Gregory Hitzhusen
Chair, Ohio Interfaith Power and Light

P.S. Help us to spread the word about the Earthkeeping Summit.