The Magic of Bali Returns
November 1 - December 24
Our 23rd Annual Holiday
Show & Sale of Indonesian Handcrafts, Gifts,
& More in Chestnut Hill

Tuesday - Saturday 11 am - 6 pm
Sunday, Monday 12 - 5 pm
Indonesian Crafts, Gifts, Treasures, & Art
Visit our Indonesian marketplace, a colorful collection of hand-selected handcrafts for your holiday gift giving. Affordable, fair trade, and inspired. Explore the wonderful treasures you will find when you shop! Enjoy Laura Cohn's contemporary batik paintings which draw upon the rich traditions of her beloved Indonesia.
Special Cultural Events
To bring you in touch with the rich cultural heritage of this exotic land we have images , music , dance , Indonesian dinners , cooking classes , films , and speakers bringing us closer to this distant land. See our full list of special cultural events.

O pening N ight C elebration
Friday, November 1st 7 - 9 pm
Bringing Indonesia to You
No passports required for a cultural journey to experience the sights, sounds, and magic of Bali and beyond. Though halfway around the world, for two months it is right at your doorstep in Chestnut Hill. Come be transported! Follow Laura Cohn's 30 years of loving Indonesia.
Outreach, Advocacy, Support
This year, a portion of our sales will help raise awareness about pressing issues in Indonesia, and assist Indonesian immigrants living in South Philadelphia seek justice.

Come visit From Bali to Bala and leave with uplifted spirits
Discover Us & Chestnut Hill
Hosting the show for the 10th year, the lovely area of Chestnut Hill has so much to share for the holiday season.
Look for our colorful flags, temple umbrellas, and our becak out front. Directions to the show and parking options in Chestnut Hill.
8532 Germantown Ave.
Nov. 1 - Dec. 24, 2019